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Greek History Ancient Philosophy. Stages Archiac Classical Hellenistic.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek History Ancient Philosophy. Stages Archiac Classical Hellenistic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek History Ancient Philosophy

2 Stages Archiac Classical Hellenistic

3 Archiac Tribal Stage Bronze Age

4 Transition Dark Ages

5 Classical City-State Develops Persian Wars Age of Pericles

6 City-State Develops Re-discovery of Writing Cleisthenes' Reforms Homer (ca. 725) and Hesiod (ca. 700) Oligarchy vs. democracy; tyranny Hoplite military innovation (675) Draco and the Law (621)

7 Solon and reform (594) debt reduction (n.b. hektemoroi) abolition of debt slavery revision of law code extension of citizenship four-part social classification (by wealth) increased eligibility for Council and Assembly economic reforms

8 Peisistratus (560-546-527) Uprising of the rural areas

9 Cleisthene (508) tribal reorganization (10 tribes; 139 demes) Council of 500 board of generals ("strategoi") ostracism

10 The Persian Wars, 499-449 The Ionian Revolt, 499-493 Darius's Assault, 490 –Marathon under Miltiades the Lull, 490-480 Xerxes's Assault, 480-479 –Thermopyle –Salamis –Plataea Delian League and the Greek Offensive Peace of Callias, 449 Perversion of the League

11 The Age of Pericles, 461-431 The Empire The Democracy –payment for public service –wider eligibility for office – increased use of the lot The City Culture Peloponnesian War (431-404)

12 Sicilian Campaign Defeat of Athens loss of fleet destruction of Long Walls and Piraeus walls loss of imperial holdings

13 Hellenistic Philip II and the Rise of Macedon Alexander the Great Helenistic Empires

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