Title I Vamshi Rudrapati (Mr. V) Phone: 803-734-1105

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1 Title I Vamshi Rudrapati (Mr. V) Phone: 803-734-1105 Email: vrudrapati@sccharter.orgvrudrapati@sccharter.org

2 Title I Funds 10 out of 24 schools (seven brick and mortar and 3 virtual) last year operated a school wide Title I Program. The SCPCSD official Title I allocations are based upon the schools official 5 th day count obtained by PowerSchool. (Hopefully by first week of September) Schools at or above the poverty rate of 45% are eligible for assistance and to operate as a school wide program Funds are reimbursed

3 Lunch forms and District of Residence  Collect forms for every student at your school  Code them appropriately in PowerSchool  Use direct certification data if you are a Community Eligibility Provision school  Collect District of Residence for every student at your school  Code them appropriately in PowerSchool  Refer to the DOR and Lunch Memorandum sent on 05/29/2014 which is also listed on the Title I update email 07/17/2014  Also Available on SharePoint

4 Title III Title III - Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Students This is SCPCSD second year as stand alone district. The district gets a very small pot of funds (sprinkles on a cake) Schools are expected to provide the services to ELL students Funds are not allocated to schools District uses the funds for two REQUIRED activities  To increase the English proficiency of limited English proficient children  Professional Development

5 How do we identify a ELL Student?  A home language survey is completed at the time of enrollment for every student who enters your school to determine if there is an influence of a language other than English.  A Home Language Survey MUST given to every student that enrolls at your school and the Home Language Survey is a part of each students file. “DO NOT PURGE” SHOULD BE ON THE HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY! What I need to know about Title III?

6 LAS Screener South Carolina ESOL Standards English Language Development Assessment (ELDA) Last year This year WIDA Screener WIDA Standards ACCESS

7 SharePoint


9 Website and SharePoint Updates School List: Please update the board meeting information Provide innovation model Website: Charter Information Employment Page SharePoint: Meeting Calendar Submission Calendar Coordinators Survey

10 Questions?

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