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1 Qualitative Research in Second Life Ph.D Seminar, Roskilde University, Sep 28 2009 Dr. Thomas Kohler.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Qualitative Research in Second Life Ph.D Seminar, Roskilde University, Sep 28 2009 Dr. Thomas Kohler."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Qualitative Research in Second Life Ph.D Seminar, Roskilde University, Sep 28 2009 Dr. Thomas Kohler

2 Research context Research methods Lessons learned 1 3 2

3 Research context 1

4 Armed with new connective tools, consumers want to interact and co-create value... Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2003 „ “

5 Virtual Worlds Open Innovation Avatar-Based Innovation = +

6 Experimenting Companies Need identification and idea generation Concept and design Test and launch

7 The challenge < Participation


9 COMP CO-CRE EXPER ELLING ATION IENCE Virtual Worlds Open Innovation

10 Research methods 2

11 Research Design context process users Expert interviews Compelling co-creation process Participant interviews and observation Compelling co-creation in virtual worlds Virtual focus groups Compelling virtual world place

12 Research Design context process users Expert interviews Compelling co-creation process Participant interviews and observation Compelling co-creation in virtual worlds Virtual focus groups Compelling virtual world place

13 Focus groups Recruitment and virtual facilities Discussion guide development and design Moderating Analysis and reporting

14 TopicThe future motorbiking experience Sustainable living in 2020 Ideas for a more sustainable world Company involvement Avatars joining project 166167266 Time spent on average 76 minutes80 minutes85 minutes Research participants 5 Interviews9 Interviews20 Interviews, 114 Questionnaires In-depth interviews


16 Participant interviews Participant observation and heat map Interview questions Conducting the interviews

17 Lessons learned 3

18 Elaborate on media strenghts PA Consulting Banking Demo; SL: 34, 166, 24 Create immersive environments Build in playfulness Focus on social nature

19 Elaborate on media strenghts Create immersive environments Build in playfulness Focus on social nature

20 Elaborate on media strenghts Create immersive environments Build in playfulness Focus on social nature

21 Discussion SL: Rein Spire

22 Additional information 4

23 Focus group guideline

24 Interview guideline Grand tour question Would you begin by telling me what the first things are that come to your mind after you participated in the Ideation Quest? Probes If you wanted to bring your friends to participate in the Ideation Quest, what would you tell them to get them interested? Assume this place could talk, what would it say about itself? Elements Could you describe your most outstanding experience during the process? Motivations and expectations What do you think could be reasons for your friends to join the Ideation Quest? If people hear about the Ideation Quest, what do you think they are expecting from it? Is there anything that we should have talked about but didn’t? Problems and improvements What where the most serious problems that you faced along the process? Let’s talk about what can be done to improve this project. If you were in charge, what kind of changes would you make? Ending What do you think in general about using virtual worlds for an interactive innovation process in general? Is there anything that we should have talked about but didn’t? Wrap up - Summary and acknowledgement

25 Project details KTM Ideation Quest Philips Ideation Quest Green Ideation Quest Company involvement KTM Motorcycle AGPhilips DesignNone Time frameJune 2008 February 09 Avatars joining project 166167266 Time spent on average 76 minutes80 minutes85 minutes Research conducted Qualitative interviews, Participant monitoring Qualitative interviews, Participant monitoring Qualitative interviews, Participant monitoring, Quantitative survey Research participants 5 Interviews9 Interviews20 Interviews, 114 Questionnaires Brainstorming discussions 1529 Ideas submitted163045

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