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An Inquiry Based Learning Experience: Why is Las Vegas so Hot? Laurie Tuggle Chris Axas Christina Cox.

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1 An Inquiry Based Learning Experience: Why is Las Vegas so Hot? Laurie Tuggle Chris Axas Christina Cox

2 Content Standards Nevada Science Content Standards: L.12. C.3 which states that students know the amount of living matter in an environment is limited by the availability of matter, energy, and the ability of the ecosystem to recycle materials. L.12.C.4 which states that students know the unique geologic, hydrologic, climatic, and biological characteristics of Nevada’s bioregions.

3 Content Standards Biology/Biology H 2.1- The students will describe the characteristics of the major terrestrial and aquatic biomes 2.2 The student will describe characteristics exhibited by various organisms which adapt them for their particular habitat.

4 Inquiry Unit on Biomes 1.Introduction of case scenario via storytelling. 2.Student power point presentations on biomes. 3.Explore the diversity of desert biomes with emphasis on the water cycle. 4.Revisited case scenario with class discussion.

5 1. Introduction of Case Scenario Expose students to a traveling scenario. Cornell Note Response Sheet.

6 Cornell Note Response Sheet These might want to be included on the Cornell Note-Taking Guide??? Possible Vocabulary: Latitude Elevation/Altitude Lapse Rate Biome Heat Island Effect Pressure Temperature Inversion Video Guide What is the latitude of Las Vegas? What was the initial temperature in Las Vegas? How far was Grandmother’s house? What does the biome of Las Vegas look like? Plants? Water? Dirt? How does the biome change from Las Vegas to Mountain Springs? What is the elevation of Mountain Springs? The elevation of Las Vegas is 2,000 ft above sea level. What is the difference in feet between Mt. Springs and Las Vegas. What is the temperature of Mountain Springs? What is the difference in temperature? Why did the zip-lock bag expand and the pop explode? What conclusion can you draw about WHY LAS VEGAS IS SO HOT? (At least 5 sentences)

7 2. Student Power Point Presentations 1.Unique Characteristics 2.A graph of the annual rainfall 3.A graph of the annual temperatures 4.Animal Diversity 5.Plant Diversity 6.Pictures 7.Location 8.What adaptations have the species acquired to live in their biome? 9.What transfer of energy occurs in your biome?

8 3. Exploration of Desert Biomes Explore different deserts biomes around the world: –Method: Jigsaw and Models Investigate adaptations that organisms acquired to live in specific biomes: –Method: Zoo Field Trip Compare Annual Temperature and Rainfall: –Methods: Guest Speaker From NOAA Simulate Specific Water Cycle Patterns within biomes, especially the Mojave Desert: –Methods: Phase Change/Salinity/Specific Heat Labs

9 4. Revisiting the Case Scenario Re-view the video. Modify Cornell Notes incorporating new knowledge gained through inquiry. Student Centered Forum: –Discuss student perspectives. –Formulate new questions.

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