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Anatomy - study of the structures of the human body visible with the naked eye Physiology - study of the functions and activities performed by the body.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy - study of the structures of the human body visible with the naked eye Physiology - study of the functions and activities performed by the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy - study of the structures of the human body visible with the naked eye Physiology - study of the functions and activities performed by the body structures Histology – study of tiny structures found in living tissues

2 CELLS: basic units of all living things Cell Structures: protoplasm - colorless jelly-like substance nucleus - center of cell, responsible for reproduction cytoplasm - surrounds nucleus cell membrane - acts like balloon to contain protoplasm, acts like a filter for the cell Reproduction & Division: Mitosis - splitting of cells into daughter cells (aka- Binary Fission) 2 Phases of Metabolism: Anabolism - constructive / building up Catabolism - breaking down/ energy release

3 Tissue: collection of similar cells 5 types: Connective - binds together/ bones Epithelial - protective covering of body Liquid - blood / lymph Muscular - contracts / moves body Nerve - sends messages / controls body

4 Organs: groups of tissues designed to perform a specific function Brain Eyes Heart Kidneys Lungs Liver Skin Stomach

5 Body Systems: groups of organs acting together 11 Systems in the body: Circulatory Digestive Endocrine Excretory Integumentary Lymphatic/ Immune Muscular Nervous Reproductive Respiratory Skeletal

6 Skeletal System: physical foundation of the body  206 Bones  OS- means Bone  Osteology – Study of Bones  Bone is the hardest tissue in the body – teeth being the strongest  1/3 organic matter & 2/3 mineral matter  Joint – connection of 2 or more bones Functions: Give shape & support to the body Protect internal organs Attachments for muscles / acts as levers to produce body movements Produce white & red blood cells


8 Bones of the Face: Nasal Lacrimal Zygomatic or Malar Maxillae Mandible Turbinal Vomer Palatine

9 Bones of the Chest,Shoulder & Back: Thorax Ribs Scapula Sternum Clavicle Bone of the Neck: Hyoid Cervical Vertebrae

10 Bones of the Arms / Hands Humerus Ulna Radius Carpus Metacarpus Phalanges / Digets

11 Bones of the Leg / Foot: Femur Fibula Patella Talus Tarsal Metatarsal Phalanges

12 Key Medical Terminoligy: Superior - top, above Inferior - lower, below Exterior / External - outside Interior / Internal - inside Posterior - behind Anterior - in front Orb / orbicularis - round Oculi - eye Oris- mouth Epi - center Labii / labial - lips Zygomatic - cheeks Auricularis - ear Procerus - nose Buccinator - mouth area Peripheral - outer Dorsal - top Superficial - not deep / near the surface

13 Muscular System - *covers, shapes, and supports the skeleton *contracts & moves body *Myology - study of muscles *600 muscles in body *40% of body weight *3 types of muscles 1)Striated - skeletal/ voluntary / controlled at will 2)Non-striated - smooth / involuntary / functions automatically 3)Cardiac - heart *3 parts to a muscle 1) origin- attached to skeleton & does not move 2) insertion - moveable attachment 3) belly - center of the muscle *Pressure in massage is directed from Insertion to Origin (I before O)


15 Muscles of the Scalp: Epicranius - covers top of skull Occipitalis - back Frontalis - front Epicranial aponeurosis - tendon that connects occipitalis to frontalis Muscles of the Ear: Auricularis superior Auricularis anterior Auricularis posterior Muscles of Mastication (chewing): Masseter temporalis Muscles of the Neck: Platysma Sternocleidomastoideus Muscles of the Eyebrow: Corrugator Orbicularis oculi Muscles of the Nose: Procerus





20 Nervous System: *coordinates all body activities *100 billion nerve cells aka neurons *study of nerves is Neurology * 3 principal components nerves spinal cord brain * 3 main subdivisions Central - controls senses & voluntary muscle actions Peripheral - connects the outer parts of body to stem Autonomic - controls the involuntary muscles * Brain - largest most complex nerve tissue, sends & receives messages through 12 pairs of cranial nerves * Spinal Cord - originates in the brain and travels down the body, protected by the spinal column, 31 pairs of nerves extend from spinal cord * Neuron aka Nerve Cell * Dendrites - tree like branches of nerve fibers * Axon - sends impulses * Nerves - whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue through which impulses are transmitted * Types of Nerves Sensory - carry impulses from sense organs to the brain Motor - carry impulses from the brain to the muscles * Reflex - automatic nerve reaction to a stimulus



23 Nerves of the Head, Face & Neck: *Fifth cranial nerve - aka trifacial or trigeminal -Chief sensory nerve of the face 3 Branches: Opthalmic – forehead / eye area Mandibular – lower face Maxillary – upper face






29 Circulatory System aka cardiovascular or vascular 2 Divisions: Blood Vascular & Lymph Vascular Blood Vascular: Heart, Arteries, Veins, & Capillaries Lymph Vascular: Lymphatics, Lymph nodes, Lymph

30 *size of a closed fist *beats 72-80 times per min The Heart - muscular cone shaped organ that keeps blood moving

31 Blood Vessels Tube like structures that transport blood to & from heart & organs Ateries - thick walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body. Largest artery is Aorta Veins - thin walled vessels that are less elastic than arteries, they contain cup-like valces that prevent backflow they carry blood containing waste back to the heart for cleaning. They are located closer to the surface of the body. Capillaries - tiny thin walled vessels that connect smaller arteries to veins



34 Chief Functions of the Blood *carries water, oxygen & food to all cells *carries away carbon dioxide and waste to be eliminated through the lungs, skin, kidneys, and large intestines *equalize body temp *works with immune system to protect body *seals leaks found in injured blood vessels by forming clots, preventing further blood loss

35 Lymph Vascular *lymph is circulated through the lymphatic vessels and filtered by the lymph nodes *they filter blood to fight infections *carry nourishment from the blood to the body cells *act as defense against invading microorganisms & toxins *remove waste material from cells *provide a fluid environment for cells



38 Superficial temporal artery is a continuation of the external carotid artery Some of its important branches: *Frontal artery- forehead, upper eyelid *Parietal artery - sides & crown of head *Transverse facial artery - skin & masseter *Middle temporal artery - temples *Anterior auricular artery - front of ear *Occipital artery - back of head *Posterior auricular artery - behind & above ear

39 Veins of the Head, Face, and Neck: 2 Principal Veins: Internal Jugular & External Jugular The most important veins of the head, face, and neck are parallel to the arteries and take the same name as the arteries

40 Endocrine System: group of specialized glands that affect the growth, development, sexual activities and health of the entire body *Exocrine glands - duct glands - sweat and oil glands of the skin and intestinal glands *Endocrine glands - ductless glands - secrete hormones such as insulin, adrenaline and estrogen


42 Digestive System: *Also called gastrointestinal *Responsible for breaking down food into nutrients & waste *entire food digestion process usually takes about 9 hours to complete Excretory System: *purifying the body by eliminating wast matter *kidneys excrete waste containing urine *liver discharges wast containing bile *skin eliminates wast containing perspiration *large intestin eliminates decomposed & undigested food *lungs exhale carbon dioxide

43 Respiratory System: *Enables breathing *Lungs are spongy tissues composed of microscopic cells that exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide *Diaphragm is a muscular wall that separates the thorax from the abdominal region & helps control breathing *Oxygen is more essential than food or water Integumentary System: *Skin and its accessory organs, such as the oil & sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair & nails Reproductive System: Performs the function of producing opffspring and passing on the genetic code from one generation to the next

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