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The Cults Ron Williams University of Life Ridgecrest Baptist Church © 2007 Ron Williams Mormons (Latter Day Saints)

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1 The Cults Ron Williams University of Life Ridgecrest Baptist Church © 2007 Ron Williams Mormons (Latter Day Saints)

2 LDS Official Official name:The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) The The Reformed Church of Latter-day Saints is an offshoot having much the same beliefs Headquarters:Salt Headquarters:Salt Lake City Membership: Membership: 11 million in 162 countries 106 106 temples (one in Cary) 5+million 5+million members in US >61000 >61000 missionaries

3 Background There There is only one true Church (theirs). This was revealed to Joseph Smith. They They believe the Bible was incorrect and needed translation. Only their continually updated translation is true to God The The president or prophet of the LDS is the sole spokesperson for God. He reveals to this individual revelation of scripture. All All Mormons must accept this person’s teaching as authoritative in striving for godhood.

4 LDS-Background Joseph Joseph Smith received divine revelation that instructed him to reject current Christian thought and make the necessary corrections in scripture He He continued to supposedly receive instruction from visiting angels for a period of time until his death translated the Bible and wrote other doctrinal records Each Each new president takes on the role of their predecessor and is concerned the sole authority

5 LDS-Background The The Book of Mormon supposedly has the fullness of the gospel and tells the story of a supposed migration of Israelites in 600BC to American continent. These These Israelites lapsed in and out of apostasy. The book describes two tribes, one accepting God, the other rejecting the truth. Golden Golden plates were said to be provided by the angel Moroni, documenting this history Reformed Reformed Egyptian, a language that does not exist was said to be the text. These These golden plates were said to be returned to heaven after they were copied by Smith. LDS LDS live according to these and other text they consider as doctrine

6 LDS-Background The The LDS have numerous beliefs that are counter to accepted Christian thought Their Their concept of God, Jesus, man and salvation is not the same as that of evangelicals Do Do not be deceived, they are not Christians.

7 Chief Outlets Radio and Television ads Radio and Television ads Bill boards Bill boards personal evangelism- worldwide missionary outreach personal evangelism- worldwide missionary outreach young men routinely devote 2 years to missionary work. Women are not generally included in this young men routinely devote 2 years to missionary work. Women are not generally included in this The Mormon Faith (TMF quoted in this class) The Mormon Faith (TMF quoted in this class)

8 The Skinny... Joseph Smith and the Presidents are the only ones who receive inspiration from God Joseph Smith and the Presidents are the only ones who receive inspiration from God the Bible needed interpretation-Smith claims he performed this act the Bible needed interpretation-Smith claims he performed this act Salvation is a means to become God. All men are gods Salvation is a means to become God. All men are gods Jesus was a son of god (a man who came to earth) Jesus was a son of god (a man who came to earth) God was a man, just more spiritually mature God was a man, just more spiritually mature The dead can be saved, marriages are eternal The dead can be saved, marriages are eternal The millenial kingdom will be Salt Lake City (Zion) The millenial kingdom will be Salt Lake City (Zion)

9 Scripture Authority They accept the books of Moses (first four OT books) but only their translation. They have made massive changes in the text They accept the books of Moses (first four OT books) but only their translation. They have made massive changes in the text The Book of Mormon The Book of Mormon The Pearl of Great Price The Pearl of Great Price The Doctrines and Covenants The Doctrines and Covenants Our response: No one needed to retranslate the Bible. No new works needed to be added to it. The LDS doctrine runs counter to Biblical teaching Our response: No one needed to retranslate the Bible. No new works needed to be added to it. The LDS doctrine runs counter to Biblical teaching

10 Who is God? God is an exalted man and inherited his own universe God is an exalted man and inherited his own universe there are an infinite number of gods with their own worlds, all were previously men there are an infinite number of gods with their own worlds, all were previously men the Trinity exists but each are separate and distinct gods with specific duties the Trinity exists but each are separate and distinct gods with specific duties Jesus, Satan, you and I are all direct children of God. Jesus, Satan, you and I are all direct children of God. God, Jesus and the Spirit all had a beginning God, Jesus and the Spirit all had a beginning Our response: God is eternal, is spirit. Man cannot obtain godhood. We are to serve God out of our love for his plan of salvation Our response: God is eternal, is spirit. Man cannot obtain godhood. We are to serve God out of our love for his plan of salvation

