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for ABDOs/ GPEOs/ PAs 9th August 2010

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1 for ABDOs/ GPEOs/ PAs 9th August 2010
Presentation on Mahatma Gandhi NREGS, Orissa Management of PR & RD Programmes for ABDOs/ GPEOs/ PAs 9th August 2010

2 Objectives Mahatma Gandhi NREGAct of 2005 is for enhancement of livelihood security in rural areas by providing - at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work and creation of durable assets by management of natural resources Prevention of rural-urban migration of labourers.

3 Expectations from NREGA
Primary: Supplement employment opportunities Auxiliary: Regenerate Natural resource base of rural livelihood Creation of durable assets. Spin Off: Strengthen grass root processes of democracy Infuse Transparency & Accountability in governance.

4 PERMISSIBLE WORKS Water conservation and water harvesting,
Drought proofing, including afforestation and tree plantation, Irrigation canals, including micro and minor irrigation works, Irrigation facility, horticulture plantation and land development on lands belonging to STs/ SCs or BPL households, small or marginal farmers. Rural connectivity to provide all-weather access with drains, Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra (BNRGSK) at GP and Block. Any other work that may be notified by the Central Government in consultation with the State Government

REGISTRATION The adult members of Rural Households those who are willing to do unskilled manual work will apply for registration in concerned GP office in B-1 from . ISSUE OF JOB CARD GP will issue Job card within 15 days from the date of Registration to the registered families. APPLICATION FOR WORK Jobcard holders will apply for work in C-1 form to GP/ PO and dated receipt will be issued. ALLOTMENT OF WORK Work will be allotted within 15 days from the date of application for work by GP/ PO. IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES : Work will be implemented by GP/ PS/ Line Departments. At least 50% of the works in terms of cost will be implemented by GPs.

6 Issues and Challenges Implementation level Awareness level Job card
Panchayat office Demand for Employment Minimum wage, timely and equal wage payment Piece Work Selection of Work Women participation Worksite facilities Use of machines and contractors Transparency and accountability Social Audit

7 MG NREGA: Pro Labor initiatives
Revision of wages in Nov 09 and Feb 2010 to “attract” manual labor. Payment of wages through Savings Bank A/c of laborers, opening of Banking Outposts at GP Hqrs. through Electronics Benefit Transfer.(EBT). 7 Days Muster Roll Gaon Sathi / Gaon Sanjojak for “preliminary measurement”-mate work @Rs. 103/- per day Simplification of procedures for convergence with line departments. Special schemes with payment based on measurable output like MO Pokhari, -Rs 5000/ to-Rs 50000/- Multi Purpose Pond –upto Rs / Land Development for Forest Right Beneficiaries

8 MG NREGA: Pro Panchayat Initiatives
Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendra in each Rs 10lakh and each Rs 25lakh in convergence with BRGF. Strengthening of delivery mechanism : GRS 6234 at GP and GPTA 628 and computer professionals at block and DRDA level. Automation of GP Accounts through PAMIS-2010. Social Audit involving NGOs for Transparency & Accountability. Bottom-up Planning (Labor Budget). Ganjam Initiative (Project Initiation Meeting – PIM). Institution of MGNREGA MITRA AWARD.

9 MG NREGA: Convergence on JOB SEEKERS
100 Days Guarantee for Employment to 5000 nos. of Jobseekers with UNDP assisted Programme in Ganjam and Kandhamal Each MG-NREGA workers will be A member of SHG Trained for Skill Development for Self Employment. Provided with IAY house (if houseless) Health Insurance Coverage under Workman Compensation Act. State Level Convention of over Jobseekers completing 100 Days held at Gudari, Kandhamal on 31st Mar, 2010.

10 Parameters to judge performance
Coverage & Outreach % of HH provided employment against Registered % of Persondays generated against the labour budget (B) Consistency & Intensity Average No. of days of employment provided per HH. % of HHs completing 100 days (C) Participation of vulnerable sections % of women participation % of SC/ST participation (D) Creation of Durable assets % of works completed.

= Total persondays generated / No. of House Hold Provided Employment .


