Iowa's Iowa's ABC‘SABC‘S By:Kyler Rodenburg The Cardiff giant was made by many stains & acids. By people who liked to play tricks.

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2 Iowa's Iowa's ABC‘SABC‘S By:Kyler Rodenburg



5 The Cardiff giant was made by many stains & acids. By people who liked to play tricks

6 Any deer pre- tagged in IA cant be a trophy kill. Deer are seen all year round.

7 The Eastern Goldfinch is commonly found in Iowa and stays all year round.

8 On the third day in Sept. Iowa outdoors sends balloons out for decoration. And fun.

9  Gun smith can fix or put together any type of fire arm. There are many gunsmith in Iowa.

10 Herds of sheep in Iowa are rarely seen some are told to be good luck


12 Jesse James was an American outlaw that went from town to town killing people.

13 Killers in Iowa are never caught until the last minute. Even with the latest technology they still out smart us with their criminal minds.

14 Leukemia is a disease that rarely occurs in Iowa. So for it to be caught here not likely.


16 Neola is a small town with a lot of history behind it. Neola has many different things in the small town. The way the town is built looks like Rio.

17 Okoboji is a vacation spot for all kinds. With all the activities you wont want to leave.

18 Crop percentage in Iowa is dropping do to the little drought that is fading quickly.

19 Quad city is home to the Mississippi river and rock river. Located in Davenport Iowa.

20 Red oak is a small beneficial town that has maps and other travel stuff

21 Southwest airlines is located in the capital of Iowa des Moines.

22 Turkeys in Iowa are every were they're great for thanksgiving and hunting.

23 Underwood is a small town n the east side of Iowa.

24 In Villisca there was a axe murder that killed sixteen people.

25 Xavier is located in Iowa it’s a good college. There are grate sports and active motion.

26 Yale is a town in Iowa that sounds like the university. Yale is told to be larger than it looks.


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