Katy Lovett, Matt Snowden, and CJ Baker.  How do companies go from go to great?  What methods were used in research?  What concepts exemplified good-to-great.

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Presentation on theme: "Katy Lovett, Matt Snowden, and CJ Baker.  How do companies go from go to great?  What methods were used in research?  What concepts exemplified good-to-great."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katy Lovett, Matt Snowden, and CJ Baker

2  How do companies go from go to great?  What methods were used in research?  What concepts exemplified good-to-great companies?

3  Find companies that showed the good-to- great pattern  Companies that had cumulative returns over 15 years  Companies whose growth was independent of the industry

4 CompanyResults from Transition Point to 15 Years later Transitional Period Abbot3.98 times the market 1974-1989 Circuit City18.5 times the market 1982-1997 Fannie Mae7.56 times the market 1984-1999 Gillette7.39 times the market 1980-1995 Kimberly-Clark3.42 times the market 1972-1987 Kroger4.17 times the market 1973-1988 Nucor5.16 times the market 1975-1990 Philip Morris7.06 times the market 1964-1979 Pitney Bowes7.16 times the market 1973-1988 Walgreens7.34 times the market 1975-1990 Wells Fargo3.99 times the market 1983-1998

5  Contrasted the good-to-great companies to a selected set of “comparison companies”  Distinguishing factor  “Direct comparisons” and “unsustained comparisons”

6 Good-to-Great Companies Direct CompaniesUnsustained Comparisons AbbotUpjohnBurroughs Circuit CitySiloChrysler Fannie MaeGreat WesternHarris GilletteWarner-LambertHasbro Kimberly-ClarkScott PaperRubbermaid KrogerA&PTeledyne NucorBethlehem Steel Philip MorrisR.J. Reynolds Pitney BowesAddressograph WalgreensEckerd Wells FargoBank of America

7  Researchers stepped into a “black-box” to shed light on inner workings  Debated results to come to conclusions

8 Surprising results:  CEO Ego-maniacs  Executive compensation  Strategy  Focusing on what to do  Technology  Mergers/Starting Events  Managing people  Industry

9  “Iterative process of looping back and forth…”  Concepts are based on fact, not opinion

10  Level 5 Leadership  First Who…. Then What  Confront the Brutal Facts, Yet Never Lose Faith  The Hedgehog Concept  A Culture of Discipline  Technology Accelerators  The Flywheel and the Doom Loop.

11  Level 5 Leaders are not we expect to see!  Level 5 Leaders are often shy and reserved, unlike their charismatic counterparts.  Level 5 Leaders almost always are promoted from within the company.  Level 5 Leaders care more about building something great, than being someone great.

12  Your team is more important than your plan.  The right people must be selected before a great strategy can be devised.  This may seem obvious but note the nuance.

13  Pretending that obstacles are not there WILL NOT make them go away.  Believing that you can overcome obstacles WILL help you to succeed.

14  Simplicity within the three circles. ◦ What are you passionate about? ◦ What can you be the BEST at? ◦ What drives your economic engine? “It’s not about being great at everything, it’s about being the best in the world at something.”

15  A culture of discipline is highly elusive.  Having discipline eliminates the need to spend energy on micromanagement.  For a culture of discipline, you need: ◦ Disciplined People ◦ Disciplined Thought ◦ Disciplined Action

16  Technology can never be the driver of change.  Powerful technologies must be used as powerful tools.

17  Greatness is achieved through persistence, not sweeping change.  Persistent effort has a cumulative effect on the companies’ “momentum.”

18  Concepts apply not to new economy, or old economy, but both  What makes enduring organizations of any type?  Take the data as evidence and make your own conclusions

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