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Presentation on theme: "Arteriosclerosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arteriosclerosis

2 What is Arteriosclerosis?
It refers to several diseases in which the arterial wall thickens and loses its elasticity It is the thickening and stiffening of the artery walls from too much pressure


4 Atherosclerosis Commonly confused with atherosclerosis, which is the formation of plaques consisting of cholesterol and other substances on the arterial walls. Fatty material is deposited along the walls of arteries, forming plaques and atheromas. This causes obstruction of the normal blood flow, which can be partial or complete. Atherosclerosis can lead to arteriosclerosis, which comes from the Greek for “hardening of the arteries.”


6 Sites of Arteriosclerosis
arteries in the:- brain, kidneys, heart, abdominal aorta, or legs

7 Risk Factors/Causes This sort of damage does not happen over-night. It takes years for you arteries to become brittle, hard and narrow. Increasing age Family history Smoking High cholesterol Diabetes High blood pressure In activity Over-weight Stress

8 Healthy Lifestyle Exercise, Medication Surgery
Reducing dietary calcium and increasing magnesium intake Try to control stress Eat a healthy diet Refrain from smoking Get regular exercise Maintain healthy levels of cholesterol Maintain blood sugar, and blood pressure


10 EXERCISE Exercise improves your mood.
Exercise combats chronic diseases. Exercise helps manage your weight Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs Promotes better sleep Exercise can be fun

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