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Technical and Business Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Technical and Business Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical and Business Communication

2 What is Technical Communication
The process of transmitting facts and information to a defined audience for a specific purpose. Taking complicated subject matter and transforming it into easy to understand information for the reader. Technical writers present information in science, electronics or other technical areas backed up by data and facts.

3 What do Tech Writers create?
User manuals System manuals Step-by-step procedures On-line help Training manuals Quick-reference guides How-to video scripts

4 Factors to Consider in Technical Communication
Audience Purpose Format Style

5 Audience Different backgrounds. Different levels of understanding.
Different information needs.

6 Purpose Inform. Explain. Describe. Persuade. Request for Action.

7 Format Reports or documents Record – keeping forms Instructions
Lab reports, proposals, etc. Record – keeping forms Expense sheets, troubleshooting logs). Instructions User guides, Online help, Training Manuals. Presentations

8 Style Jargon. Structure and Format.
Sentences that get straight to the point. Functional, exact and clear words. Short paragraphs with each paragraph focused on one idea. Visible organization.

9 Types of Audience Technical Audience. Semi-Technical Audience.
Nontechnical Audience.

10 Understanding Business Communication
Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages.

Quicker Problem Solving Stronger Decision Making Stronger Business Relationships Increased Productivity BENEFITS Of EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Satisfied Stakeholders Steadier Workflow Promote Products Enhanced Image

12 Types of Communication
Internal Communication Formal Communication Network Upward Flow Downward Flow Horizontal Flow Informal Communication Network Grapevine External Communication Formal Outside Communication Informal Outside Communication

13 The Communication Process
Phase 1: Sender has an idea CHANNEL AND MEDIUM Phase 6: Receiver sends feedback Phase 2: Sender encodes idea Phase 5: Receiver decodes message Phase 3: Sender transmits message Phase 4: Receiver gets message

14 Communication Barriers
Perceptual Differences Restrictive Environments Distractions Deception

15 Overcoming Communication Barriers
Adopt an Audience Centered Approach. Foster an Open Communication Climate. Create Lean, Efficient Messages. Commit to Ethical Communication.

16 Communicating Across Cultures
Intercultural Communication The process of sending and receiving messages between people from different cultural backgrounds. Market Globalization The increasing tendency of the world to act as one market. The Multicultural Workforce Cultural Diversity

17 Develop Effective Intercultural Skills
Improve written skills Use plain English. Avoid slang and jargon. Be brief. Use short paragraphs. Improve oral communication skills Speak clearly. Look for feedback. Rephrase where necessary. Adapt.

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