11 Who was Jesus? Jesus was a created being of god. A special first born spirit child in heaven. Jesus was a created being of god. A special first born spirit child in heaven. He was born of Mary and was actually fathered by God He was born of Mary and was actually fathered by God He visited America after his death and established a new church He visited America after his death and established a new church We are his spiritual, but familial younger brothers and sisters. We are his spiritual, but familial younger brothers and sisters. Some claim he was married in Cana and had earthly children Some claim he was married in Cana and had earthly children Our response: Jesus was the only Son of God. No one is like him. He was born of a virgin and lived as man and God. He was sin-less Our response: Jesus was the only Son of God. No one is like him. He was born of a virgin and lived as man and God. He was sin-less

12 Who is the Holy Spirit? The deity of the Holy Spirit is accepted but he was just another man who obtained spiritual maturity The deity of the Holy Spirit is accepted but he was just another man who obtained spiritual maturity He has duties relating to seeing God’s work fulfilled He has duties relating to seeing God’s work fulfilled Our response: The Holy Spirit is the in-dwelling of Christ. He is a coequal part of the Trinity. He is not a created men and definitely not a man who became exalted Our response: The Holy Spirit is the in-dwelling of Christ. He is a coequal part of the Trinity. He is not a created men and definitely not a man who became exalted

13 How are we saved? Salvation is through acceptance of all LDS teaching, the specific salvation ordances, accept faith in the god of Mormonism, its Christ, the LDS church, keeping the Word of Wisdom health practices, tithing to the Temple, do works, be active in their local church, be baptized Salvation is through acceptance of all LDS teaching, the specific salvation ordances, accept faith in the god of Mormonism, its Christ, the LDS church, keeping the Word of Wisdom health practices, tithing to the Temple, do works, be active in their local church, be baptized Even so, only the most faithful Mormons will obtain godhood or enter one of three kingdoms they believe exist. Even so, only the most faithful Mormons will obtain godhood or enter one of three kingdoms they believe exist. Our response:we obtain salvation as a gift of God,it is not of works. LDS teaching represent a false translation of scripture and the deification of man. Our response:we obtain salvation as a gift of God,it is not of works. LDS teaching represent a false translation of scripture and the deification of man.

14 Who is Man? Man is aware prior to birth (in heaven) Man is aware prior to birth (in heaven) at the time of birth, our minds our erased and we have to live on earth to help reach independent spiritual awareness at the time of birth, our minds our erased and we have to live on earth to help reach independent spiritual awareness A well known statement is “as man is god once was, as god is man may become. A well known statement is “as man is god once was, as god is man may become. Man needs a body to be resurrected. Mormon males, if good, get to pass by celestial guards and may bring their wives and children with them. In doing so, they become equal to Elohim. Man needs a body to be resurrected. Mormon males, if good, get to pass by celestial guards and may bring their wives and children with them. In doing so, they become equal to Elohim. They become godlike and will exercise dominion over the world They become godlike and will exercise dominion over the world

15 The Temple LDS life is centered around the local Temple. Eternal marriages take place there, sealings, baptism of the dead, Aaronic priesthood ordination, etc LDS life is centered around the local Temple. Eternal marriages take place there, sealings, baptism of the dead, Aaronic priesthood ordination, etc LDS life centers around the family, education, service, etc. LDS life centers around the family, education, service, etc. Many believe that secret practices take place in these Temple, that there is two churches, one open and one veiled in secret ceremonies. These ceremonies have resulted out of their belief in being direct offspring of Aaron and Jesus and the teaching of the Presidents Many believe that secret practices take place in these Temple, that there is two churches, one open and one veiled in secret ceremonies. These ceremonies have resulted out of their belief in being direct offspring of Aaron and Jesus and the teaching of the Presidents

16 Quotes from TMF Two personages told me that all denominations were believing in incorrect doctrines…and received a promise that the fullness of the gospel should be at some time known unto me, page 7 Two personages told me that all denominations were believing in incorrect doctrines…and received a promise that the fullness of the gospel should be at some time known unto me, page 7 John the Baptist appeared, laid hands upon their heads and ordained them to …the Aaronic Prieshood, page 10 John the Baptist appeared, laid hands upon their heads and ordained them to …the Aaronic Prieshood, page 10 Joseph Smith was acknowledged and sustained by his followers as a prophet, seer, revelator, and apostle, page 10 Joseph Smith was acknowledged and sustained by his followers as a prophet, seer, revelator, and apostle, page 10 Christians consider the canon closed, fixed, set and established…LDS believe scripture is open, flexible and expanding, page 14 Christians consider the canon closed, fixed, set and established…LDS believe scripture is open, flexible and expanding, page 14 Joseph Smith did not believe the Bible was complete… but to say God never said anything more about speaking again… page 14 Joseph Smith did not believe the Bible was complete… but to say God never said anything more about speaking again… page 14

