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Orientation to Business Administration Jeff Steele, LDO, ABOC, CPOT.

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation to Business Administration Jeff Steele, LDO, ABOC, CPOT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation to Business Administration Jeff Steele, LDO, ABOC, CPOT

2 Objectives Identify and describe different roles within the business office Understand the importance of good communication skills Understand all aspects of the business phone Understand how to handle patient complaints

3 Overview The business office is the control center of the medical practice: Telephone contact w/ patients Initial patient greetings Maintain charts and records Essential paperwork, including insurance claims and financial records Accounts receivable

4 Staffing Of course the size of the practice will dictate how many are needed to perform these duties: Receptionist- greets patients and answers phones Appointment clerk- scheduling Insurance clerk- liaison between pts and insurance File clerk- filing and retrieving pt. records Bookkeeper- accounts payable entries and records A/R manager- makes financial arrangements w/ pt. Office manager- supervisor of all aspects of the front office

5 Your Role Your role is an important one- by delegating these responsibilities the doctor is able to concentrate on patient care! In order to do your best, you must have a basic knowledge of the language of medicine and the procedures being performed In addition, you must have the appropriate secretarial, business and communication skills

6 Building Better Communication Skills! As you greet the public, you represent the doctor, the practice, and the health care profession It is through contact with you that the patient forms that very important first impression

7 Appearance Your appearance is just as important as your behavior in making that first impression Always be well-groomed and neatly uniformed. By taking pride in yourself, you show admiration and respect for your profession

8 Listen! Perhaps the most important part of having good communication skills is the ability to listen Listening is not a passive activity- or a natural skill. It is something that must be worked on

9 Listening Do… Limit your own talking Listen for more than words (emotions behind the words) Think like the patient (empathize w/ the patient) Concentrate on what is being said Don’t… Interrupt Argue Be pushy Jump to conclusions!

10 Greeting Visitors The reception area and office should be kept clean at all times Everyone who enters should be greeting promptly and pleasantly (preferably by name!) Properly addressing the patient includes use of “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, or “Miss” unless they have otherwise given you permission to use their first name

11 New Patient Forms Upon arrival, it is common (and appropriate) to have your patient fill out some forms: New patient registration form, consisting of contact information and insurance information Medical history Welcome brochure

12 Telephone A major source of contact between new and returning patients Phone calls are NOT interruptions- they are part of the job! You are responsible for answering the phone in a manner that creates a favorable impression and allows you to handle the call efficiently

13 Proper Greeting Greeting: Good morning, afternoon, etc Identify the practice Identify yourself: First name only Offer to help: “How may I help you” Remember, your attitude will show through on the phone…smile!

14 Help the Patient In most situations, you or someone in your office will be equipped to help the patient. The doctor’s schedule is generally such that constant interruptions to field phone calls will put the schedule far behind, upsetting patients If the patient insists on speaking w/ the doctor, it is best to state that the doctor is with a patient and offer to take a message. Reiterate that you can probably help them with a problem. (Note: many problems are actually not problems the doctor can help solve, such as billing or insurance issues!)

15 Taking Messages If a message is taken, record it in duplicate Record all of the following necessary information: Who called? When? Why? Is the call to be returned? If so, what is the number and who is to return the call? NOTE: If the call is concerning a clinical question, include the patient’s chart when delivering the message

16 After Hours Some form of phone coverage must be provided for those times when the office is closed, usually in the form of an answering service or answering machine There should be a plan in place to handle after hours emergencies

17 Personal Phone Calls Remember, your office is a business and phone lines are for business purposes Only emergency calls should be fielded or placed. All other calls should be done during lunch or breaks

18 Handling Complaints Unfortunately, handling complaints will inevitably be something you will face as a technician. It is best to keep in mind the following: You are not the target (hopefully!) Listen w/out interruption (take notes) Express your regret (this does not mean you have to take responsibility, just that you are sorry for their problem) Restate the complaint Ask questions as a mean of gathering more info Assure action…and follow up. If you promise action, be sure to fulfill your commitment!

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