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Panchayati Raj Department Welcome to the Presentation on MGNREGS-Orissa Panchayati Raj Department Government of Orissa.

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Presentation on theme: "Panchayati Raj Department Welcome to the Presentation on MGNREGS-Orissa Panchayati Raj Department Government of Orissa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panchayati Raj Department Welcome to the Presentation on MGNREGS-Orissa Panchayati Raj Department Government of Orissa

2  Enhancement of livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.  Creation of durable assets in rural areas.  Prevention of rural-urban migration of labourers.  Strengthening social security and economic condition of the rural poor.

3  Water conservation and water harvesting,  Drought proofing, including afforestation and tree plantation,  Irrigation canals, including micro and minor irrigation works,  Irrigation facility, horticulture plantation and land development on lands belonging to STs/ SCs or BPL households, small or marginal farmers.  Rural connectivity to provide all-weather access with drains,  Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra (BNRGSK) at GP and Block.  Any other work that may be notified by the Central Government in consultation with the State Government.

4 REGISTRATION The adult members of Rural Households those who are willing to do unskilled manual work will apply for registration in concerned GP office in B-1 from. ISSUE OF JOB CARD GP will issue Jobcard within 15 days from the date of Registration to the registered families. APPLICATION FOR WORK Jobcard holders will apply for work in C-1 form to GP/ PO and dated receipt will be issued. ALLOTMENT OF WORK Work will be allotted within 15 days from the date of application for work by GP/ PO. IMPLEMENTING EGENCIES : Work will be implemented by GP/ PS/ Line Departments. Atleast 50% of the works in terms of cost will be implemented by GPs.

5 WORKSITE FACILITIES Drinking Water, First Aid, Shed, Creche to be provided in the worksite. PAYMENT OF WAGES Payment of wages to the labourers will be made within 15 days. Payment of wages are made through their Bank/ Post office SB A/c w.e.f 01-10-2008 mandatorily. UNEMPLOYMENT ALLOWANCE If work is not provided within 15days of application for works, Unemployment Allowance will be paid. a. 25% of the wage for the 1 st 30 days b. 50% of the wage for the balance 70 days. WAGE MATERIAL RATIO Wage material ratio is 60 : 40.

6 FUNDING PATTERN Ratio of Central and State Govt. funding is 90 : 10. TRANSPERANCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY Ban on contarctors and use of machine. Display of sign board at worksite, pro-active disclosure of informations in public i.e. website, wall of GP Office, public places etc. GRIEVANC E REDRESSAL a. PO-cum-BDO at the Block level, DPC-cum-Collector at District Level are receiving complaints for necessary redressal of the grievances. b. At the State Level, Sanjog helpline having toll free number (18003456770) has been installed for Grievance redressal of MGNREGS stake holders. SOCIAL AUDIT Social Audit will be conducted twice in a year in Gramsabha.

7 IMPLEMENTAION PROCESS OF MGNREGS BY LINE DEPARTMENTS Approval of the Annual Action Plan District level Line Department officials will submit the Block/GP/Village wise Annual Action Plan to Collector-cum-DPC for approval of the Zilla Parisad. Technical Sanction and Administrative approval Technical sanction and administrative approval of the approved projects will be given by the competent authority of the concerned Line Department. Online Technical sanction and Financial sanction Every project under MGNREGS will be Technically and Financially sanctioned in online. The Collector-cum-DPC will give online Financial sanction for every project of any amount under MGNREGS. Release of funds The Collector-cum-DPC will release MGNREGS funds directly to the Line Department of the district from DRDA.

8 Execution of works The Line Departments will execute the approved project by engaging (i) the registered labourers those who are issued notice in C-2 form on demand for work. (ii) the registered labourers those who are willing to work. Receipt of Muster Roll The Line Department officials will collect unique number Muster Rolls from the respective B.D.Os project wise as per their requirement. Display Board Before execution of the projects, display board should be constructed in the work site Worksite facilities Worksite facilities like Drinking Water, Fast aid, Shed, Creche etc. to be provided in the worksite.

