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FMFADA Interpretive Master Plan Interpretive Solutions, Inc. West Chester, PA.

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Presentation on theme: "FMFADA Interpretive Master Plan Interpretive Solutions, Inc. West Chester, PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 FMFADA Interpretive Master Plan Interpretive Solutions, Inc. West Chester, PA

2 FMFADA’s Core Principles

3 Principle #1: Respect the site’s historic assets

4 Principle #2: Open the site to the public

5 Principle #3: Achieve economic sustainability

6 Principle #4: Create an open space park

7 Principle #5: Allow new development only under strict limits.

8 Goals of the Interpretive Master Plan (IMP)

9 Goal #1: Make Fort Monroe/ Old Point Comfort the “Crown Jewel” of Virginia tourism

10 Goal #2: Serve a wide variety of audiences

11 Goal #3: Get interpretation & education “up and running” at Fort Monroe/Old Point Comfort as quickly as possible

12 What is interpretation?

13 Interpretation is the art of sharing with others meaning and relevance in the world around us.

14 Interpretation... helps people to connect intellectually, emotionally, or spiritually with ideas, beliefs, and values.

15 Interpretation... is based on facts, but reveals what an object, place, feature or event means and why it matters—why it is relevant.

16 Fact, meaning and relevance What’s the difference?

17 Fact: This Remington Standard typewriter, Model 8, was manufactured by Wycoff, Seamans & Benedict. First introduced in October 1897, it features a 9.25” platen length, and 42 keys.

18 What it means: The invention of typewriters like this Remington Standard Model 8 helped propel the women’s equal rights movement by creating suitable, respectable positions for women in the workplace.

19 Why it matters: The typewriter demonstrates the profound impact that changing technology can have on society.

20 What is a Master Interpretive Plan?

21 An effective interpretive plan is a collaboratively created, dynamic document that guides management decisions regarding the delivery of interpretive services.

22 What are the steps?

23 Each step involves answering a single question.




27 Why?Significance STEPCOMPONENT

28 Why should people come to Fort Monroe? What is so special about this place?

29 What makes Fort Monroe worth preserving?

30 Why can we tell this story here, and no place else?

31 Why? What? Significance STEPCOMPONENT

32 Why? What? Significance Themes and Stories STEPCOMPONENT

33 What will we tell people when they come? The themes & stories convey to visitors the significance of Fort Monroe

34 Why? What? For whom? Significance Themes and Stories STEPCOMPONENT

35 Why? What? For whom? Significance Themes and Stories Audience STEPCOMPONENT

36 There are many different audiences for interpretation. But each visitor is seeking something of value – a physical, intellectual, inspirational or emotional experience.

37 A “visitor” is anyone who experiences Fort Monroe’s themes and stories – even via the Internet.

38 The Interpretive Master Plan creates opportunities for the widest possible range of visitors to explore personal connections with Fort Monroe -- while ensuring that its historical resources remain unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.

39 Why? What? For whom? Significance Themes and Stories Audience STEPCOMPONENT We have now created the Foundation for Planning

40 Why? What? For whom? How? Significance Themes and Stories Audience STEPCOMPONENT Foundation for Planning

41 Why? What? For whom? How? Significance Themes and Stories Audience Interpretive strategy STEPCOMPONENT Foundation for Planning

42 Now we know why, what, and for whom. The next step determines how. Where is each story best told? In what sequence? What should visitors do first, next, last before they leave?

43 Why? What? For whom? How? With what? Significance Themes and Stories Audience Interpretive strategy STEPCOMPONENT Foundation for Planning

44 Why? What? For whom? How? With what? Significance Themes and Stories Audience Interpretive strategy Tools and Media STEPCOMPONENT Foundation for Planning

45 During this step, planners decide on the best tools for telling the stories.

46 They also choose the tools to be used to evaluate the quality of interpretive services – an important ongoing function of interpretation.

47 Why? What? For whom? How? With what? When? Significance Themes and Stories Audience Interpretive strategy Tools and Media STEPCOMPONENT Foundation for Planning

48 Why? What? For whom? How? With what? When? Significance Themes and Stories Audience Interpretive strategy Tools and Media Priorities & Practicalities STEPCOMPONENT Foundation for Plannning

49 “When?” is short-hand for “reality check.” What is most feasible? What will it cost? How will each service be staffed? What should we do right away? What can wait until later while we look for additional resources?

50 When we know how, with what, and when, we have created The Implementation Plan

51 Why? What? For whom? How? With what? When? Significance Themes and Stories Audience Interpretive strategy Tools and Media Priorities & Practicalities The Master Interpretive Plan Foundation for Planning Implementation Plan


53 The final product of the Interpretive Master Plan __________________ Recommendations to FMFADA re: Why, What, For whom, How, With what, and When

54 Who’s involved?

55 Core Planning Team: Interpretive Solutions consultant team, plus FMFADA marketing and tourism advisors

56 IMP Steering Committee: one dozen subject matter experts to advise consulting team

57 Stakeholders: a large group of people sharing their views, reviewing & commenting on all draft plans

58 Reviewers: outside experts to review & comment on all draft plans

59 Members of the public: review & comment via FMFADA web-based surveys throughout the planning process


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