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Radical Functions and Rational Exponents

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1 Radical Functions and Rational Exponents
Chapter 6 Radical Functions and Rational Exponents

2 To simplify expressions with rational exponents
What you’ll learn … To simplify expressions with rational exponents

3 Another way to write a radical expression is to use a rational exponent.
Like the radical form, the exponent form always indicates the principal root. √25 = 25½ 3 √27 = 27⅓ 4 √16 = 161/4

4 Example 1 Simplifying Expressions with Rational Exponents
1251/3 2½ ½ 2½ ½ P/R = power/root r √x p ( √x )p r * *

5 A rational exponent may have a numerator other than 1
A rational exponent may have a numerator other than 1. The property (am)n = amn shows how to rewrite an expression with an exponent that is an improper fraction. Example 253/2 = 25(3*1/2) = (253)½ = √253

6 Example 2 Converting to and from Radical Form
y -2.5 y -3/8 √a3 ( √b )2 √x2 5 3

7 Properties of Rational Exponents
Let m and n represent rational numbers. Assume that no denominator = 0. Property Example am * an = a m+n ⅓ * 8⅔ = 8 ⅓+⅔ = 81 =8 (am)n = amn (5½)4 = 5½*4 = 52 = 25 (ab)m = ambm (4 *5)½ = 4½ * 5½ =2 * 5½

8 Properties of Rational Exponents
Let m and n represent rational numbers. Assume that no denominator = 0. Property Example a-m ½ am ½ am a m-n π3/ π 3/2-1/2 = π1 = π an π ½ a m am ⅓ ⅓ b bm ⅓ = = = = = = =

9 Example 4 Simplifying Numbers with Rational Exponents
(-32)3/5 4 -3.5

10 Example 5 Writing Expressions in Simplest Form
(16y-8) -3/4 (8x15)-1/3

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