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Presentation on theme: "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD: BACKGROUND OF THE KKK By: Zach F., Zach L., Hugo G."— Presentation transcript:


2 Intro, beginnings of the Klan  The Ku Klux Klan has had three different Cults lasting different times This presentation will cover all three of the ‘Klans’  Zach L. will present on the 1 st Klan  Zach F. will present on the 2 nd Klan  Hugo will present on the 3 rd Klan

3 History Of The 1 st Klan  The first klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Texas  It was organized by ex-Confederate Veterans  The Leader of the first klan was Nathan Bedford Forrest.  The KKK opposed the Reconstruction policies of the radical Republican Congress to maintain “White Supremacy”  Was dismembered in 1870 but some groups continued the KKK

4 History Of The 2 nd Klan  The years in power

5 History Of The 3 rd Klan  After 1925 the amount of people in the KKK has dramatically decreased  In the 50’s and 60’s many Klan members tried to forge alliances with police depts.  Klans in the 50’s/60’s were the most extreme, with over 9 bombings and terrorist attacks  The 70’s and 80’s brought change to the Klan, with public outrage being highly televised and the discrimination of people of colour decreased

6 Followers Of The Klan(s) 1 st  The first klan consisted mostly of former confederate veterans.  They included organizations like the Southern cross of New Orleans and The knights of the White Camelia

7 2 nd  Who where they  Why did they join

8 3 rd  People in the Klan are scared of being discovered thus most of them wear white hoods.  During the day they are ‘regular’ citizens, holding jobs, feeding families and going to church.  Many Klansmen are veterans not just the 1 st and 2 nd world wars, but of Iraq and Afghanistan.  Klansmen also discriminate against: Jews, Homosexuals and supporters of the LGBTQ+ community, and mixed race couples.

9 Creators Of The Klan(s) 1 st  Six Confederate Veterans created and started the KKK.  It was during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War.

10 2 nd  Why did he do it

11 3 rd  Steven Howard  Many police forces including Birmingham and many states  Neo-Nazis  Many veterans joined the Klan  After president Barack Obama was elected many people joined the Klan  No one person created it, rather many different groups were formed at the same time

12 Effects On Society 1 st Klan  The effects of the KKK were that they were feared  They killed many black people  People were run out of their towns and houses, often left broke or injured

13 2 nd Klan  How did others see the Klan  Was it accepted to be a member of the Klan?

14 3 rd Klan  Many laws protecting people of colour were stopped or slowed down all together  Many bombings, protests and murders were committed by the Klan  The death of civil rights activists were hailed by the KKK, which raised tensions back in the 60’s  There were positive effects, the mass public believed that what the KKK was doing was an atrocity  Some communities unified against the KKK, and the FBI became more aware of the problem

15 Existence - Why?  The Klan wanted to promote the white supremacist movement in the United States  People were scared of change, especially many people that believed in segregation  Many people also expressed intolerance towards the LGBT, Jew and black communities  Klan members wanted all minorities to leave town and have their own country/ community

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