Update from Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research Susan Zimmerman, Executive Director CAREB National Conference Vancouver, B.C. May 1, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Update from Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research Susan Zimmerman, Executive Director CAREB National Conference Vancouver, B.C. May 1, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update from Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research Susan Zimmerman, Executive Director CAREB National Conference Vancouver, B.C. May 1, 2015

2 Outline of Presentation Highlights of activities: 2014-2015 –Research ethics –Responsible conduct of research Current activities – research ethics Looking ahead

3 Highlights: 2014-15 Research ethics TCPS 2 (2014) –Approved by Agencies – fall 2014 –Launched - December, 2014 Interpretations –Responded to 143 requests last year –Modified interpretation of 5.1 (support for researchers when confidentiality of participants is threatened) - clarified scope of legal advice covered; Agencies advised eligible institutions of need for policy

4 Highlights: 2014-15 Responsible conduct of research 89 active files in 2014-15 44 files resolved – 42 involving Agency funds Breach of Agency policy in 14 of the 42 (33%) CIHR: 6 of 13 NSERC: 4 of 18 SSHRC:4 of 11 Most common allegations: plagiarism; redundant publications; misrepresentation in applications.

5 Current research ethics activities Sub-committees finalizing recommendations to PRE: Chapter 11 - expanded scope, updated guidance Population and Public Health Research - filling a gap in TCPS 2 Sub-committee providing interim report to PRE: Research Participant Education – developing webinar module to serve research participants

6 Looking ahead Sub-committee on material incidental findings Resolving guidance for review of cell line research !!!Survey of REB members!!! PRE to consider strategic priorities (June)

7 Looking ahead (cont’d) Educational resources Launch of updated Course on Research Ethics (CORE) Launch of new modules for CORE Launch of RCR tutorial

8 Please get in touch Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research 350 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1A 1H5 Tel.: 613 996-0072 secretariat@rcr.ethics.gc.ca www.pre.ethics.gc.ca

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