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Character Trait Focus: Kindness C Conversation Yes. Stay on topic, please raise hand to respond. H Help Ask teacher A Activity Discussion M Movement.

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Presentation on theme: "Character Trait Focus: Kindness C Conversation Yes. Stay on topic, please raise hand to respond. H Help Ask teacher A Activity Discussion M Movement."— Presentation transcript:


2 Character Trait Focus: Kindness

3 C Conversation Yes. Stay on topic, please raise hand to respond. H Help Ask teacher A Activity Discussion M Movement None P Participation Head up, contributing ideas. Staying positive.

4 Ask & Discuss or Conduct quick survey Do you believe our world needs more kindness? Do you think kindness can change the world?

5 Check the board for your daily kindness challenge! Let your teacher know if you were able to meet the task.

6 How do you define this trait? What does it mean to you?

7 KINDNESS /KIND gentle Generous Considerate Affectionate nice Good intentions Decency Cordial Sympathetic Empathetic Thoughtful Sweet Helpful Courteous patient Humanity Unselfish Tolerant Hospitable Is “kindness” a positive or negative character trait to have?

8 Kind/ Kindness Mean Bad cruel unfriendly Inconsiderate Ungenerous rude unkind UnpleasantJerk Unforgiving Are these antonyms positive or negative character traits to have?

9 ** Before reviewing this list, ask each to student to give an example of kindness. After each student has provided an example, then review list.  doing kind and thoughtful deeds  putting another’s needs before your own  caring about how others feel  a gentle hug  a friendly smile  a good wish for a sickly person  Forgiving  Be positive towards others  Saying thank you  Apologizing  Leaving a flower for someone to find

10  Being nice  Helpful  Being good to someone  Doing chores  Holding door open  Complimenting someone  Using manners  Giving  Being a friend  Listening  Sharing  Smiling  Doing kind and thoughtful deeds  Putting another’s needs before your own  Spending time with someone  It’s the little things that count

11 As a class or individually, create a multi-flow map with “ Acts of Kindness” as your goal. Remember a multi-flow map shows the possible causes and possible effects of a goal or plan. ACTS OF KINDNESS The Plan Causes- Things you can do that are kind Smile at a stranger Compliment a friend Offer to help someone move Lend someone money Donate your old clothes Effects- What might happen if you do something kind or how might you feel? Build character – your true character is who you are when no one else is looking. Build trust Make someone feel comfortable Feel proud

12 Have you checked the board for your daily kindness challenge! Let your teacher know if you were able to meet the task. Discuss.

13 Is Kindness a show of weakness? Discuss

14 Wait! What’s a fable? A fable is a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral. Wait! What’s a moral? A moral is a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience

15 In the oldest versions, a lion threatens a mouse that wakes him up. The mouse begs forgiveness and makes the point that such unworthy prey would bring the lion no honor. The lion then agrees and sets the mouse free. Later, the lion is netted by hunters; hearing it roaring, the mouse remembers its clemency and frees the lion by gnawing through the ropes.lion mouse

16 Watch the following clip of this popular fable. After video you will be asked: How does this fable reinforce kindness? How can kindness reward you? Discuss: How does this fable reinforce kindness? How can kindness reward you?

17 Wait! I forget what a moral is? A moral is a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience. On a piece of paper, write down 3-5 morals that could be learned from the fable. After, students write and share the morals they’ve come up with, compare them with the following five morals: “Little friends may prove to be great friends.” “Good things come back to those who do good things” “What goes around comes around” “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” “Be kind, you never know who you’re helping”

18 What goes around comes around? If you believe that what goes around, comes around…. Then you need to start practicing random acts of kindness.

19 Watch the following video clip. Have you ever seen any of these random acts of kindness? Would you appreciate it if someone went out of their way to be kind to you?

20 How do acts of kindness make people feel? Good Accepted Loved Like they mean something Loved Wanted Needed Appreciated Surprised Happy Can an act of kindness have a positive impact in other’s lives?

21 Examples of Random Acts of Kindness Stranger at the grocery store At HomeWith a stranger anywhere (your choice) At school Let someone cut in front of you while driving. Hold the door open for a mom with a stroller. Hold the door open for the person walking in behind you. Greet someone you would not normally say hello to. Let someone with 1-3 items go ahead of you in line. If someone is a few pennies short, offer some extra change. Offer to help someone reach an item on a higher shelf. Offer to help out teacher. Pick up trash left at your table. Stick up for your teacher. Tutor a peer. Volunteer Compliment someone Offer to cook dinner for family. Offer to do extra chores. Offer to babysit siblings without being asked. Compliment someone Stay home on a night you would not normally stay home and spend quality time with family.

22  Goal: Create a small book showing examples of: KINDNESS  Objective: to express or represent a feeling or value in a small flip book.  Activities:  Write an acrostic poem using the word: Kindness  Use magazine clippings or colored pencils to illustrate different acts of kindness. Alternative: Create a PowerPoint presentation illustrating Kindness.  Each individual can share work created with class and display books in quad bulletin boards or in office. Supplies: Scissors Glue Stick 2 pieces of construction paper (small) per student Magazines

23 1. Fold 2 pieces of paper in ½ to make book. 2. Front Page: 1. Write KINDNESS vertically near spine of book. Using the first letters in the word “KINDNESS, write an acrostic poem, representing kindness. This poem does not need to rhyme, but it does need to accurately reflect “Kindness”. K indly say I am sorry N o need to be rude D rama free N ever rude, inconsiderate or unkind E very person counts S imple steps for S uccess

