Protest and Economics Chapter 21. Civil Rights and Environmentalism Chapter 21 sections 4 & 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Protest and Economics Chapter 21. Civil Rights and Environmentalism Chapter 21 sections 4 & 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protest and Economics Chapter 21

2 Civil Rights and Environmentalism Chapter 21 sections 4 & 5

3 African Americans Seek Greater Opportunity Equal access to education To intergrade schools the Supreme Court ordered busing outside their neighborhoods Many whites moved their kids out of public schools 20,00 white students in Boston went to parochial schools

4 Affirmative Action Called for companies, schools and institutions dealing with federal government to recruit African Americans 1978 Supreme Court ruled in California Regents V Bakke 5-4 that his civil rights were violated

5 New Political Leaders Jesse Jackson former Martin Luther King aid formed PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) 1988 sought the Democratic presidential nomination 1971 first time since reconstruction African Americans became more influential Who was the founder? – Jesse jackson

6 A Protest Movement Emerges 1961 400 tribes met in Chicago to discuss problems 1968 congress passes the Indian Civil Rights Act – Recognized tribal law – Gave protection of the Bill of Rights 1969 protest at Wounded Knee and also took over Alcatraz – Was led by AIM (American Indian Movement)

7 A Protest Movement emerges 1975 congress passes the Indian Self Determination and Educational assistance Act – Expanded local control over federal programs

8 The Disability Rights Movement Started in Berkeley in 1970s for people with disabilities to live freely in society 1968 Architectural Barriers Act-building built with federal funds have access for people with disabilities

9 Disability Rights Movement -No qualified individuals with a disability can be excluded or denied benefits under any programs receiving federal funds 1975 Education for all handicapped children Act- all students with disabilities receive an appropriate education

10 Disability Rights Movement 1990 congress passes the American with Disabilities Act- banned discrimination in

11 Environmentalists Speak Out 1960s-1970s scientists learned more about toxic waste Toxic waste- poisonous byproduct of human activity Concerns over- coal, smog, pesticide abuse, and polluted rivers

12 Environmentalists Speak Out Rachael Carson writes Silent Spring – Describes the deadly affect of pesticides that they were having on birds and animals She insisted human activity drastically altered the environment

13 Her work caused Congress to bad DDT – DDT was a pesticide 1968 Cuyahoga River catches fire in Cleveland Ohio

14 Inaugurating Earth Day Nationwide protest called for Earth Day Cuyahoga River fire made it seem like predictions were coming true April 22, 1970 First Earth Day, 20 million people took part There were concerns if government should take over private property

15 A President Turns Environmentalist 1970 Nixon asks Congress to create Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Mission to protect the entire ecological chain – Sought to eliminate pollutants

16 A President Turns Environmentalist Nixon signs Clean Air Act (1970) to combat pollutants Clean Water Act (1973) limit pollution by agriculture and industry Endangered Species Act (1973) promote the protection of endangered species and animals

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