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What persuasive techniques are used to influence your behaviors?

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1 What persuasive techniques are used to influence your behaviors?



4 Jump Right On! Join Us! Everybody’s doing it – Everybody’s on board Follow the crowd!

5 To use a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt

6 Words or pictures instill fear, anxiety, panic

7 Makes sweeping statements or uses emotionally appealing words, but no facts to back it up

8 Argument sounds logical, but the premise given for conclusion does not provide support Birds fly in the sky Airplanes fly in the sky Therefore birds are airplanes

9 Use of insulting or degrading terms and/or images

10 Offering toys and rebates, contest entries for using product

11 Uses a public figure or a person of authority to promote an idea or product

12 Make a connection with something or someone who is highly respected, thereby transferring that respect to the idea or product

13 Appeals to sense of Patriotism




17 The things said about the product, issue, or candidate are almost always true. However, the negative aspects are left out, gone over quickly, or put in small print so that the viewer will miss them.

18  Making those you oppose appear to be evil or subhuman

19  Assigning blame to an Individual or group so that the responsible party or parties are not held accountable or do not feel guilt.

20  What is advertised is not exactly what you get. Advertised Reality

21 1. Is all propaganda bad? 2. Is propaganda sometimes / ever necessary? 3. In what ways might propaganda influence how people define what it means to be an American? 4. What do you as a citizen need to remember about advertising and propaganda?

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