9 Measurement of works Measurement of the works will be recorded weekly and muster roll will be prepared for seven days. Submission of muster roll and relevant vouchers Authenticated copies of muster rolls and expenditure vouchers will be submitted by the Line Department to respective block for online entry and another copy of muster roll to concerned G.P. for updating job card and employment register. Online entry The task of online entry of MGNREGS data is the sole responsibility of concerned block irrespective of executing agency. Payment of wages The Line Department officials will make payment of wages by sending wage list along with cheque to concerned Bank/Head Post Office who will transfer wages to the concerned accounts of the job card holders.

10 Wage Material Ratio The concerned Line Department will maintain the wage material ratio of 60:40 as a whole in a financial year. Engagement of Gaon Sathi/Gram Sanjoyak The Line Departments may engaged Gaon Sathi/Gram Sanjoyak in the work as mate. Contingency The collector-cum-DPC will release contingency to Line Departments up to 2% of expenditure of the concerned Line Department out of 6% contingency for better supervision of the works Transparency & Accountability Contractors and labour displacing machines can not be used under MGNREGS. Social Audit The concerned Line Department officials will be present in the social audit with relevant documents and cash records for information the public.

11  This is taken as mission “Mo Pokhari”.  It will be excavated in the land of BPL/ ST/ SC/ IAY Benf. / Small and Marginal Farmers.  8 types of Farm Ponds with estimated cost from Rs.5,000/- to 50,000/- can be taken up.  Beneficiaries will be selected in Pallisabha.  Work order will be issued to the Beneficiaries.  Payment of wages will be made on ‘Piece Rate’ to the labourers through Bank/ PO A/c.

12  It will be taken up in the land of Small and Marginal Farmers  The estimated cost is  Ordinary soil - Rs.1,15,000/-,  Ordinary soil & Hard soil - 1,32,500/-  Hard soil - Rs.1,50,000/-  It will be utilised for multi-purpose use like  Pisciculture,  Water conservation and  Horticulture plantation.  Beneficiaries will be identified by the officials of Fisheries Department.  It will be implemented by the field officials of Fisheries & Animal Resources Department.  Work order will be issued to the Beneficiaries selected in Pallisabha.  Payment of wages will be made on ‘Piece Rate’ to the labourers through Bank/ PO A/c.

13  First day  Worksite  Act explained  Project explained  Demand generated  Group formation Registration Bank accounts Sample pit Transparency Pillar Leaflets

14 Minimum rate of wages in Orissa  Unskilled labour -Rs.90  Semiskilled labour-Rs.103.  Skilled labour -Rs.116.  Highly skilled labour-Rs.129 How to achieve prescribed wage rate  Ensure prescribed hours of work & type of soil  No clubbing of output & “payment” in the name of one member of the family- “women earn ---men spend”  Listing of to all members of the family in the job card.  Introduce CARRY-OVER OF OUTPUT.  HH must not get more than Rs 9000/ under NREGS-100 days @90 for OUTPUT  Some day he/she may work for Rs145 while another day for Rs 75 but only entitled for Rs90/ > if paid 145 then state pays Rs 55(145-90) if pay Rs 75/ we violate Minimum Wage Act

15 Grievance Redressal  The BDO-cum-PO is the Grievance Redressal Officer at Block level and Collector-cum-DPC at District level.  All the Complaints / Grievances received at GP, Block and District level should be entered in the complain register by GP, Block and District.  The person registering the Grievance should be given a receipt with no. and date.  Appeal against the GP will be to the BDO-cum-PO and appeal against BDO- cum-PO will be to the Collector-cum-DPC.  Gram Panchayat, BDO-cum-PO and Collector-cum-DPC shall redress Grievances of applicants within 7days of the receipt.  All Complaints under Sanjog Helpline should be attended immediately and closed in online.  MPR on receipt and disposal of Grievances should be sent by BDO to District and by District to Department. Online entry also mandatory

16  Safe drinking water  Shade for children and periods of rest  First-aid Box for emergency treatment and minor injuries  Health hazards connected with work to be provided  Depute one woman worker to look after five or more children below the age of six years of women laborers  Deputed woman shall be paid wage rate.  Handicapped labourer can be given preference

