2011 SIGnetwork Regional Meetings SPDG Technology Initiative: Two Years and Counting Audrey Desjarlais, Signetwork Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 SIGnetwork Regional Meetings SPDG Technology Initiative: Two Years and Counting Audrey Desjarlais, Signetwork Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 SIGnetwork Regional Meetings SPDG Technology Initiative: Two Years and Counting Audrey Desjarlais, Signetwork Coordinator

2 Items to be covered… Goals of the Initiative Activities accomplished (2009-2011) 2010 Evaluation Results Website Updates What’s next?

3 Goals of the initiative 1.SPDG projects can acquire data more easily to make scientifically based decisions. 2.SPDG projects are able to collaborate more effectively. 3.SPDG projects are able to provide professional development in a more efficient and cost-effective way. 4.SPDG projects can efficiently support the use of innovations in the LEAs. 5.Access can be provided to people in rural areas and those with disabilities.

4 2009-2011 Tech Focus Group Members Lezlie Cline (FL) Steve Goodman (MI) John Green (KS) Wilma Jozwiak (NY) David Merves (MS, NH, VT) Pat Mueller (MS, NH, VT) Pattie Noonan (MO) Tamara Otto (MD) Lori Romano (FL) Carlos Romero (NM) Alan Wood (CA) Jennifer Coffey Audrey Desjarlais

5 Activities Accomplished in First Two Years  Formed the Tech Focus Group – meets monthly  Launched Re-designed Website - o Two Online collaborative technologies – Wikis & Discussion Forums – were added  Published Tech Topics Blog – Blogging, Webinar Hosting, Online Surveys, and Online Project Management

6 Activities Accomplished in First Two Years  Provided Just in Time Trainings and Tech Talk Presentations on Directors’ Webinars and SIG Day Presentations  Hosted 226 Online Webinars [including live presentations, workgroup meetings, and practice sessions)

7 2010 Survey Respondents 53 Total Respondents 37 States Represented - 84 % Funded Projects SPDG RoleTotal Count State Director1 Director, Co-Director or Manager24 Coordinator5 Evaluator20 Other Staff3

8 “ Signet tech trainings have greatly increased my awareness and comfort in approaching and using the various technologies.” – SPDG Project Director

9 Evaluation - Outcomes met: Launched new technologies on website 50% SPDG Project Directors and evaluators received training in a technology through the SPDG program


11 Changes in technology use YearDescription of Technology I have read or heard about this technology but have not viewed a demonstration of the product. I viewed a demonstration of this technology, but I have not used it personally. I have used this technology 1-2 times I use this technology frequently Response Count 2009Blogs (Wordpress, Blogger)30%33%22%0%27 2010Blogs (Wordpress, Blogger)17%22%32%12%41 2009Collaborative Document Editing32%25%21%7%28 2010Collaborative Document Editing22%27%20%12%41 2009 Course/Content Management Systems 48%15%19% 27 2010Course/Content Management Systems15%27%29%22% 41 2009E-Learning modules27% 19%8%26 2010E-Learning modules38%20%30%5% 40 2009E-Newsletters15%42%12% 26 2010E-Newsletters15%12%32%24%41 2009Multiuser Virtual Learning Environment68%21%11%0%28 2010Multiuser Virtual Learning Environment44%46%8%0%39 2009Online Databases32%20%12%24%25 2010Online Databases10%5%22%46%41

12 Changes in technology use YearDescription of Technology I have read or heard about this technology but have not viewed a demonstration of the product. I viewed a demonstration of this technology, but I have not used it personally. I have used this technology 1-2 times I use this technology frequently Count 2009Online Databases32%20%12%24%25 2010Online Databases10%5%22%46%41 2009Online surveys0% 41% 27 2010Online surveys0% 17%61%41 2009 Online webinars, conferencing, meetings 11%14%29%25%28 2010 Online webinars, conferencing, meetings 0% 2%61%41 2009Podcasts39%25% 4%28 2010Podcasts22% 34%5%41 2009Project Management48%20%8%16%25 2010Project Management25%35%25%5%40 2009Vidcast or Webcast81%15%4%0%26 2010Vidcast or Webcast24%7%20%24%41

13 Changes in technology use YearDescription of Technology I have read or heard about this technology but have not viewed a demonstration of the product. I viewed a demonstration of this technology, but I have not used it personally. I have used this technology 1-2 times I use this technology frequently Count 2009 Video Conferencing 18%21%18% 28 2010 Video Conferencing15% 20%32% 41 2009 Vlogs 91%9%0% 22 2010 Vlogs58%28%13%0% 40 2009 Wikis (PBWiki, PLC Wiki) 40%16%32%4% 25 2010 Wikis (PBWiki, PLC Wiki)8%20%25%23% 40

14 “We are applying our tech trainings to improve communications between the SDE; local school districts and classroom teachers” – SPDG Project Director

15 2011 Website Updates  PLC Events Calendar  Resource Library

16 What’s Next…  PD Series Webinar – May 18, Innovative Technology to Deliver Professional Development Chris Dede, member of the 2010 National Educational Technology Plan Technical Working Group  Re-vitalize the Tech Blog Topics  Continue offering virtual participation at Face-to-Face Regional Meetings  Program Tech Needs Survey And…..

17 In March… We’re launching a Technology PLC. 1st Topic: Jump into Second Life!

18 We Need 1-2 New Members! If you have an interest in technology, and consider yourself an early, late, or in-between adopter of technology than we’d love to have you join the Tech Focus Group Family.

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