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Why sharks? Why do sharks have such a bad rap? Why do people fear them? Is it the size, the shape, the teeth?

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Presentation on theme: "Why sharks? Why do sharks have such a bad rap? Why do people fear them? Is it the size, the shape, the teeth?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Why sharks? Why do sharks have such a bad rap? Why do people fear them? Is it the size, the shape, the teeth?

3 Why? Some people say they fear them cause of the movies they watch for example the movie jaws and sharknado. Which would most likely never happen. We might also fear sharks cause of the TV we watch about how people tell their stories about how they got attacked by a shark making them sound bad\dangers

4 People might also fear sharks cause of their size,eyes,mouth,teeth,tail,color Their body features too Sharks can also be feared too cause of their strong since of smell. Like how they can smell blood from over a mile away.

5 Why? People could also be fearing sharks because maybe some one from their family had been once hurt by a shark Flash backs of sharks attacking them could be another reason why we fear sharks

6 .We could be fearing them because some people know that there is about 500 species of sharks scientists say.Hearing stories about people getting hurt by them which could make them sound bigger and more dangers

7 Less than 100 people are attacked annually by sharks with about 10% of them resulting in fatalities As stated by the Ichthyology at the Florida Museum of Natural History (FMNH), there are only around fifty to seventy-five shark attacks worldwide every year

8 Why sharks Sharks should be fearing us because we are killing 100 million sharks world wide. there are more people killed each year by bees, crocodiles, or lightening than are killed by sharks said by Adam Wolfgang Paetz's from University Center,Michigan

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