17 Quotes from TMF Ignorant translators, careless transcribes, or designing and corrupt priests have committed many errors, page 17 Ignorant translators, careless transcribes, or designing and corrupt priests have committed many errors, page 17 The LDS canon consists of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, page 18 The LDS canon consists of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, page 18 Each plate was filled with engravings in Egyptian characters…through the Urim and Thummim I translated the record, page 21 Each plate was filled with engravings in Egyptian characters…through the Urim and Thummim I translated the record, page 21 The Book of Mormon is essentially a story fo the rise and fall of the Nephite nation, page 21 The Book of Mormon is essentially a story fo the rise and fall of the Nephite nation, page 21 It must never be forgotten that in the early years it was not the First Vision but the Book of Mormon that provided the credentials that made the President’s leadership so effective, page 23 It must never be forgotten that in the early years it was not the First Vision but the Book of Mormon that provided the credentials that made the President’s leadership so effective, page 23

18 Quotes from TMF The Pearl of Great Price contains” The Pearl of Great Price contains” –unknown details about Adam and Eve’s life –God’s dealing with Abraham –Exerpts from Joseph Smith’s 18938 history of the church –13 statements…called the Articles of Faith Joseph Smiths’ translations were quite different…Joseph would read aloud and dictate alterations. Smith suggested changes in 3410 verses, page 26 Joseph Smiths’ translations were quite different…Joseph would read aloud and dictate alterations. Smith suggested changes in 3410 verses, page 26 Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit are subordinate beings to the Father, page 29 Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit are subordinate beings to the Father, page 29 LDS believe that God the Father is an exalted man, a corporeal being, a personage of flesh and bones. They do not believe he is a spirit, page 29 LDS believe that God the Father is an exalted man, a corporeal being, a personage of flesh and bones. They do not believe he is a spirit, page 29

19 Quotes from TMF God was once a mortal, that he lived on earth, died, was resurrected and glorified… and grew and developed over time to become the Almighty that he now is, page 29 God was once a mortal, that he lived on earth, died, was resurrected and glorified… and grew and developed over time to become the Almighty that he now is, page 29 LDS believe that Jesus Christ is the same being as Jehovah,…the God of Abraham.. And became Jesus of Nazareth, page 31 LDS believe that Jesus Christ is the same being as Jehovah,…the God of Abraham.. And became Jesus of Nazareth, page 31 The Holy Ghost is a spirit man…he is one of the sons of our Father and our God, page 32 The Holy Ghost is a spirit man…he is one of the sons of our Father and our God, page 32 There is no original sin or guilt or taint upon Adam’s posterity (page 33) There is no original sin or guilt or taint upon Adam’s posterity (page 33) Children under the age of eight years are incapable of sin (age of accountability), page 33 Children under the age of eight years are incapable of sin (age of accountability), page 33

20 Quotes from TMF LDS do not believe in the depravity of men and women, page 33 LDS do not believe in the depravity of men and women, page 33 Men and women are the sons and daughters of God, we are the same species as God, there is an element of godliness within each of us, and that we have the capacity to become like God, page 34 Men and women are the sons and daughters of God, we are the same species as God, there is an element of godliness within each of us, and that we have the capacity to become like God, page 34 LDS believe that angels are men and women, human beings, sons and daughters…as we are, page 39 LDS believe that angels are men and women, human beings, sons and daughters…as we are, page 39 Gods, angels and men are all one species, one race, one great family, page 39 Gods, angels and men are all one species, one race, one great family, page 39 LDS believe Michael the Archangel later became the man Adam, while Gabriel was born as Noah, page 40 LDS believe Michael the Archangel later became the man Adam, while Gabriel was born as Noah, page 40 Following death, the spirit goes into a spirit world to wait the time when spirit and body are reunited, the time we know as the resurrection, page 51 Following death, the spirit goes into a spirit world to wait the time when spirit and body are reunited, the time we know as the resurrection, page 51

21 Quotes from TMF Early on..Smith seemed to opposed the doctrine of predestination, page 53 Early on..Smith seemed to opposed the doctrine of predestination, page 53 We did not spring into existence at the time of our mortal birth. We have always lived, page 55 We did not spring into existence at the time of our mortal birth. We have always lived, page 55 All men existed in the spirit before any man existed in the flesh…all who inhabited the earth since Adam have taken bodies and become souls in like manner, page 57 All men existed in the spirit before any man existed in the flesh…all who inhabited the earth since Adam have taken bodies and become souls in like manner, page 57 LDS speak of Jehovah or Jesus Christ as their elder brother in the premortal spirit world, page 57 LDS speak of Jehovah or Jesus Christ as their elder brother in the premortal spirit world, page 57 he saw 3 main kingdoms in glory--the celestial, terrestrial and telestrial, page 66 he saw 3 main kingdoms in glory--the celestial, terrestrial and telestrial, page 66 Celestial=saved on earth/ terrestrial=saved after death /telestrial = those not saved, page 67 Celestial=saved on earth/ terrestrial=saved after death /telestrial = those not saved, page 67