= Person days Generated by women / Total Person days Generated X 100


= Persondays generated by ST & SC / Total Persondays generated X 100


17 PARAMETERS TO WATCH Wage per man-day Wage Material Ratio
Cost per man day Social Audit as per norms & guidelines Transparency : Entry in the Online module on regular basis Transparency board at worksite

18 (Should be equal to minimum wage,
WAGE PER MANDAY = Total Expenditure on Unskilled Wage / Total Person days generated (Should be equal to minimum wage, Rs 90/- per day)

19 Wage per Manday (in Rs.) : 2010-11 July

20 Revision of rate for earth work under MGNREGS
(With effect from ) Revision of rate for earth work Types of Soil Unit of Work Rate Earlier Now Ordinary soil (with initial lead of 50mtr. and lift of 1.50mtr.) 100cft. (2.83cum) (10’x10’x1’) Rs Rs Hard soil (with initial lead of 50mtr. and lift of 1.50mtr ) Rs Rs Stony earth ( with initial lead of 50 mtr. and lift of 1.50mtr.) Rs Rate for extra lead and lift 1 extra 2 extra 3 extra 4 extra 5 extra (82’0’’) each Rs.7.64 Rs.16.56 Rs.26.74 Rs.38.21 Rs.50.94 (5’0’’) each Rs Rs.20.88 Rs.31.32 Rs.41.76 Rs.52.20

21 Wage rate How to achieve prescribed wage rate
Minimum rate of wages in Orissa Unskilled labour -Rs.90 Semiskilled labour-Rs.103. Skilled labour -Rs.116. Highly skilled labour-Rs.129 How to achieve prescribed wage rate Ensure prescribed hours of work & type of soil No clubbing of output & “payment” in the name of one member of the family- “women earn ---men spend” Listing of to all members of the family in the job card. Introduce CARRY-OVER OF OUTPUT. HH must not get more than Rs 9000/ under NREGS-100 for OUTPUT Some day he/she may work for Rs145 while another day for Rs 75 but only entitled for Rs90/ > if paid 145 then state pays Rs 55(145-90) if pay Rs 75/ we violate Minimum Wage Act

22 Wage – Material Ratio = Total Expenditure on Unskilled wage/Total Expenditure on other items excluding contingency (Should not cross 60:40 )

23 Wage-Material Ratio: 2010-11 July
Wage-Material Ratio under NREGS(Orissa): to (June 09) Wage-Material Ratio: July

24 = COST PER MANDAY Total Expenditure / Total Persondays generated
(Should not exceed Rs 150 at block level & Rs 159 at District level)

25 Cost per Manday (in Rs.) 2010-11 July


27 % of Expenditure: 2010-11 July


29 Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendra
To provide Space to facilitate the functioning of MGNREGA office at GP / Block Levels, a knowledge resource centre. To be executed Departmentally by issuing work order in the name of J.E./GPTA. Case records for construction of building at Block and GP level to be opened in the Block. The labour material ratio of 60:40 is to be maintained at the District Level. Designs prescribed in the Guidelines and also available in web-site ( In BRGF Districts, the labour component from MGNREGS and material component from BRGF.

30 Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra (Panchayat Level : Rs 10
Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra (Panchayat Level : Rs 10.0 Lakh)

31 Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra (Block Level : Rs 25.0 Lakh)

32 Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra (BNRGSK)
S.No Districts Gram Panchayat Level Sewa Kendra Block Panchayat Level Sewa Kendra Grand Total No. of Panchayats Approved On-going No. of Blocks 1 BOUDH 63 52 5 3 57 2 GAJAPATI 129 95 7 4 100 GANJAM 475 274 22 12 6 314 KALAHANDI 273 208 13 210 KANDHAMAL 153 78 75 163 KORAPUT 228 219 14 225 MALKANGIRI 111 80 89 8 NABARANGAPUR 169 151 10 158 9 NUAPADA 109 37 17 54 RAYAGADA 171 90 28 11 122 BALESHWAR 289 186 33 223 BHADRAK 197 159 CUTTACK 342 217 114 345 JAGATSINGHAPUR 194 128 134 State Total 6252 3885 881 112 39 4920

33 Modified Guidelines on Farm Pond (Mo Pokhari)
To be taken in a mission mode. Meant for BPL/ ST/ SC/ IAY Benf. / Small and Marginal Farmers. 8 types of Farm Ponds of appropriate size. Project cost to depend on size and the prevailing rate for earth work. Beneficiaries selected in Pallisabha. Work order will be issued to the Beneficiaries. Payment of wages on ‘Piece Rate’ to the labourers through Bank/ PO A/c.

34 MO POKHARI Districts Spill Over 2010-11 From Last Year Completed
Target Taken up BOUDH 670 19 10000 960 20 GAJAPATI 492 18 15000 652 77 GANJAM 608 65 30000 1230 KALAHANDI 2357 25000 6073 94 KANDHAMAL 4539 496 3669 436 KORAPUT 3908 81 20000 4232 173 MALKANGIRI 1503 214 6017 242 NABARANGAPUR 2257 5426 139 NUAPADA 367 2710 1181 RAYAGADA 1643 715 5102 1105 BALESHWAR 2973 271 6322 905 BHADRAK 932 38 3386 664 CUTTACK 1086 163 1842 250 JAGATSINGHAPUR 287 713 1264 95 State Total 52933 8660 500000 98490 9368

35 Multi purpose farm pond
Meant for Small and Marginal Farmers The estimated cost Ordinary soil - Rs.1,15,000/-, Ordinary soil & Hard soil - 1,32,500/- Hard soil - Rs.1,50,000/- For multi-purpose use like Pisciculture, Water conservation and Horticulture plantation. Beneficiaries to be identified by field staff of Fisheries Department. implemented by Fisheries & Animal Resources Department. Work order to be issued to the Beneficiaries. Payment of wages on ‘Piece Rate’ to the laborers' through Bank/ PO A/c.

