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Presentation on theme: "Interviews."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interviews

2 Three types? Structured Unstructured Semi-structured

3 Structured Interviews:
Based on a pre-coded list of questions – the ‘interview schedule’ Interviewer asks the same questions in the same order to each participant Does not probe beyond answers More of a question and answer session

4 The General Household/Lifestyle Survey
To present a picture of households, family and people in Great Britain since 1971 Conducted annually from a sample of people and households in Great Britain Family life, housing, employment, health etc

5 Unstructured Interviews:
A ‘guided conversation’ Follows a general list of topics to cover, but few (if any) pre-coded questions Generally using open-ended questions to obtain in-depth answers from participants

6 Ann Oakley (1981) From Here To Maternity:
Studied the experience of becoming a mother in British society Found that unstructured interviews helped her develop close relationships of trust and openness Allowed women to speak openly and personally about motherhood

7 Semi-structured Interviews:
Falls in between structured and unstructured Interview focuses on pre-set topics but often without pre-set questions Some questions regarding social characteristics of participant may be pre-set

8 Which type of interview would you use to investigate the following topics?...
Domestic violence Terminal illness Someone’s political viewpoint Level of crime in a person’s neighbourhood Experiences of school The general health of a particular city Opinions on government policies Experiences of parenting

9 Role Play In pairs come up with an example of 1 interview technique (structured or unstructured) Devise questions/interview schedule for a research topic of your choice Role play back to the class Guess which interview style!

10 Advantages of structured interviews
Advantages of unstructured interviews Disadvantages of unstructured interviews Disadvantages of structured interviews

11 Advantages of using structured interviews...
Produces comparable and quantifiable data Suitable for simple, straightforward, factual information Less interviewer bias as more formal As structure is the same, it gives good reliability Less time consuming (than unstructured) so can use a larger sample = more representativeness (CAN ALSO COMPARE TO QUESTIONNAIRES)

12 Disadvantages of using structured interviews...
Respondent unable to go into depth with answers = producing less valid data Has to choose answer from a set of responses already chosen for them by interviewer, so the researcher is imposing their choices on the participant (validity?) Not good for researching sensitive subjects or sensitive groups

13 Advantages of using unstructured interviews...
Useful for researching sensitive groups and sensitive subjects (Fielding 1993, Dobash & Dobash 1980) Respondent can develop answers and direct interview to areas that interest them If feel at ease, more likely to open up and speak truthfully High validity Suitable for discovering meanings, values, beliefs, attitudes and opinions that are usually difficult to express

14 Disadvantages of using unstructured interviews...
Interviewer bias Social desirability (both of these impact on the validity of the data) Do people tell the truth? Validity Time consuming to conduct and analyse This often means using a smaller sample = representativeness Hard to replicate study = low in reliability Hard to compare the data as it’s qualitative

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