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2.1 and 2.2  Limited government – power of the monarch not absolute  Representative government – government where people elect delegates to create.

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2 2.1 and 2.2

3  Limited government – power of the monarch not absolute  Representative government – government where people elect delegates to create and enforce laws But I don’t wanna be a pirate!!!!

4  Magna Carta – 1215, signed by King John, stating that the king does not have all the power ◦ What does that sound like…????  English Bill of Rights – 1688, signed by William and Mary, stating the specific powers of the monarch and establishing Parliament’s powers ◦ And this one sounds like…???

5 1.Natural rights: 1.Life 2.Liberty 3.Property 2.Social contract – if you do not like the agreement made with your government, you are allowed to break it!!!!

6  1754-1763 – French and Indian War ◦ England v. French and Indians ◦ Results:  England won, but lost lots of money  Therefore, they taxed the American colonists  Colonists not happy because: ◦ NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!!

7  Stamp Act – 1765, England imposed a direct tax on legal documents, pamphlets, newspapers, etc. ◦ Reaction???  Colonists complained  Stamp Act repealed  BUT…  Another tax replaced it.  Angry citizens = Boston Tea Party (1773) = nobody likes England

8  We try to unite as a country: ◦ Albany Plan of Union (didn’t work, sorry Ben) ◦ First Continental Congress (1774)  Imposed an embargo, or an agreement to prohibited trade, with England  April 19, 1775  Lexington and Concord, the “shot heard ‘round the world” ◦ Second Continental Congress (1775)  Assumed power as a central government  John Hancock = President, George Washington = commander of the Continental Army  Declared war against England

9  Common Sense, a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, influenced colonists to go against King George III  Samuel Adams: “Is not America already independent? Why not then declare it?”  Hmm…

10  Who: Thomas Jefferson  What: document officially declaring America an independent state from England  Where: Philadelphia  When: July 4, 1776  Why: we wanted to be free of England due to its taxation without representation along with its inferior treatment of the colonies

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