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Classroom Interaction. EFL students need to speak out! Put a check mark in the appropriate box 1.How often do you ask your students questions in class?

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Interaction. EFL students need to speak out! Put a check mark in the appropriate box 1.How often do you ask your students questions in class?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Interaction

2 EFL students need to speak out! Put a check mark in the appropriate box 1.How often do you ask your students questions in class? 2.How often do you get your students to ask questions? 3.How often do you use classroom language in English during class? 4.How often do your students use classroom language in English during class?

3 EFL students need to speak out! 5.How often do you ask for volunteers? 6.How often do you call on students by name to participate? 7.How often do your students call on each other to participate?

4 EFL students need to speak out! 8.What do you usually do when a student cannot answer your question? a.Wait a few seconds while the student looks down at his/her desk and then ask for a volunteer. b.Wait until the student is sufficiently red in the face and then ask your star student who always knows the right answer. c.Rephrase the question, wait a few seconds, and then give the answer yourself. d.Other (Explain)

5 EFL students need to speak out! 9.When a student gives a one-word response, what do you usually do? a.Say, “Great!” feeling glad that the student said anything at all b.Cue the student to make a complete sentence c.Call on another student to turn the response into a full sentence d.Other (Explain)

6 EFL students need to speak out! 10.Are you satisfied with the amount of student participation in your classroom? YesNoSo soNot sure 11.Are you satisfied with the quality of student participation in your classroom? YesNoSo soNot sure

7 What is interaction? Interaction is when two or more people are doing something together.

8 Examples of Interaction in the classroom Reading aloud Conversation Questions and Answers Role-play Repetition / Drills

9 Why use classroom interaction techniques? Familiarizes students with using English. Helps students to feel comfortable interacting in English. Motivates students to learn English so they can communicate more easily. Gives students the chance to notice the gap between their listening and their speaking skills. Lets students test how English works and get feedback from their teacher.

10 Teacher’s responsibilities to the students Provide real language situations and materials Create a classroom environment in which students will be motivated to participate Make sure that each student has the opportunity to interact during each class. “Push” students into using the language correctly in order to develop full grammatical competence. Let the students know about their progress.

11 Students’ Responsibilities Participate and cooperate in classroom activities; interact during each class. Risk making mistakes. Try out, experiment, and create with the language. Learn and use language strategies that will enable the student to continue learning English outside the classroom. Give feedback to the teacher and supervisors that will help improve the materials and the teaching. Ask for help and correction.

12 Teacher-directed interaction techniques 1.Give students opportunities to speak a.Repeat b.Ask and answer questions c.Paraphrase the content (Retelling) d.Summarize the content e.Give examples f.Give an opinion on or personalize the content

13 Teacher-directed interaction techniques 2. Help students to improve the quality of their responses –Explain / Correct –Extend their answers to a full or more complex sentence –Elaborate by giving more information or examples –Modeling correct, expected or possible responses –Giving students cues through Q&A

14 Examples of Classroom Interactions 1.Repetition (2) 2.S answers teacher’s questions (2) 3.S asks the teacher a question (2) 4.S asks S a question (3) 5.S summarizes, then S repeats (3) 6.S asks T questions, S clarifies, S personalizes content (3) 7.S repeats or paraphrases directions (2) 8.S gives example, S asks S a question, S gives an opinion, S elaborates (6) 9.S gives an opinion, S elaborates, S paraphrases (3)

15 Student-student Interaction Techniques Controlled Pair Work (Little Bit – Check) Give a small bit of language input (grammar explanation, definition, the answer to a comprehension question, etc.) Check understanding using Q&A Have students in pairs do the exact same interaction

16 Controlled Pair Work Helpful tips Have students establish their partner at the beginning of class. Have one person by partner “A” and the other be partner “B”. Then throughout the class you can simply cue A to ask B a question or vice versa.

17 Structured Group Work Before the discussion Be sure that every class a different student is designated as a group leader Give the group leader clear language models to lead the discussion After the discussion Call on each group leader to elicit a response from one of their group Assist the group leader to use the language accurately

18 Language Models Group Leader Please read number one. What do you think? What is the answer? Do you agree? Tell the class your answer. Group Members Oh that’s easy! The answer is… I’m not sure, but I think the answer is… Yes, I agree. No, I disagree. I think the answer is…

19 Classroom interaction is real communication

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