Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 1 Developing Southend Together’s Sustainable Community Strategy 2007 - 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 1 Developing Southend Together’s Sustainable Community Strategy 2007 - 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 1 Developing Southend Together’s Sustainable Community Strategy 2007 - 2010

2 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 2 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy The ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy Key findings from a review of Community Strategy documents Discussion points from the “Developing Southend Together’s Sustainable Community Strategy” paper

3 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 3 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy “ 6 out of 10 respondents felt that the strategy acts as the key overarching document and plays a key role in informing the Council Corporate Plan” – ODPM Dec 05 Economic Develop and Enterprise

4 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 4 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy

5 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 5 Key findings from a review of Community Strategy documents ODPM – Review of Community Strategies – December 2005 Use of evidence - Many cases lacked coherency and in around a third of 50 strategies assessed did not support the actions specified. Baselines, Actions and Targets – Clearer links between them required, as part of the performance management framework. Policy Integration – Greater consideration should be given to the totality of government policies which may affect an area. Audience – Often written for difference audiences. Spatial Issues – Community strategies rarely considered spatial issues rarely or even contained maps of the areas they covered.

6 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 6 Key findings from a review of Community Strategy documents ODPM – Review of Community Strategies – December 2005, cont’d Engagement of the Voluntary and Community Sector – Did not generally outline how the sector as a whole should be involved in the design and delivery of the community strategy. Two tier working – This appeared to be very limited with few tangible links between the strategies for different tiers. Resources required to implement Community Strategies – None of the 50 Community Strategies or their action plans that were assessed outlined what resources were entering an area and how these should be allocated.

7 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 7 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy Introduction Southend Together’s first Community Plan was prepared in March 2003. The next plan, now called a Sustainable Community Strategy, needs to be in place for March 2007 The aim of the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) is to provide the touchstone for developing corporate and others plans in the Southend Community, including the Local Area Agreement (LAA). Learning points, from the development of the last plan and from the experience of other LSP’s is that the SCS would benefit from; –Being developed using needs that are evidence based. –Developed collaboratively through partnership working and fully owned by Southend Together in such a way that properly addresses the prioritised needs of the community –Include a separate ‘Action Plan’ which provides the basis for performance monitoring and improvement.

8 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 8 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy ‘Initial’ Outline Development Plan Initial work to scope draft process and time line Southend Together review and input to process Initiate work programme Southend Together progress report and initial findings Primary Consultation Southend Together progress report from consultation CSC Drafting and partnership development Southend Together review draft strategy Further consultation and refinement January / February 06 February 21 st 06 February / March 06 April 25 th 06 May (Mid) 06 June 27 th 06 July / August September 12 th 06 October / November 06

9 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 9 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy ‘Initial’ Outline Development Plan Southend Together to approve the SCS Development of SCS Action Plan and communications approach Southend Together to approve Action Plan and SCS document design ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy Launch Event Southend Together to review learning points from SCS development process Southend Together to review Qtr 1 progress report November 21 st 06 December 06 / January 07 January TBC 07 March 07 May 07 July 07

10 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 10 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy Key Activity Areas Project planning and development of robust timetable which will ensure the key target dates are met. Information review and analysis to determine the communities needs Consultation and input to determine the key priorities for the community –GO-East –Southend Together partners –Wider community – Groups and individuals Engagement and collaboration processes to ensure the SCS reflects a balanced view of the communities needs, which can then be integrated into the plans and activities of partner organisations. Marketing and communications processes to ensure that the contents of the SCS are widely communicated and understood Performance management processes established to ensure that progress can be monitored

11 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 11 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy Points for Consideration The proposal that the SCS is to be developed in the same year as the LAA, with an LSP that is still evolving, will be a challenge for all those involved. The current timetable is event driven, not checked against current capability and envisages that a working group will be established to ensure progress between Steering Committee meetings. A comprehensive review of existing research and information is to be undertaken prior to design of the consultation process, to ensure a proper evidence base can be established. Southend Together role, as a approval body, will need to be developed to ensure it can consistently achieve optimal solutions and avoid the pitfalls of collaborative decision making e.g. not settling for the lowest common denominator solution. The SCS and LAA development processes will need to be effectively integrated e.g. to ensure the overall LAA priorities are based on the SCS early enough to allow them to be developed in line with the LAA requirements.

12 Southend Together Secretariat 21 st February 2006 12 ‘Sustainable’ Community Strategy Points for Discussion and Agreement Nominated leads for all Southend Together partner organisations who can provide input to the development and implementation processes. Establish Working Group which will meet one or two times a month to support the development of the SCS. The Council will provide project management and coordination.

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