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Status and schedule for the H - source upgrade at HINS beam line HINS Meson meeting January 5 th, 2012 L. Prost (most inputs from Steve Hays & Alex Chen)

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Presentation on theme: "Status and schedule for the H - source upgrade at HINS beam line HINS Meson meeting January 5 th, 2012 L. Prost (most inputs from Steve Hays & Alex Chen)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status and schedule for the H - source upgrade at HINS beam line HINS Meson meeting January 5 th, 2012 L. Prost (most inputs from Steve Hays & Alex Chen)

2 2 H - Source Status  Source reinstalled on Pre Acc test stand on 12/9/11  Has been running mostly OK since  Several issues/failures had to be taken care along the way  HV stability better than the last run May be because of changes we made to the extraction electrode (?)  Running at low duty factor (right now, 300  s pulse at 1 Hz) is difficult (stability of the arc/plasma) because of the low temperature of the cathode (mainly)  There is only so much we can do with the knobs we have Heaters, gas pressure, arc discharge power  Started emittance measurements yesterday  We are running with DC extractor  Greg is having difficulties with his pulser  I don’t think it will be ready to be tested on the Pre Acc test stand

3 3 H - move main tasks  Electrical  Remove cables  New gas valve controller installation  Installation of the higher capacitance (for the 50 kV PS)  Change polarity of PSs  Connect heaters to HRM  Install control cables and such  Remove filament PS  Remove leak valve system  Mechanical  Reference source (alignment)  Alignment as-found ?  Remove H + source and stand  Mount and install new stand  New cover

4 4 H - move main tasks (cont’)  Mechanical (cont’)  Build new heater power supply system  Install new gas valve  Relocate vacuum pumps  Install H - source  Alignment  Other miscellaneous?  Assumes that the pulser won’t be ready  When ready to be installed, will need dedicated run time for commissioning

5 5 Time Estimates  Most of the tasks are sequential i.e. not much can be done in parallel  But some must or can be done before  Heater power supply system (Drew – 1 week)  PS, controllers, thermocouple…  We have everything  Fiducials for source alignment (Alignment group - ?)  Electrical (Steve’s estimate)  Two techs for 5 days + himself as needed  Mechanical (Alex’s estimate)  Two techs for 5 days + himself as needed (1 day)  Alignment after installation (1 day)  At face value, time in the cave: 11 days (~2 weeks) no overlap  A more realistic estimate would be 3 full weeks  Does not include any commissioning

6 6 11-day possible schedule  Feb 1 st, H - source to alignment  Depends on how much time needed for alignment  Simply need to be early enough  Feb 3 rd, last H + run  Feb 6 th, start removing H + source  Mostly electrical first (cables and such), then mechanical (source and stand out)  Feb 13 th, new stand installed  Feb 17 th, H- source installed  Includes vacuum connected (may be not pumped down)  Includes all electrical connections  Feb 20 th, alignment  Feb 21 st, start commissioning  HV => Plasma => Beam 11 days

7 7 More realistic (?) schedule  Feb 1 st, H - source to alignment  Depends on how much time needed for alignment  Simply need to be early enough  Feb 3 rd, last H + run  Feb 6 th, start removing H + source  Mostly electrical first (cables and such), then mechanical (source and stand out)  Feb 16 th, new stand installed  Feb 24 th, H- source installed  Includes vacuum connected (may be not pumped down)  Includes all electrical connections  Feb 27 th, alignment  Feb 28 th, start commissioning  HV => Plasma => Beam 3 weeks

8 8 What’s next?  Official (?) goal (?) is to have 2.1 MeV beam with adequate parameters for testing the beam absorber by the middle of the summer(?)  If “6-cavity test” is not completed rapidly, what priority?  When/How do we decide to switch goals?  Is it even possible?  What kind of effort?  What would be a schedule that makes sense (for the beam absorber test to be useful)?  Obviously, I don’t have a plan (otherwise, it would be here)  Need to have a better grip on the current beamline before moving things around  Upgrade to H - will certainly not resolve all problems

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