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Child Development & Parenting Responsibilities Standard 5.0.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Development & Parenting Responsibilities Standard 5.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Development & Parenting Responsibilities Standard 5.0

2 1. The period of great growth & changes between childhood & adulthood--

3 Adolescence

4 2. A parenting style where parents are highly demanding & controlling, with little or no affection--

5 Authoritarian Parenting Style

6 3. A person that provides care for & meets the needs of someone else--

7 Caregiver

8 4. Union of an ovum & sperm, resulting in the beginning of a pregnancy--

9 Conception

10 5. Activity in which children actually play with one another--

11 Cooperative Play

12 6. The leader shares, is people-oriented & is open minded--

13 Democratic Parenting Style

14 7. To go through a natural process of growth--

15 Development

16 8. Training that corrects, molds & perfects ones actions--

17 Discipline

18 9. A developmental process that refers to the ability to experience, express & control emotions--

19 Emotional Development

20 10. The act or function of providing leadership & direction on how to make wise decisions--

21 Guidance

22 11. Learning that occurs by watching & copying the actions of others--

23 Imitation

24 12. A developmental process that refers to the growth of the brain & the use of mental skills--

25 Intellectual Development

26 13. Developmental process that refers to the ability to know right from wrong; the process of acquiring the standards of behavior considered acceptable by society--

27 Moral Development

28 14. Anything necessary to sustain life--

29 Needs

30 15. Activity in which children play side by side without interacting--

31 Parallel Play

32 16. The process of caring for children & helping them grow & learn--

33 Parenting

34 17. A parenting style that allows freedom, lax (no) parenting that doesn’t set limits or enforce rules constantly--

35 Permissive Parenting Style

36 18. A developmental process that refers to the physical growth of a person’s body; this growth affects height, weight & internal body systems--

37 Physical Development

38 19. From conception to birth--

39 Prenatal

40 20. An obligation or duty for which a person is held accountable--

41 Responsibility

42 21. The ability to direct your own behavior in a responsible way--

43 Self Discipline

44 22. Developmental process that refers to the way people relate to others around them--

45 Social Development

46 23. Type of play in which babies tend to play alone & ignore other children playing nearby--

47 Solitary Play

48 5.1.1—Stages of Growth & Development-- Infant—0-1 Toddler—1-3 Preschool—3-5 School Age—5-12 Adolescence—12-18


50 5.1.2—Value of Play Promoting Social & Emotional Development-- Locate a picture showing these kinds of play: Imitation—watching you Parallel Play—not interacting Solitary Play--alone Cooperative Play—playing together

51 5.1.3—Safety & Age Appropriateness of Play Materials & Activities for Young Children-- Create a list of play materials appropriate for young children--(3 for each age): Age 0-1—(Infancy) Age 1-3—(Toddlerhood) Age 3-5—(Preschool) Age 5-12—(School Age)



54 Evaluate a Toy-- 1-Does this toy respond & adapt to the interests & needs of the child? 2-Does it invite the child to explore & to become involved in it? 3-Does it respond to the child’s natural curiosity & whimsical nature?

55 Toys… 4-Is it unstructured, allowing the child to decide how best it should be used? There should be no right or wrong way to play with a toy. 5-Use recommended age labeling as a guide & look for warnings & other safety messages on toy packaging.


57 5.2.1—Identify the basic needs of children, Evaluating ways parents may meet those needs— What are the responsibilities of parenting? What are the basic needs of children?

58 Basic Needs of Children-- 1-Physical Needs-food, clothing & shelter 2-Emotional & Social Needs—children feel safe, loved & cared for; children learn how to make friends & work with others 3-Intellectual Needs—children need stimulation & the opportunity to learn about the world & become educated






64 Parenting Responsibilities-- Parenting is a learning process that occurs each day Parents must work to develop the skills required to meet their children’s needs, guide their behavior & help develop positive relationships




68 5.2.2—The 3 Parenting Styles-- 1—Authoritarian—this parent believes children should obey their parents without question. The parent tells a child what to do, & the child’s responsibility is to do it. When rules are broken, this parent responds quickly & firmly

69 Democratic Parenting Style-- Children have input into the rules & limits of the home Learning to take responsibility is important, so children are given a amounts of independence & freedom of choice within the rules When rules are broken, children accept the results of their actions & problem solve with parents to find an acceptable punishment

70 Permissive Parenting Styles-- Children are given a wide range of freedom Children set their own rules Children must think for themselves & not follow trends These parents ignore rule breaking

71 5.2.3—List the Major Responsibilities of a Caregiver-- Create a babysitting checklist:

72 5.3.1—Describe Safety Procedures for the Home-- First-Aide Techniques



75 Websites

76 5.3.2—Plan a Daily Menu for a Young Child-- Research food allergies in children Discuss choking hazards & potentially dangerous foods Plan a safe & nutritious snacks for children

77 Food Allergies An oversensitivity to a particular common substance that is harmless to most people The body’s immune system attacks the substance. Allergy symptoms are the side effects of the attack Allergic reaction occur when they eat, breathe in, or are injected with the thing they are allergic to

78 Allergies… The reaction may be a mild as puffy, itchy eyes or as severe as anaphylactic shock, a life- threatening condition that makes it difficult to breathe. It is important to watch for signs of allergies in babies Allergies tend to run in families

79 Allergies in Babies Babies should not eat eggs, citrus fruits, honey, peanut butter, corn, or shellfish during the first year of life These foods can cause allergies

80 Feeding Children- Children need small amounts of food several times a day Choking Foods—Popcorn, Peanuts, Hot Dogs Avoid sugar—leads to tooth decay & weight gain Encourage Fruits, Vegetables & Whole Grains

81 Healthy Food Fruits Vegetables Whole Grains *Plan a healthy day menu: include 2 snacks, breakfast, lunch & dinner

82 5.3.3—Research Child Immunizations-- Develop a chart showing recommended ages & immunizations-(chart—p. 552) Discuss required vs. recommended immunizations *Immunization—A shot of a small amount of a dead or weak disease-carrying germ given so that the body can build up resistance to the disease.

83 Vaccine The disease carrying germ that usually is injected in the body Immunizations are one of the most important ways caregivers can protect children against certain diseases After being immunized, the body produces antibodies to fight off the germs for that disease.

84 Record of Immunizations Parents are responsible for making sure their children get the immunizations they need at the right times. Parents are required to keep a record of their child’s immunizations for school purposes

85 School Requirements States require all children to be immunized for certain diseases before they enter school. Also, children in child care centers must be immunized. Children under the age of 5 are the most likely to develop complications from the disease.

86 The Center for Disease Control Establishes schedules for children’s immunizations: Chart—P. 552—textbook Hepatitis B Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DPT) H. Influenza Type B Polio Measles, Mumps, Rubella Varicella (Chicken Pox) Pneumococcal Influenza Hepatitis A

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