Informing solutions together Description of methodology and tools – JIPS/CartONG/Tufts/DAJI mission to Delhi, March 10-16, 2013 Urban profiling of refugee.

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Presentation on theme: "Informing solutions together Description of methodology and tools – JIPS/CartONG/Tufts/DAJI mission to Delhi, March 10-16, 2013 Urban profiling of refugee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Informing solutions together Description of methodology and tools – JIPS/CartONG/Tufts/DAJI mission to Delhi, March 10-16, 2013 Urban profiling of refugee situations in Delhi

2 Informing solutions together Objectives: Acquire a better understanding of UNHCR-assisted refugees (~22,000, 6,805 households) vis a vis other urban populations in same neighborhoods, in terms of  Where they live (mapping)  Degree of economic and social integration, and factors affecting integration (incl. protection issues)  Capacities - skills, education, assets and human capital  Needs – espec. related to livelihoods and education Outputs:  Methodology and data set;  Map of refugee locations in Delhi;  Report on situation NB: no estimation of numbers Profiling Exercise in Delhi

3 Informing solutions together Mapping of three refugee groups in New Delhi Survey of three refugee groups + non-refugee neighbors in areas where refugees are clustered: Focus groups and key informant interviews – To follow up survey and explore findings – To explore issues not covered in survey, including: Extent and problems with economic + social integration How assets and skills can be improved or supported Methodology

4 Informing solutions together MAPPING – clustering of refugee groups

5 Informing solutions together MAPPING – clustering of refugees

6 Informing solutions together  Sampling strategy  Structured questionnaire  Mobile data collection  Data collection period: 3-4 weeks  Data analysis period + report writing: ~4 weeks SURVEY

7 Informing solutions together  Number of target households (sample) – Burmese: N=350 + 150 neighbors=500 – Afghans: N=350 + 150 neighbors = 500 – Somalia: N=100 + 100 neighbors = 200 – Total N: 1200  Three-stage sample selection:  Stage 1: PPS selection of main sampling areas of refugee concentration in Delhi  (mapping based on ProGres + key informants)  Stage 2: random selection of 200 sampling sites from UNHCR registration list (ProGres data base)  Stage 3: travel to selected sites, then select 5-7 dwellings (households) in immediate area (~3 refugee, 2 Indian) SURVEY SAMPLING STRATEGY

8 Informing solutions together Examples of sampling areas (based on PPS) West Delhi South Delhi

9 Informing solutions together Household level: Demographics Housing and Household Composition Children in household and school access Migration and mobility Experience in Delhi – Evictions, crime, social capital Employment + Skills – Livelihoods – Household skills capacities (languages, work experience) – Details for top two income earners (type of work – self-employed, employed, problems) Assets + Resources – Financial security – Debt, borrowing, assistance (aid and government), remittances Survey Questionnaire - Modules

10 Informing solutions together Example of questionnaire module

11 Informing solutions together Livelihoods module (section)

12 Informing solutions together CartONG assistance (Sandra) mobile data collection devices Clean data! Mobile data collection

13 Informing solutions together FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS & KEY INFORMANT INTERVIEWS:  With men, women, youth from three target groups  Objectives: o To address questions arising from the HH survey and the preliminary findings; o To address gaps in the HH survey scope o To validate preliminary findings amongst communities.  When? After completion of survey, for approx. 2-3 weeks Qualitative Approach

14 Informing solutions together  Survey data + qualitative data analyzed remotely by JIPS and Tufts/FIC  Preliminary findings report ready by ~May 2013  Workshop with UNHCR Delhi and working group: to present & discuss findings and develop recommendations. (~June 2013)  Final report based on workshop + findings by JIPS/FIC. DATA ANALYSIS & REPORTING

15 Informing solutions together  Training of enumerators, DAJI, JIPS, Tufts - including in use of mobile data collection devices (by CartONG) (March 14-16)  Field Pilot survey (March 18-20) and revisions  Survey data collection for three weeks (March 21- mid-April)  Data analysis (mid-April-May)  Next mission: qualitative research by JIPS + DAJI, mid-April. NEXT STEPS:

16 Informing solutions together +41 22 739 8973

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