24 1. On the top of the next 5 pages write Kindness is… 2. Under Kindness is… glue a magazine picture or draw an image depicting an act of kindness. 3. Under your image, briefly explain the image and how it supports an act of kindness. For example: KINDNESS IS… Helping and comforting someone that is hurt. KINDNESS IS… Working on a friend’s car. Giving someone your extra change

25 1 3 9 27 81 243 729 2,187 6,561 19,683 59,049 177,147 531,441 1,594,323 4,782,969 14,348,907 43,046,721 129,140,163 387,420,489 1,162,261,467 3,486,784,401 10,460,353,203 31,381,059,609 94,143,178,827 282,429,536,481 847,288,609,443 2,541,865,828,329 7,625,597,484,987 22,876,792,454,961 68,630,377,364, 883 This is the number of people who could receive kindness, if 1 person helps three people and then those three people help three people and they do the same for just 31 days.

26 Kindness is Contagious

27 Are you up for the challenge? Can you pay it forward? Will you pay it forward the next time someone does something nice for you? What kind of impact do random acts of kindness have on the world? A POSITIVE ONE!!

28 Kindness is Contagious

29 Please write a Haiku poem that supports the spirit of kindness. A haiku is: a form of Japanese poetry with 17 syllables in three unrhymed lines. 1 st line: 5 syllables 2 nd line: 7 syllables 3 rd line: 5 syllables See next slide for example.

30 Example 1 Give a helping hand (5) It doesn’t take much, believe (7) Be kind today, please. (5) Example 2 You look down and out (5) Can I help? You don’t know me, (7) I’m willing to help. (5) Now create your own Haiku poem. Share Haiku poems in class. Offer prize for best poem. Post somewhere.

31 How do you define a bully? A bully is an aggressive person who intimidates or mistreats often weaker people Are bullies kind people?

32 There are four types of bullying: 1. Physical bullying 2. Verbal Bullying 3. Relationship Bullying 4. Cyber Bullying

33 Physical bullying involves physically contacting another. It can also entail stealing or hiding the belongings of the affected students. Create a circle map identifying various ways one can physically bully another. Physical Bullying Hitting Bumping into someone Stealing from someone Pushing Shoving Flicking Kicking Destroying a student’s things Punking someone Hiding someone’s things Making someone do something they don’t want to do

34  Verbal bullying occurs when someone uses language or words to gain power over his or her peers. The verbal bully makes use of relentless insults and teasing to bully his or her peers.verbal bully  For instance, a verbal bully may make fun of a peer's lack of physical capabilities, may tease a peer for being a "dumbie" or "nerd", and/or may call a peer names based on appearance. Verbal bullying sounds like: Insulting someone Name calling Teasing

35 Intimidation bullying can include:  Refusing to talk to someone  Dogging out someone  Spreading lies about someone  Spreading rumors  Spreading true secrets  Making someone feel left out or rejected  Flipping someone off  Graffiti or tagging  Crossing out graffiti or tagging

36 This occurs via the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. Create a circle map identifying the different types of Cyber Bullying. Cyber Bullying Sending out cruel texts Texting inappropriate pictures Instant messaging cruel things Logging in as someone else to post untrue things Harassing someone on Facebook Logging in as someone else to post inappropriate pictures Posting pictures that you know would hurt someone else.

37 Alone Depressed Hurt Confused Desperate Helpless Fearful Are these “Positive” or “Negative” emotions NEGATIVE!!

38 Lower self esteem Higher rates of depression Higher absenteeism rates More suicidal thoughts

39 Bullied Not bullied Headache16%6% Sleep problems42%23% Abdominal pain17%9% Feeling tense20%9% Anxiety28%10% Feeling unhappy23%5% Depression scale moderate indication49%16% strong indication16%2%

40 Ignore them!Pretend you didn’t hear them Don’t even look at them Don’t CryDon’t get angryDon’t show them that you are upset Talk about it to someone else Write it down so you don’t forget to tell someone Respond to the Bully evenly and firmly Continued

41 Turn the comment into a joke. Turn and walk away. Remove yourself from the situation. Go somewhere that an adult is present. Remember you are not the one with the problem. The bully is. Talk to an adult!

42  Get into frequent fights  Be injured in a fight  Steal, vandalize property  Drink alcohol  Smoke  Be truant, drop out of school  Report poorer academic achievement  Perceive a negative climate at school  Carry a weapon

43  60% of boys who were bullies in middle school had at least one conviction by age 24.  40% had three or more convictions.  Bullies were 4 times as likely as peers to have multiple convictions. If you are a bully, it’s not too late to change!! Don’t become a statistic!


45  Does it make you feel better to hurt other people or take their things?  Are you bigger and stronger than other people your age?  Do you sometimes use your size and strength to get your way? Continued…

46  Have you been bullied by someone in the past and feel like you have to make up for doing the same thing to others?  Do you avoid thinking about how other people might feel if you say or do hurtful things to them?  Do you only care about what benefits you?  Do you feel like you have something to prove to others?

47 If you answered YES to any of the questions YOU MAY BE A BULLY!


49  Apologize to people that you have bullied, and follow it up by being friendly.  They might not trust you right away, but eventually they will see that you have changed.

50  If you are having a hard time feeling good about yourself, explore ways to boost your self-esteem.  If you feel like you’re having trouble controlling your feelings, especially anger, talk to a school counselor about it.

51 Realize that the mean things you do and say have a negative impact on others!

52 It’s time to make positive choices for a positive future! How do you want to be remembered in this world? What is the footprint you will leave behind?



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