 2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Increasing Profitability Through Energy Services A Comprehensive Program To Deliver Energy and Sustainability Services  2009 AirAdvice,

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Presentation on theme: " 2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Increasing Profitability Through Energy Services A Comprehensive Program To Deliver Energy and Sustainability Services  2009 AirAdvice,"— Presentation transcript:

1  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Increasing Profitability Through Energy Services A Comprehensive Program To Deliver Energy and Sustainability Services  2009 AirAdvice, Inc.

2 Enhancing Energy Efficiency Modules ModuleDescriptionDate 1An Overview of Energy ServicesMay 6 2The First Step: Energy BenchmarkingMay 27 3Introduction to Energy AuditsJune 8 4Energy Audits and RetrocommissioningJune 24 5Closing the Service & Retrofit SaleJuly 15 6Monitoring and Verification of EnergyJuly 29 7LEED ® Credits from Energy EfficiencyAugust 12 8Marketing Energy EfficiencyAugust 19

3  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Module 1: An Overview of Energy Services

4  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Why Now – Building Owners’ Pain  Financial pressure  Tight capital budgets  Need to reduce operating costs  Market demand for green, sustainability

5  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. “A couple of years ago rent appreciation had a major impact on asset values. Operating costs were not at the top of building owner’s priority list. Today, as rent growth has slowed, reducing operating costs can have a significant impact on the value of a building. Energy efficiency has now become a priority.” - Mark Fitkin CB Richard Ellis

6  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. 0% Comfort Energy Pain in the buildings: A target-rich environment

7  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Target-rich environment  2007 version available on the Building Advisor blog: http://airadvice.com/buildingblog  2009 version coming this summer

8  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Where to Attack : Resources Source: Building Owners and Managers Association

9  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Why Now – Contractors’ Perspective  New construction slow  Project backlogs decreasing  ROI “compression”  Service contracts under pressure

10  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. “ If you do the same thing in 2009 as you did in 2008 and think you can expect the same result, you’re crazy. You have to do something different.” - Jeff Souza EMCOR Facilities Services

11  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Energy and sustainability services are the catalysts to:  Protect and grow your service base  Harvest retrofit opportunities

12  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Big players. Big projects.

13  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. If this is so easy, why aren’t more energy services being provided today?

14  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. 58% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Less than 5k 5k to 10k 10k to 25k 25k to 50k 50k to 100k 100k to 200k 200k to 500k Over 500k Building Size - sq. ft. Cumulative Distribution - % No. of Bldgs Energy Use 58% 98% Building demographics

15  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Technology has not been geared toward scale

16  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Assume 40 hrs @ $150/hr; Savings Potential = $0.30 per sq. ft. Economics of energy service delivery

17  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Why are HVAC contractors better positioned to capitalize on this opportunity?

18  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. 1. You’re in the buildings every day

19  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. 2. Your Solutions are Cost-Effective

20  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. 3. Service infrastructure in place

21  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Positioning Service Agreements as Energy Service Agreements Benefits Your Business:  More revenue per customer  More profit per service contract  Preserve service base

22  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Getting started in energy services 1.Treat as sales initiative 2.Focus on financial buyer 3.Define your services 4.Define your mission/vision

23  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Benchmark Energy Performance On-Site Energy Audits Propose and Implement Retrofits Monitor and Verify Savings Level III Audit / Retro- Commissioning Energy Services Delivery Model

24  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Business Benefits of Benchmarking: 1.Start the energy discussion 2.Qualify your prospects 3.Builds your early sales funnel

25  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Topics for Energy Benchmarking webinar  ENERGY STAR ® Portfolio Manager™  Benefits  Challenges  Benchmarking alternatives  Utility bill-paying services  Packaging and selling benchmarking services

26  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Benchmark Energy Performance On-Site Energy Audits Propose and Implement Retrofits Monitor and Verify Savings Level III Audit / Retro- Commissioning Energy Services Delivery Model

27  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Business Benefits of Energy Audits: 1.Generate incremental service revenue 2.Quantify energy savings opportunities 3.Build foundation for future projects

28  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Types of Energy Audits – ASHRAE Definitions  Level I – Walk-Through Analysis  Level II – Energy Survey and Analysis  Level III – Detailed Analysis

29  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Methods Used for Level I Audits  Walk-Through w/ Checklists  Worksheets / spreadsheet analyses

30  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Methods for Level II Audits  Use of data loggers to collect environmental data  Energy metering  Spreadsheet analyses  BuildingAdvice™ Assess

31  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Benefits of Level II Audits  Technology and automation reduce delivery cost  Customers can now afford “efficiency studies”  Builds financial case for services and retrofits  Establishes a proactive sales strategy  Gets you around “gatekeepers”  Positions you as a strategic partner New price point opens new market opportunity

32  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. No setback of temperature during unoccupied periods Including July 4 th Holiday! Integrated reporting

33  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Integrated reporting Receptionist had a space heater under her desk! Running all weekend!! Why is reception area 4  F warmer?

34  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Integrated reporting

35  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Energy Services Delivery Model Benchmark Energy Performance On-Site Energy Audits Propose and Implement Retrofits Monitor and Verify Savings Level III Audit / Retro- Commissioning

36  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Goal of Level III Energy Audit: Detailed analysis to support major capital investment decisions

37  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Methods for Level III Audits

38  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Energy Services Delivery Model Benchmark Energy Performance On-Site Energy Assessment Propose and Implement Retrofits Monitor and Verify Savings Level III Audit / Retro- Commissioning

39  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Propose and Implement Retrofits  Financial focus: ROI  Supported by engineering calculations

40  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Closing the service & retrofit sale webinar topics  Session 5, July 15 th  Getting by gatekeepers  Targeting multiple decision makers  Financial justification  Objections and overcoming them

41  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Energy Services Delivery Model Benchmark Energy Performance On-Site Energy Audits Propose and Implement Retrofits Monitor and Verify Savings Level III Audit / Retro- Commissioning

42  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Business Benefits of Monitoring and Verification: 1.New service revenue opportunity 2.Stay connected to customer 3.Ensuring savings are met

43  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Methods for Monitoring and Verification

44  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Topics for LEED Webinar  Session 7, August 12 th  LEED’s relevance to service contractors  LEED credits addressed by energy efficiency  Positioning your company to participate in LEED projects

45  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Topics for Marketing Webinar  Session 8, August 19 th  Segmentation, targeting  Branding, messaging  Marketing process, activities  Campaigns to existing and new customers

46  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Summary  Your customers need your help  MSCA best positioned to help  Tremendous opportunity to harvest service and retrofits in your base  Energy Services Webinar Series establishes you as the expert in your market  Webinar series is a roadmap to transition you to the new market  Take the reins!

47  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Enhancing Energy Efficiency Modules ModuleDescriptionDate 1An Overview of Energy ServicesMay 6 2The First Step: Energy BenchmarkingMay 27 3Introduction to Energy AuditsJune 8 4Energy Audits and RetrocommissioningJune 24 5Closing the Service & Retrofit SaleJuly 15 6Monitoring and Verification of EnergyJuly 29 7LEED ® Credits from Energy EfficiencyAugust 12 8Marketing Energy EfficiencyAugust 19

48  2009 AirAdvice, Inc. Next 1) Bookmark the Building Advisor blog: http://airadvice.com/buildingblog  Regular updates, addition of materials and documents  Join the conversation – we want to hear from you 2)Look for email in 1 day  Recorded version of this webinar  Register for upcoming sessions  More…

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