New York Smart Schools Bond Act Overview and Phase I - Preliminary District Investment Plan January 14, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "New York Smart Schools Bond Act Overview and Phase I - Preliminary District Investment Plan January 14, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York Smart Schools Bond Act Overview and Phase I - Preliminary District Investment Plan January 14, 2016

2 New York Smart Schools Bond Act  Governor Cuomo authorized the Smart Schools Bond Act (SSBA) in the 2014/15 NYS budget. A total of $2,000,000,000 was appropriated state-wide. RUFSD’s allocation is $4,300,000 (based upon state-aid allocations)  Allocations do not expire !  Funds are provided as reimbursement  Proceeds from the bond are used to “improve learning opportunity for public and nonpublic school students” by funding projects for: Acquire learning technology (i.e. whiteboards, servers, PC, tablets, etc.). Install high-speed broadband or wireless internet connectivity. Construct, enhance and modernize educational facilities to accommodate Pre-K and replace portable classrooms. Install high-tech security features. 2

3 Accessing Smart Schools Bond Act (SSBA) Funds Requirements for accessing District Smart Schools allocation:  A NYSED approved Technology Plan Survey (excepts from District plan) RUFSD plan approved on 10/20/15. Posted on District website  Conduct stakeholder meetings for consultation toward development of spending plans RUFSD stakeholder meetings underway with the Technology Advisory Committee  Preparation of Preliminary Investment Spending plan(s) Phase I - Plan to address RUFSD infrastructure and Security needs developed  Community forum(s) & BOE approval – mid- January 2016 meeting to inform, hear input and receive BOE approval on Phase I Preliminary Investment Plan TBD Submittal of plans to the NYS Smart Schools Bond Review Board 3

4 SSBA Investment Plan District Process District Consults w/stakeholders and prepares Preliminary Plans Preliminary Investment Plan prepared District posts Preliminary Plan on website for 30 days Public Notice and Hearing Investment Plan BOE Approved District Submits Final Plan 4 [Start]

5 Smart Schools Act Review Board Process 5 District Submits Final Plan in NYSED Portal SED Staff Review and Approve Plan SSBA Review Board Review and Approve Plan District Begins Project(s ) District Submits Reimbursement Request(s) SED/State Reimburses District Streamlined review process? Statutory Board meets every 90 days. April 2016? [Start]

6 District Preliminary SSBA Investment Plan Summary ClassificationDescription Est. Costs High Speed ConnectivityWi-Fi & infrastructure upgrade at 3 elementary schools $1,100,000 Hi-Tech SecurityUpgrade Video Survelliance $ 118,000 Panic Alarm System $ 13,500 Lockdown integation w/NCPD $ 8,400 Lockdown strobe lights $ 15,400 Cellphone lockdown $ 5,900 PA system integration $ 10,250 Computer lockdown notification $ 19,750 Blackboard/Lockdown integation $ 5,900 Lockdown/Access Card disable $ 8,800 IP Phone/lockdown notification $ 5,900 Website/Lockdown notification $ 6,900 ScholarChip Visitor Management System for five schools $ 26,800 Purchase and installation of CCTV cameras in select locations $ 20,000 Total $ 1,365,500 6 Phase I: Infrastructure and Safety measures

7 What’s Next ?  BOE resolution approving Phase I - Preliminary Investment Plan Submittal of plans to the SSBA Review Board by February 2016. Infrastructure work performed during Summer/Fall 2016, if approved on-time.  Stakeholder groups continue to meet and develop a long-term, sustainable investment plan to acquire and integrate technology such as: 1 to 1 mobile device strategy Mobile STEM labs TV studio Interactive whiteboards 3D printers 7

8 Questions ? 8

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