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Global Warming (AKA Climate Change) By: Harsh Patel.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming (AKA Climate Change) By: Harsh Patel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming (AKA Climate Change) By: Harsh Patel

2 The change in the global temperature (e.g. atmosphere, oceans) is global warming, which is mainly caused by greenhouse gases (e.g. CO 2, NO, CFCs) Overall the oceans on the Earth have increased temperatures over time What is global warming?

3 Human Impact  As most people know, after the industrial revolution, major countries (e.g. USA, Britain, France) burned million metric tons of coal and fossil fuel.  Now many major countries have realized the effects of carbon dioxide pollution and have taken act against it, but now many second-world countries (e.g. India, China) are in there industrial revolution which increases the greenhouse gas emissions.

4 Concerns  A major concern is that over time the global temperature will increase exponentially which will cause:  Decrease in glaciers (70% of the world’s fresh water)  Increase in sea levels  Increase of extinction of species (e.g. polar bears)  Increase in the amount and power of natural disasters  Floods and droughts will be more common  Changes in major ecosystems

5 What are we doing or should be done?  In USA, the Clear Air Act decreased 67% of common pollutants  Internationally, the Kyoto Protocol with 37 countries (without USA, India and China); effective from 1997-2012  The Copenhagen Accord is the international replacement for the Kyoto Protocol (written by USA and BASIC countries); effective from 2012-2020  Increase international funding for alternative energy sources  Cut usage of fossil fuels  Create artificial trees  Reduce wastes and water usage DoingShould be done

6 Work Cited  -carbon-dioxide-emissions-country-data-co2   78809.html   internationally 's _atmosphere  images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2011/2/10/1297340671284/Carbon -graphic-001.jpg 

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