22 Quotes from TMF Ordinances of the gospel were needed a channels of divine power, one of the means whereby men and women could partake of the power of godliness, page 80 Ordinances of the gospel were needed a channels of divine power, one of the means whereby men and women could partake of the power of godliness, page 80 Ordinances of salvation require Ordinances of salvation require –faith in Jesus Christ –baptism by immersion(not optional) –laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost –sacrament of the Lord’s Supper –Ordination to the Priesthood, page 85 It will not be a literal fire anymore than is was a literal water that covered the earth in the flood, page 157 It will not be a literal fire anymore than is was a literal water that covered the earth in the flood, page 157

23 Quotes from TMF Ordinances of the temple include: Ordinances of the temple include: –the endowment (receive the gift) –eternal marriage and sealings for the living (without they will not have their children in the afterlife) –baptism and marriage/sealing for the dead, page 91 Ordinances of Comfort Ordinances of Comfort –blessing of babies –blessing of the sick –blessing of comfort or instruction –dedication of graves, page 93 Zion was identified as a specific place in the land of America, page 112 Zion was identified as a specific place in the land of America, page 112

24 Quotes from TMF LDS believe they were of the actual physical lineage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…modern children of Israel, page 114 LDS believe they were of the actual physical lineage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…modern children of Israel, page 114 Fruits of the faith Fruits of the faith –focus on families –marriage and divorce –education and religiosity –church welfare program –health code, page 142-148 –265 million Mormons are projected by 2080 (50% decade growth rate), page 149

25 Quotes from TMF Why your neighbor joined the Mormon Church Why your neighbor joined the Mormon Church –Mormons shown genuine love and concern..for their young people –they strive to build the family unit –they provide for their young people –the Church is a layman’s church –Divine Revelation is the basis for their practices, page 151

26 Quotes from TMF Questions they often face: Questions they often face: –are Mormon’s Protestant? They say no, they are a restored true church –are Mormon’s Christians? They say Yes –Do they worship Joseph Smith? They say no but they revere his teachings –What do you say about other faiths? They say it is the only true church. –What able warnings of adding or changing scripture. They say this restriction applied only to the Pentateuch. –Why must I belong to your church to be saved? They say the ordinances of salvation are required by priesthood in their church –Don’t Mormons believe in a different Jesus? They say no. Just more was revealed to them about him. –Is is a works mentality. They say no –How can God once have been a man. They say he is a glorified man and is now everlasting to everlasting (page 163-184)

27 Quotes from TMF Questions they often face: Questions they often face: –why aren’t African Americans or other races allowed to become priests. They say they are not part of the Aaronic line, page 183) Their Articles of Faith include among others: Their Articles of Faith include among others: –believe in a gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues and so forth –believe in the Bible… as far as it is translated correctly –believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribe. The New Jersusalem will be built upon the American continent

28 What makes it attractive? Sense of community Sense of community Family oriented Family oriented You become godlike You become godlike Great sense of inreach. They totally take care of needs within the church Great sense of inreach. They totally take care of needs within the church Clean-cut, highly organized, minimal divorces, well educated Clean-cut, highly organized, minimal divorces, well educated close knit- non believers are generally ostracized. close knit- non believers are generally ostracized.

29 Witnessing to LDS Inquire about their personal beliefs. Ask specific questions about their knowledge/acceptance of God,Christ, Holy Spirit Inquire about their personal beliefs. Ask specific questions about their knowledge/acceptance of God,Christ, Holy Spirit Focus on the authority of the Bible. Explain why it can be trusted without the translations of Joseph Smith Focus on the authority of the Bible. Explain why it can be trusted without the translations of Joseph Smith Remember that their understanding of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit is far different than yours. Remember that their understanding of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit is far different than yours. Be sure to not allow them to take scripture out of context. Be sure to not allow them to take scripture out of context. Discuss that salvation comes only through the cross and the atonement of Jesus Discuss that salvation comes only through the cross and the atonement of Jesus Warn them against the “burning in the bosom” which Mormons claim give them vindication of their beliefs (do not trust your emotions) Warn them against the “burning in the bosom” which Mormons claim give them vindication of their beliefs (do not trust your emotions)

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