36 Land Development in the land of beneficiaries under Forest Right Act
Land Development, Horticulture Plantation and Farm Pond for beneficiaries covered under Forest Right Act. Beneficiaries belonging to BPL / ST / SC / IAY / Land Reform/ small and marginal farmers. Beneficiaries to be selected by Palli Sabha. Depending on the land holding, selected beneficiaries can take up Land Development, Horticulture Plantation and Farm Pond in their land with cost from Rs.5,000/- to Rs.50,000/-. Orissa Watershed Development Mission (OWDM), Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Programme (OTELP), Orissa State Forestry Development Programme (OSFDP), Directorate of Soil Conservation, Panchayat Samiti and Gram Panchayat will be the implementing agencies. Work order to be issued in favour of eligible beneficiaries. Payment of wages will be made to the labourers through their Bank / Post Office accounts on piece rate i.e. out turn basis.

37 Convergence of MGNREGS with Line Department and Other Schemes
Guidelines for Convergence of MGNREGS with Line Departments simplified Block / GP / Village wise Annual Action Plan will be directly submitted to Collector-cum-DPC by District Level Line Departments for approval of the Zilla Parisad. Technical sanction and Administrative approval by Line Departments. Online financial sanction by Collector-cum-DPC. Funds will be released directly to the concerned Line Departments from DRDA by Collector-cum-DPC. The online entry of MGNREGS data will be made by Block. 2% of the expenditure can be spent towards contingency by Line Departments.. Service of Gaon Sathi / Gram Sanjoyak will be availed by Line Departments..

38 Project Initiation Meeting (PIM)
Meant for awareness generation among actual and prospective NREGA workers at village level. Organized in the village / worksite on the 1st day of commencement of a project, convened by PO of Panchayat Samiti or EO of the Gram Panchayat through wide publicity. The provisions of NREGA, registration, issue of job card, demand for work, worksite facilities, payment wages through Bank / Post Office and other rights of the job seekers are explained. Applications for registration and demand for work are also collected. Estimated cost of the work, the nature of the work, wage rate, wage payment schedule also explained. The rationale of piece rate wage system for earthwork is explained through demonstration of “Sample Pits”.

Registration Bank accounts Sample pit Transparency Pillar Leaflets First day Worksite Act explained Project explained Demand generated Group formation 39

40 Strategies for Generating Awareness
Conventions/ Meetings/Orientation of PRIs. Special Gram Sabhas, Palli Sabhas. Convention of HHs completing 100 days. Use of local vernacular newspapers, radio, TV, films & local cultural forms. Leaflets, brochures in simple local language with more of Graphics. Fixing one day as a Rozgar Diwas in a fortnight. Information/Publicity through centres in Local Weekly Markets(Hats). Extensive wall paintings with slogans. NGOs/SHGs participation in awareness generation.

41 Worksite Management

42 Worksite Management Shed and Drinking water First-aid

43 Facilities for labourers at work site
Safe drinking water Shade for children and periods of rest First-aid Box for emergency treatment and minor injuries Health hazards connected with work to be provided Depute one woman worker to look after five or more children below the age of six years of women laborers Deputed woman shall be paid wage rate. Handicapped labourer can be given preference

44 Training of Gram Sanjoyaks
Training on the concept of MGNREGS, Role of Gram Sanjoyaks and taking preliminary measurements for training of Gram Sanjoyaks. One day training of Master Trainers at SIRD. One day training of trainers at District Level by end of may. Three days’ training of Gram Sanjoyaks at Block Level by end June in batches of 35. Two days at the Block HQ and one day at work site. 2 per village to begin with. Gram Sanjoyak to act as worksite supervisor, responsible for bringing job card holders to worksite, maintaining worksite facilities, maintaining muster roll and taking preliminary measurement etc. The work order will be issued in the name of Gram Sanjoyak. All Gaon Sathis to be converted to Gram Sanjojaks and be paid Semi-skilled wage.

