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 IiPaM IiPaM.

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4  IiPaM IiPaM


6  3 Parts  Fundus- Top  Body- Middle Section  Pyloris- Inferior Portion


8  2 Sphincters – Circular muscles at the beginning and end of the stomach.  Cardiac (esophageal) Sphincter – Prevents stomach contents from escaping back into the esophagus.  Pyloric Sphincter- separates the stomach from the small intestine.

9  Holds between 2-3 Pints of Fluid (about ½ gallon)  Thick Mucous Lining- protects tissues of the stomach from becoming “digested”  What do you think would happen if this mucous lining was not there?

10  Rugae- Folds in the inner lining of the stomach  Walls of the stomach hold various cells that produce stomach acid (HCl)  3 Glands Secrete:  Mucous  HCl  Pepsinogen (Pepsin)- Enzyme that digests protein

11  Food is mixed in with gastric juices producing “Chyme” the consistency of “pea soup”.  Muscles – wave like contractions

12  3RKEs 3RKEs

13  V2NpQ V2NpQ

14  Foods high in Carbs spend little time in the stomach while foods high in Protein spend a little more time.  Foods high in Fat spend the most time in the stomach because they trigger an enzyme to be released in the small intestine that slows stomach emptying.

15  Duodenum- (12)  Jejunum- (empty)  Ileum- (twisted)


17  Middle portion of small intestine  Villi- (tufts of hair)  Micro Villi


19  Secretes intestinal enzymes that further breakdown food. Intestinal Amylase Intestinal Protease Intestinal Lipase  Begin absorption of nutrients

20  Last Portion of Small Intestine  Absorption of Nutrients (mostly)  Some enzymatic production

21  Colon-  Absorption of water, ions, and some vitamins  No villi  Waste becomes solid (feces)  Contains bacteria that aid in the breakdown of food and some B vitamins along with the production of vitamin K.

22  Liver  Gall Bladder  Pancreas

23  Functions (2 main)  1. Glycogenesis  2. Production of Bile

24  Aids regulating blood sugar levels in the body by storing glycogen when blood sugar is high, and converting glycogen into glucose when blood sugar is low.

25  Bile salts emulsify fats (makes them into little fat “droplets”).

26  Stores Bile

27  Makes Insulin (lowers blood sugar)  Pancreatic Enzymes:  Pancreatic Amylase  Pancreatic Protease  Pancreatic Lipase

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