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TUESDAY – MAY 20, 2014 CHS AUDITORIUM 6:00 P.M. S.W.A.P. (Student Work Assistance Program)

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Presentation on theme: "TUESDAY – MAY 20, 2014 CHS AUDITORIUM 6:00 P.M. S.W.A.P. (Student Work Assistance Program)"— Presentation transcript:

1 TUESDAY – MAY 20, 2014 CHS AUDITORIUM 6:00 P.M. S.W.A.P. (Student Work Assistance Program)

2 Program Purpose The program’s purpose is to allow a student athlete to swap time for Central Public Schools for athletic participation. In an effort to aid families in covering these fees, Central Public Schools has designed a program allowing the athlete the opportunity to swap hour in exchange for athletic fees.

3 Fee/Cost Reminder Athletic participation fees cover the registration fee only (Central Public School sports only). Any specific requirements related to each individual sport are the responsibility of the athlete and parent. This may include special shoes, camp clothing, equipment, etc.

4 Program Goals Allow the student to work in a safe and supervised work environment. Teach positive work habits and responsibilities to students. Provide students with real world work experiences and expectations. Foster a sense of pride in themselves and their schools by giving them a sense of ownership through their actions. Create a sense of responsibility and commitment to their sport(s), their team members and their school. Aid in future career/college endeavors.

5 District Responsibilities Ensure the safety and well being of all participants. Students are covered under Central Public Schools’ Workman’s Compensation Medical Coverage. Establish and maintain accurate record keeping. Establish student, parental, and school notification systems for schedules, responsibilities, and program fulfillments. Create program rules, expectations, and guidelines that students will be expected to follow. Train workers, custodial, and maintenance staff in proper work procedures.

6 Parent Responsibilities Attend pre-employment meeting. Provide written permission and emergency contact information. Support program guidelines and expectations. Encourage your child to adopt and maintain positive work ethics and habits. Maintain open and positive communication with program coordinators. Provide transportation to and from the work site.

7 Student Responsibilities Complete application/contract. Be on the job at all scheduled hours and perform the duties assigned to them. Give your supervisor advanced notice (24 hours) if you are unable to work. Comply with all directives related to the job assignment, work performance, and safety guidelines as given by the supervisor.

8 Student Responsibilities Develop and maintain positive relationships and attitudes in all dealings with supervisors, fellow crew members, and school staff. NO cell phone usage for calls or texting during work times. Phone calls or text messages can be returned during scheduled break times only. Come prepared to work – Be on time and ready to give 100% during your work shift. Dress appropriately for the job and for being in a public school building. Minimum requirement is to work a four(4) hour shift.

9 How do students “SWAP” their fees? One sport costs $120 - that equates to 15 hours of work. If you have the $360 family cap on athletic costs, that would equate to 45 hours of work.

10 “What If” Clause What if my child decides to quit SWAP?  You will be credited for their time. That amount will be subtracted from your 2014-2015 athletic fees on your school bill. What if my child is terminated from SWAP?  You will be credited for their time. That amount will be subtracted from your athletic fees on your school bill. What if my child quits the team during the season?  If a child quits there is no monetary compensation back to the parents.

11 What if my child is unsure of the number of sports he/she would like to participate in?  We recommend that students work off the number of sports they think they will participate in. “What If” Clause

12 SWAP Supervisors District 301  Ernie Nelson: Director of Buildings & Grounds  Donnie Lawrence: SWAP & Custodial Supervisor   847-464-6050  Tom Buresh: Grounds Supervisor   847-464-6050 Central High School –  Mr. Steve Diversey: Athletic Director   847-464-6038

13 S.W.A.P. It is important for students to remember that this is a real job. Our expectations for your promptness, dress, work ethic, and commitment are just the same as if you worked at McDonald’s, Portillo’s or any other job. Parents – Please remember to have your child contact their supervisor or Mrs. Sohn to call off or ask questions. This will help build their independence and self-confidence. We look forward to working with you this summer!

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