45 Delegation of Power Draft notification regarding Delegation of powers on technical sanction and administrative approval vide notification no.11141/PR dated : Technical Sanction:- Jr. Engineer : Up to Rs.3.0lakhs Asst. Engineer : Above Rs.3.0 to Rs.6.0 lakhs Exe. Engineer : Above Rs.6.0 to Rs.50.0 lakhs Supt. Engineer : Above Rs.50.0lakhs to Rs.3.0Crore Chief Engineer : Above Rs.3.0Crore Administrative Approval:- Block Dev. Officer : Up to Rs.10.0lakhs Chairman PS : Above Rs.10.0 to Rs.20.0lakhs Collector : Above Rs.20.0 to Rs.50.0lakhs

46 SANJOG HELPLINE TOLL FREE NO. 18003456770,155335

47 Grievance Redressal The BDO-cum-PO is the Grievance Redressal Officer at Block level and Collector-cum-DPC at District level. All the Complaints / Grievances received at GP, Block and District level should be entered in the complain register by GP, Block and District. The person registering the Grievance should be given a receipt with no. and date. Appeal against the GP will be to the BDO-cum-PO and appeal against BDO-cum-PO will be to the Collector-cum-DPC. Gram Panchayat, BDO-cum-PO and Collector-cum-DPC shall redress Grievances of applicants within 7days of the receipt. All Complaints under Sanjog Helpline should be attended immediately and closed in online. MPR on receipt and disposal of Grievances should be sent by BDO to District and by District to Department. Online entry also mandatory

48 Social Audit

49 Guidelines on Social Audit
Conduct of Social Audit (SA) in the Gram Sabha of the concerned Gram Panchayats mandatorily twice in a Financial Year in the month of April and October. Finalization of calendar of the SA Block / GP wise by DPC-cum-Collector in consultation with PO-cum-BDO and wide publication and uploading in MGNREGS website at least 30days in advance. Constitution of Social Audit Committee consisting of ten (10) members at the village level by the Palli Sabha. Election of President / Secretary by SA Committee and formation of three Committees for verification of documents / inspection and field visit and Muster Rolls verification at the village. The findings of the SA Committee will be presented by President / Secretary of the SA Committee. Presence and furnishing reply and required information in the meeting by the GP Officials, PRI Representatives / Officials of Line Departments. Recording of the findings / minutes of the SA Forum in the prescribed format and sending to DPC / BDO / EO for compliance within a week. Web hosting

50 Role of NGO in Social Audit
A member of the SAC at Village Level chosen by Palli Sabha. Co-ordination of SA within the District by One NGO engaged by the Collector-cum-DPC at the District Level with collaboration of other NGOs if necessary. Create awareness of the calendar of the SA of the Gram Panchayats to the public and bringing them to the SA Forum at GP HQ. Present and participate in the SA Forum at the GP HQ. Act as facilitator in the process of SA. Provide training on preparation and documentation of the SA. Rs 1000 per Social Audit out of which Rs 500/- for NGO.

Shelf of projects should be displayed at GP & Block offices. Information sharing through Palli Sabha & Gram Sabha. People’s estimate written in Transparency pillars constructed at the worksite. Muster Roll, Copy of estimate available at the worksite. All project related informations to be web hosted. Wide Publicity of the Social Audit calender through beat of drums, leaflets, advertisement through news papers and website.

52 Review & Monitoring Work in each village.
Daily reporting by Blocks/GPs. Once a Fortnight at Block by PO with Gram Rozgar sevaks. Once a month at District by DPC with Pos. Monthly Progress Reports on employment demanded and provided, person days, financial status, works to be reported on MIS Annual Reports to be submitted in time. Reports: Online on MIS

53 Daily Report from Worksite to BDO
GRS to CP, CP/BDO to PD, PD/DPC to Dir(SP)/Secy Number of Jobseekers –reported and working Details of workers Women, ST ,SC ,PH Wages paid Number & Cost of works GPs with NO WORK-reasons Any other item

54 NREGA Success MANTRA Register all potential job seekers in the village. Focus on landless labourers, traditional unskilled labourers, STs/SCs, other vulnerable sections, Poor households, migrant labourers, women, Primitive tribes. Realistic labour budget GP wise – No. of HHs to be provided employment for certain number of average days per HH. Action plan/Shelf of projects to be ready in advance duly approved (AS & TS) in the beginning of the financial year. Number and location of projects to be decided based on the availability of labourers. Involve Panchayats with standard plan & estimate like BNRGSK Area specific IEC campaigns, Project Initiation meetings

55 NREGA : Practical Tips Control Wage-material ratio (60:40), Wage per manday (Rs 90/-), Cost per manday(Rs 159/-) at district level. Use 7 days muster roll, ensure weekly measurement. Worksite facilities. Social audit as per the guideline – Role of NGOs. Grievance redressal mechanism – Grievance registers, Toll free numbers (Ganjam model), Publicity Daily entry in the online module, both wage & material components-other wise NO FUND Efficient financial management – No idle parking of money Ensure payment of minimum wage – No less, No more Regular reviews, daily collection of labourers engaged, close monitoring

56 Shramev Jayate THANKS

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