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If working with Personal Outcomes and Talking Points is so easy why does it not feel simple? June Findlater Fieldwork Manager, South Lanarkshire Council.

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Presentation on theme: "If working with Personal Outcomes and Talking Points is so easy why does it not feel simple? June Findlater Fieldwork Manager, South Lanarkshire Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 If working with Personal Outcomes and Talking Points is so easy why does it not feel simple? June Findlater Fieldwork Manager, South Lanarkshire Council

2 Like letters through a stick of Rock! Purpose Process Talking points

3 A social workers story Change since 1975 Implications of community care act East Renfrewshire CHCP experience Implications of policy ?

4 Background Easterhouse example Implementation of Community Care act is Scotland Opportunities to reframe and redefine?

5 Guidance 1991 Community Care Act 1993 Carers 1995 (recognition) Act JPIAF SSA Guidance 2001 Community Health and Care Act 2002 IoRN (Indicator of Relative Need) Updated Care Management Guidance 2004 Training Relaunch 2006 NMIS SSA,Review,carers,care plan Joint Future Agenda

6 The Turnaround Use Defined Service Evaluation Tool This is what people want CHCP development Why we were Early Implementers

7 What makes a good life? Choice Treated with Dignity and respect Being in control Involved in community Seeing friends & family Fulfilling ambitions Feeling safe Having people to rely on Keeping well Having things to do Feeling valued

8 And for SW Changing Lives Personalisation agenda moving: From - managing access to service To - helping people seek solutions From - passive recipients To - active partners

9 Challenges How do we maintain and increase independence and reduce costs against background of our demographic change? Citizenship means influence – that means transforming the way we interact and engage Unpicking current service design?

10 Opportunities from an outcomes approach A shift in power and where decisions are made Staff become more effective making best use of skills An integrated approach New Mission and Purpose – what matters most to you? It is not the public who ask for services it is the staff (We as citizens are the experts, we need expertise to guide us)

11 What is cultural change? Redefine purpose – a new mission Change culture and transform Citizenship means influence and responsibility: this can be harnessed - organisational capacity building Same tools, same resources put to best use through real partnership at all levels

12 It felt right We acknowledged need to change culture - new post, training language commitment to embedding approach at practice level - back to core values An outcomes focussed organisation – SOA-like words through stick of rock Congruent - best use of energy We can influence further change

13 Carers Pilot in East Renfrewshire Reframing the process Outcomes driven Effective training delivered to staff by carers A significant improvement in performance

14 Performance culture? Talking Points and personal Outcomes-what matters most to people, not a wish list Harvard research-reorientation not redesign Is there a disconnect with policy AWI AS&P etc? Improve not prove? Battleship story

15 Has it been embedded? Does everything from your pubic information to your internal processes at every level assume citizen as partner, and that staff are clear about role? Does implementation of policy support or weaken staff and lead to default position? Who in your organisation owns personal outcomes agenda?

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