MORALS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2011. THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF While watching -I want you to think.

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Presentation on theme: "MORALS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2011. THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF While watching -I want you to think."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF While watching -I want you to think about the characters -Think about what is happening in the story -What lesson is being taught

3 MORAL IS….. a message conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be left to the hearer, reader or viewer to determine for themselves, or may be explicitly stated at the end of the storymessagelessonstory event

4 EXAMPLES “Better to be safe than sorry“ "Be friends with whom you don't like“ "Don't judge people by the way they look“ "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me“ "Slow and steady wins the race“ "Once started down the dark path, forever will it hold your destiny“ "Your overconfidence is your weakness".

5 INSPIRATIONAL STORIES Remember the inspirational stories that you are writing will need to carry a positive message CHALLENGE Learn from your Mistakes - Based on this moral – create a short positive story to share with the class in 7minutes

6 MARTY’S BIG MISTAKE ories.htm#martymouse

7 Marty mouse was walking home from school one sunny day. A rock was on the sidewalk, which he kicked along the way. The rock would bounce and roll until it stopped a bit ahead, but one time when he kicked it, he forgot to use his head.

8 He kicked the rock too hard, and sent it flying through the air. It flew toward a house and that gave Marty quite a scare. The rock broke through a window with a dreadful crashing sound. He knew he'd be in trouble if somebody was around.

9 He felt bad for what happened, but he was too scared to stay. He didn't know what he should do, so he just ran away. He ran the whole way home and didn't stop 'till he got there. He thought that he should tell someone, and yet he didn't dare.

10 Because he got away with it, he now was free and clear. Nobody knew he did it. He had no reason to fear. But something inside Marty's head told him it wasn't right. He started feeling bad. He couldn't sleep at all that night.

11 So Marty sat awake in bed, and wondered what to do. He felt ashamed of what he did, and he was sorry too. At last he made his mind up, he would go and right the wrong. He knew it would be scary, but he knew he must be strong.

12 YOUR TASK Complete the story with your own ending – Explicitly tell us what the moral of your story is


14 WHAT ARE IDIOMS… This is Amelia Bedilia I will read the book entitled: __________________________ Your Task To listen for funny phrases and how Amelia Bedilia responds to them n0VTMtbw

15 WHAT ARE IDIOMS …. IDIOMS ARE……. Words and sayings that have hidden meanings Often these expressions don’t mean exactly what the words say Understanding Idioms is a piece of cake… here are some examples A Chip On Your Shoulder: -Being upset for something that happened in the past. A Leopard Can't Change His Spots: You cannot change who you are. Against The Clock: Rushed and short on time. An Arm And A Leg: Very expensive. A large amount of money.

16 ACTIVITY Piece of cake Fight to the nail Fat chance Cut me some slack You have to explain the phrase to a Non-English speaking student so they can understand what this idiom mean. After brainstorming you can explain your idiom, act your idiom out or draw a picture to explain your idiom

17 hit the books make a beeline got a tiger by the tail a frog in the throat pie in the sky bat in the belfry blow his or her stack hit the nail on the head go fly a kite have a green thumb pull a leg eager beaver stick in the mud have a ball raining cats and dogs make a mountain out of a molehill have something up the sleeve pull the wool over someone's eyes walls have ears lose one's marbles

18 It was Sunday night and Allison was going to bed to "take the load off her feet" when she "stopped dead in her tracks." She remembered that her project was due the very next day. Since this project was a major part of her grade, she knew that it was going to have to "sweep her teacher off her feet." Allison's "feet flew" as she raced to her mom's room. She asked her mother to help her. Her mother replied that sooner or later she would have to learn to "stand on her own two feet." Allison knew that she had "gotten off on the wrong foot" starting so late and that she would have to "step on the gas" if she wanted to finish this paper. Then she knew that next time a paper was assigned she would have to "get her foot in the door" and "take steps" to prevent this from happening again.

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