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TEL62 status and plans Elena Pedreschi INFN-Pisa Thursday 08 September 2011 TDAQ WG Meeting at Mainz University.

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Presentation on theme: "TEL62 status and plans Elena Pedreschi INFN-Pisa Thursday 08 September 2011 TDAQ WG Meeting at Mainz University."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEL62 status and plans Elena Pedreschi INFN-Pisa Thursday 08 September 2011 TDAQ WG Meeting at Mainz University

2 TEL62  TEL 62 (v0) DDR2 DC (TDCB) PP QDR AUX Glue Card CCPC TTCRx SL Gigabit

3 TEL62  TEL 62 (v0): DDR2, CCPC, Glue Card, Gigabit plugged

4 TEL62  TEL 62 (v0): DC (TDCB), DDR2, CCPC, Glue Card, Gigabit plugged


6 Pisa Lab Crate SETUP

7 Power  Power requirements: 320mA@48V when PPs and SL programmed with simple firmware (DDR2 Controller included) 48V 5V 3.3V -5V

8 JTAG & Programming (1)  Small issue on IC 74LVC16244A (jtag tck driver) -> couple of “blue” wires  Small issue with JTAG chain;  33 Ohm termination resistors removed from TCK and TMS driver

9 JTAG & Programming (2)  The chain is correctly recognized both using Altera USBblaster and CCPC jtag port(s).  Pps correctly programmed through a single EPCS64 EPCS64, no-jtag, SFL on PP,SL SL PPs QDR GBIT TTCRx TDCB

10 JTAG & Programming (3)  EPCS programming through active serial -> OK  EPCS programming through JTAG (jic file, using Quartus programmer proprietary method) -> OK  Altera supports a non-proprietary programming of EPCS through JTAG using jam files.  Programming with jam file through Windows Jam player -> OK  CCPC software from LHCb includes a Jam player, but at the moment the same jam file does not work (neither on TELL1). Needs some work on the software side …

11  TTCRX -> OK (clock, LV1 recovered from fiber, commands received)  Interface plug-in (TDCB) TEL62:  Power, JTAG, clock -> OK  QPLL locks (both external clock and TTCRX clocks)  “Potato” clock drivers -> OK  RGB led on front panel -> OK  CCPC:  power-on -> OK  Linux boot -> OK  Connection to GLUE card, tested JTAG ports and I2C devices -> OK  Test ECS connections to all the chips -> OK Performed tests

12 Tests in progress (1)  DDR2:  the controller is already in the PP firmware, but needs to be optimized toward the PCB’s delays, simulated and then deeply tested (quite a big work …)  QDR:  controller, optimization of the clock -> in progress  PPs SL:  Data lines (120 MHz)-> in progress  Interface plug-in (TDCB) TEL62:  Data lines -> in progress

13 Tests in progress (2)  Gbit:  the firmware in the current TELL1 SL can be used but needs to be imported in the TEL62 framework and then tested  Final Crate:  test on final Crate to be performed in October in Frascati, using an ad-hoc firmware for power consumption measurements

14 Firmware (1)  Framework:  HDL Designer (Mentor Graphics ): Powerful HDL design environment (manages complex FPGA designs in VHDL) Extensive design checking rules and rulesets Intelligent debug and analysis (board simulation) Development skeletons and common libraries already available  Quartus II Design Software (Altera) Needed for VHDL development SignalTap II Logic Analyzer Allows to examine the behavior of internal signals Does not require extra I/O pins The design is running at full speed on an FPGA device while analyzing

15 Firmware (2)  HDL Designer environment: Project TEL62

16 Firmware (3)  Repository:  HDL Designer integrated CVS/SVN Preferred method Remote repository support to be verified Repository should be hosted at CERN  CVS/SVN standalone  zip files  Details in “TEL62 firmware live kick-off meeting” …

17 Planning (1)  Components:  Before the end of the year many of the critical components will be bought MT16HTF25664HZ-800H1 (Micron DDR2 2Gb 256Mx64) K7Q161852AFC13 (Samsung QDR Memory) -> DONE EP3SL110F1152C4N (Altera FPGA Stratix III) QHS55-012-NHCRC, ALD20G48N-L, QHS50-018-NHBRC (DC/DC converters)  Pre-production:  November: DEM @CERN will work on new TEL 62 pcb (up to now only simple modification are required)  December: 10 TEL 62 printed circuit board will be in production One board will be mounted and tested (one week)

18 Planning (2)  January: Nine board will be mounted  TEL 62 estimated price : ~3000-3500 €  Dry Run at CERN:  Time slot: 15 June /15 July 2012 (suggested)  Functionalities: Basic firmware but sufficient to handle the dataflow and trigger No board to board comunications  Test run at CERN:  Time slot: September/October 2012

19 Planning (3)  Final Production:  Time slot: Autumn/Winter 2012  Productions acceptance tests: could be performed directly by the assembling company, if we provide the necessary hardware and software tools:  Requirements:  Vectors for Boundary Scan needs to be generated  Jtag interface and software  To test the plug-ins connections we will need:  4 TDCB (no special firmware is required)  simple dummy boards to be plugged in DDR2 and AUX connectors

20 CONCLUSIONS  The TEL62 V0 is under test …  No big issues up to now …  Many important tests are in progress  V1 will come at the end of year  The TEL62 firmware:  Framework chosen and firmware structure under development  A lot of firmware has to be written  We will have today a dedicated meeting  Some critical components will be bought asap  Pre-production before Dry Run (June 2012)

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