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Classification To organize living things in an orderly and consistent way.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification To organize living things in an orderly and consistent way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification To organize living things in an orderly and consistent way.

2 Biodiversity Definition: The variety of species living in an area The _____________ biodiversity there is in an ecosystem, the ___________ that ecosystem is. more healthier

3 WHY, oh WHY do we CLASSIFY?? When we classify things they are: 1.Easier to find and identify. 2.Allows is to see relationships.

4 HOW do we Classify? Anatomy Cytology BioChemistry Embryology ?

5 Language : LATIN “Hey mate want to grab a joint, share a fag and wipe up with a nappy?”

6 Levels of Classification Did King Phillip Come Over For Green Soup Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

7 How does THIS represent the Levels of Classification? Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primate Hominidae Homo sapiens

8 Kingdom Phylum Class

9 Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

10 Scientific Names: Binomial Nomenclature Cat Gatto Chat Felis domesticus or Felis domesticus 猫 Katze γάτ α

11 Honeoye Falls-Lima ? ◦cougars ◦mountain lion ◦panther ◦puma ◦catamount Felis concolor

12 How to Write a Scientific name Use the GENUS and SPECIES names. Genus is first, species is second. Genus is capitalized (first letter only), species is all lower case. The entire name is either underlined or italicized (when handwritten, always underline). MUSCA DOMESTICA URSUS HORRIBILIS CANUS LUPUS

13 Dichotomous Keys A tool that allows the user to determine the identity of items in the natural world, such as trees, wildflowers, mammals, reptiles, rocks, and fish. Keys consist of a series of choices that lead the user to the correct name of a given item. For each item, there are two choices…

14 Dichotomous Keys: a series of two statement options to help identify an object 1 a. If chocolate……………………………………………….go to 2 b. If not chocolate…………………………………………..go to 3 2 a. If one large piece…………………………………………________________ b. If many smaller pieces…………………………………...________________ 3 a. If long, flexible and one color……………………………________________ b. If multicolored and small pieces………………………...________________ SNICKERS BAR M & Ms TWIZZLERS SKITTLES

15 What the heck is a Cladogram? A cladogram is a tree-like diagram showing evolutionary relationships.

16 Cladograms, continued… Cladograms also show which groups are more related to each other than to other groups: Example: snakes are more closely related to birds than they are to mammals.

17 Holy Cow!! Can you imagine doing all this?

18 Good Regents Question from June ’05 Exam

19 DomainKingdomCharacteristics Archea Bacteria Eukarya Archaebacteria Moneran - Most primitive- Live in extreme - Prokaryotic conditions - Prokaryotic - Has only two phyla: blue green algae and eubacteria Protista - Most diverse- Both plant and animal like - Single celled- Auto and Heterotrophic Fungi - Heterotrophic- Sessile - Multicellular (except yeast) Plantae - Autotrophic - Multicellular Animalia - Heterotrophic- Motile - Multicellular Bizzaro Fact: The world’s largest organism is the Honey Mushroom, or Armillaria ostoyae. It is a fungus living 3 feet underground and covers the area of about 1,665 football fields. It is estimated to be between 2,400 and 7,200 years old!

20 Name the correct Kingdom or Domain, or give a characteristic of a domain or kingdom! 100 pts per question (solo) OR 50 pts if you decide to use your team for help. Questions answered wrong can be stolen by another team for full points

21 Contains multicellular organisms which must get their food from another organism… Name the Kingdom

22 ► All of these organisms do photosynthesis.

23 Name the Domain(s) ► Contains prokaryotic organisms…

24 Name the Kingdom




28 Name a characteristic of Domain Eukarya… ► All organisms in this domain contain cells with a nucleus.

29 Name a characteristic of Domain Archaea ► Most primitive cells (oldest cells) ► Live in extreme environments ► Prokaryotic cells (no nucleus)

30 Name the Kingdom and Domain

31 Name three Kingdoms in Eukarya Domain ► Animalia ► Plantae ► Fungi ► Protista

32 Name the Domain


34 Name the kingdom and domain

35 Name a characteristic of the Kingdom fungi ► Heterotrophic ► Multicellular (except yeast) ► Non-motile

36 Name the Domain



39 Name the Kingdom and Domain

40 Name the levels of classification in order (largest to smallest) ► Domain ► Kingdom ► Phylum ► Class ► Order ► Family ► Genus ► Species

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