17 Implementation level  Awareness level  Job card  Panchayat office  Demand for Employment  Minimum wage, timely and equal wage payment  Piece Work  Selection of Work  Women participation  Worksite facilities  Use of machines and contractors  Transparency and accountability  Social Audit

18 A. Employment Generated B. Financial (Rs. In Lakh) Online Progress as on 10 th August, 2010 - Kalahandi 1Cumulative No. of HH issued jobcards SCs35681 STs114859 Others55270 Total205810 2Cumulative No. of HH demanded employment 65190 Cumulative No. of HH provided employment 63647 3Cumulative Persondays generated SCs309375 STs1489653 Others574783 Total2373811 Women1001857 4Cumulative No. of HH completed 100 days 1180 5No. of HH which are beneficiary of land reform/IAY 482 6No. of Disabled beneficiary individuals 105 1Actual O.B as on Ist April of the Year-188.10 2Release of current year Central Share6220.00 State Share691.11 Total6911.11 3Misc0.00 4Total Availability6723.01 5Cumulative Expenditure On Unskilled Wage2621.84 On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage 0.00 On Material565.80 Adm.ExpRec Exp11.27 Non-Rec Exp0.26 Total Adm. Exp 11.54 Total 3199.17 6Balance 3523.84

19 (A)Coverage & Outreach  % of HH provided employment against Jobcard issued  % of Persondays generated against the labour budget (B) Consistency & Intensity  Average No. of days of employment provided per HH.  % of HHs completing 100 days (C) Participation of vulnerable sections  % of women participation  % of SC/ST participation (D) Creation of Durable assets  % of works completed.






25 Works Status - NABARANGPUR S. NoBlock Total no of works CompletedIn-prog. Approved not in progress Total 1CHANDAHANDI1457232690 2DABUGAM15187771296 3JHORIGAM09729401912 4KOSAGUMUDA066315192182 5NABARANGPUR152710071535 6NANDAHANDI0264696960 7PAPADAHANDI5081812502118 8RAIGHAR066811411809 9TENTULIKHUNTI9405525939 10UMERKOTE08889081796 Total626180899515237


27  Wage per man-day  Wage Material Ratio  Cost per man day  Social Audit as per norms & guidelines  Transparency : ˃Entry in the Online module on regular basis ˃Transparency board at worksite




31 S. No.Block name Issue Raised and action taken Verificati on of Documen ts Greivenc e Submited and action taken Minutes of meeting 1 CHANDAHANDI 2202 2 DABUGAM 0000 3 JHORIGAM 0000 4 KOSAGUMUDA 2314024 5 NABARANGPUR 0000 6 NANDAHANDI 5202 7 PAPADAHANDI 5000 8 RAIGHAR 0000 9 TENTULIKHUNTI 0000 10 UMERKOTE 0000 Total3518028

32 Unemployment Allowance Due – 2010-11 - NABARANGPUR Block UnEmployment Allowance Due No. of Days CHANDAHANDI 2192 DABUGAM 276 JHORIGAM 2626 KOSAGUMUDA 0 NABARANGPUR 536 NANDAHANDI 21 PAPADAHANDI 2724 RAIGHAR 4728 TENTULIKHUNTI 0 UMERKOTE 879 Total13982

33 S.NoBlocks Total Sanct ioned Work Gram Panchayat Level Sewa KendraBlock Panchayat Level Sewa Kendra Total No. of Panc hayat s Appr oved but not starte d On-Going Susp ende d Com plete d Total Appr oved but not starte d On-Going Susp ende d Com plete d Total Just Started Plinth Level Roof Level Roof Casted Finishing Total Just Started Plinth Level Roof Level Roof Casted Finishing Total 1CHANDAHANDI1514 00000000 100000000115 2DABUGAM98800000000810000000019 3JHORIGAM14211300000000 100000000114 4KOSAGUMUDA2524 00000000 100000000125 5NABARANGPUR1413121000010013100000000114 6NANDAHANDI1110 00000000 100000000111 7PAPADAHANDI2322 00000000 100000000123 8RAIGHAR2524231000010024010000100125 9TENTULIKHUNTI1615 00000000 100000000116 10UMERKOTE1918 00000000 100000000119 Total 171 1691592000020016191000010010171

34 Grivance Redressal - NABARANGPUR


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