Surgical Instruments Objective: Properly identify necessary surgical instruments by name, and know the proper uses and care of each.

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Presentation on theme: "Surgical Instruments Objective: Properly identify necessary surgical instruments by name, and know the proper uses and care of each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surgical Instruments Objective: Properly identify necessary surgical instruments by name, and know the proper uses and care of each.

2 Cleaning Instruments

3 This is what your Perfect Pack may look like.

4 Scalpel blades are often detached from the handles. BLADES LEFT TO RIGHT: #10, #11, #12, #15 (these fit the Bard-Parker no. 3 handle-top one in picture) #20, #21, #22 (these fit the Bard-Parker no. 4 handle-bottom one in picture. Disposable Scalpel Blade and Handle


6 Cautery machine Cautery Hand piece Cautery Ground Plate Cautery Foot Pedal Bipolar Cautery

7 Blunt/BluntStraight Sharp/BluntStraight Sharp/BluntCurved Sharp/SharpStraight Standard Operating Scissors

8 Mayo Scissors Metzenbaum Scissors

9 Wire Cutting Scissors Littauer Stitch Scissors Utility Scissors Knowles bandage scissors Spencer Stitch Scissors

10 Mayo-Hager Needle Holders Olsen Hager Needle Holders



13 DeBakey Thumb Forceps Russian Thumb Forceps Bayonet Thumb Forceps

14 Allis Tissue Forceps Babcock Intestinal Forceps Doyen Intestinal Tissue Forceps

15 Proper hold

16 Halsted Mosquito Forceps Kelly Hemostatic Forceps Crile Hemostats

17 Rochester – Carmalt Hemostatic Forceps Rochester – Ochsner Hemostatic Forceps Rochester – Pean Hemostatic Forceps

18 Alligator Forceps Ferguson Angiotribe

19 Backhaus Towel Clamp Jones Towel Clamp

20 Forester Sponge Holding Forceps Young Tongue Holding Forceps

21 Spay Hook

22 Senn retractor Volkman retractor Army Navy Retractor Malleable Retractor

23 Gelpi Retractor Weitlaner retractor Finochietto Rib Spreader Balfour Abdominal Retractor

24 Skin Staple Remover Surgical Skin Stapler Ligaclip


26 Oral Speculums Vaginal Speculum Nasal Speculum Lacrimal Cannula

27 Suction Machines Suction Tubing

28 Frazier Suction Tip Poole Suction Tip and sleeves

29 Mayo Stand Instrument Tip Protectors

30 Instrument Tape Thoracic Positioners Groove Director

31 Ophthalmic Surgical Instruments

32 Derf needle holders Iris Scissors Castroviejo Needle Holders

33 Cook Eye Speculum Desmarres Lid Retractor Barraquer Speculum

34 Orthopedic Instrument Pictures

35 Clam Shell Bone Holding Forceps Kern Bone Holding Forceps Periosteal Elevators

36 Ruskin Rongeurs Liston Bone Cutting Forceps Bone Curette

37 Osteotomes and Chisels Mallet

38 Gigli wire and T shaped handles Bone Rasp Hohmann Retractors

39 Jacob’s Hand Chuck and Key Pin Cutter IM pins

40 IM Pin Pack Common Orthopedic Pack (sterilized together)

41 Wire Twister Cerclage Wire Bone screws and plates Plate bender

42 Bone plate, screws, IM pins

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