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GE.M.IC Gender, Migration and Intecultural Interactions in the Mediterranean and South East Europe: an interdisciplinary perspective Athens, 28-29 february.

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Presentation on theme: "GE.M.IC Gender, Migration and Intecultural Interactions in the Mediterranean and South East Europe: an interdisciplinary perspective Athens, 28-29 february."— Presentation transcript:

1 GE.M.IC Gender, Migration and Intecultural Interactions in the Mediterranean and South East Europe: an interdisciplinary perspective Athens, 28-29 february 2008 WP7 Urban Intercultural Spaces and Movements Participants: UPSPS (Greece) UNIBO (Italy) CIIMU (Spain)

2 Objectives  To study the intersection between migration, gender, class and intercultural interactions in urban spaces with particular emphasis on neighborhoods and the production of transnational «homes».  To study formal and informal practices of assimilation, integration, and/or marginalization as well as forms of resistance to established power relations in urban spaces, and assess their impact on gender relations.  To develop an alternative framework for understanding neighborhoods and transnational “homes” as material spaces of intercultural interaction.  To explore policy and theoretical perspectives through which both conflict and dialogue between natives and migrant groups and the accommodation strategies.

3 Description of work  Providing a theoretical discussion of the literature on gender, migration (transnational families) and urban intercultural spaces.  Conducting research on specific formal and informal practices in a neighborhood with increased migrant population in which intercultural interaction takes place.  Research will be based on the methodological perspective of 'everyday life' and will have an explicit gender focus.

4 To focus the analysis in the following issues: New forms of spatial segregation along ethnic, class and gender lines. Use and appropiation of public spaces. Ethnic discrimination of immigrants in the real estate sector. The instrumentalisation of “the immigrant” as an element of urban decline. Family as unit of analysis: gender and generational relationship Access to housing: strategies and power relations. Family relocation in the destination country: changes in the care-giving networks and in the use of private and public spaces. Transnational practices: settlement in the host society and types of returns.

5 Qualitative methodology (a proposal)  Fieldwork methods: 1. mapping of the neighborhood (uses and activities). 2. participant observation in spaces of leisure, markets and stores, public spaces, urban parks, coffee shops, “ethnic” food stores, hairdressers, beauty shops… 3. in-depth interviews with women and men (children, young people and adults). 4. interviews to experts and social agents. 5. visual techniques (migrants would take photographs in their homes and public spaces).

6 Issues to discuss Theoretical framework. Methodology and study area: -preparation of the interview script -identification of the type of people to be interviewed Steps of the research

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