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John Nzungize Africa RISING’s large-scale diffusion of technologies for sorghum and millet systems (ARDT_SMS)

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Presentation on theme: "John Nzungize Africa RISING’s large-scale diffusion of technologies for sorghum and millet systems (ARDT_SMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 John Nzungize Africa RISING’s large-scale diffusion of technologies for sorghum and millet systems (ARDT_SMS)

2 Role of Sorghum and Millets in Mali’s Food Systems Most important crops in Mali in terms of production, per capita consumption and area planted in Mali Able to grow under – relative poor soil conditions – high temperatures – low water input Perform well without supplemental irrigation Nutritional qualities

3 Project Goal & Purpose Goal: increase incomes of sorghum and pearl millet producers in targeted FTF intervention areas by raising the productivity and profitability of these principal cereals. Purpose: To improve the productivity of sorghum and pearl millet crops in the targeted intervention areas of Mopti and Sikasso

4 Project’Objectives Objective 1. Enhance male and female farmers’ knowledge of new sorghum and millet production technologies in selected Feed the Future (FtF) communities of Mopti and Sikasso regions, Mali. Objective 2. To facilitate male and female farmers’ access to sorghum and pearl millet production technologies in order to strengthen the sorghum and millet value chains in the FTF target areas.

5 Expected results Enhanced knowledge and know-how of farmers, extension workers and stakeholders on S&M production methods and practices Improved awareness by target communities on available technologies and benefits of use Improved access and linkages Established/strengthened commercially viable agro-input networks including seed sales

6 Key technologies Seed of adapted and improved varieties/ hybrids of pearl millet, sorghum, groundnut and cowpea; Intensified cropping/ intercropping; Use of seed treatment –i.e. Apron Star 42WS; Integrated Striga and soil-fertility management practices; Biological control of the millet head-miner.

7 PartnerRoles ICRISATOverall coordination and management, M&E, breeder seed production, technology sourcing, capacity building IEROverall monitoring of technology use, technology sourcing CRSFFS, Marketing plots, Farmer capacity building, videos, seed fairs AKFFFS, Marketing plots, Farmer capacity building, videos CMDTMarketing plots, Farmer capacity building, videos MalimarkSupply network for inputs incl. seed packs; building capacity of PS; linkages to markets AOPPSeed production; strengthen farmer associations; dissemination channels; videos EUCORDSeed production and distribution; farmer capacity building, input access, videos Mali Folkecenter Seed production and distribution; farmer capacity building, input access, videos ORTMProduction and distribution of Radio and TV messages Partner Roles

8 84 combined private enterprises, » producers’ organizations, women's groups, trade and business associations and community-based organizations (CBOs) which received USG assistance, while the target was to reach at least 40 of them. 30994 farmers and others » who have applied new technologies or management practices as a result of USG assistance on a target of 32000 of this group farmers. 13847 hectares improved technologies or » management practices while the target was to have these new technologies on 23070 hectares on a period of 18 months 12150 individuals who have received supported » short-term agricultural sector productivity or food security training out 15015 people at the end of a period 18 months. Key achievement

9 Study tours for beneficiaries; Regular meetings between the actors of both projects; Sharing producers’ success stories; Availability of training modules related to the new technologies; Availability of DVDs on Integrated Striga and soil fertility management; Sharing Technical staff / resource persons Opportunities for partnership

10 Study tours of project’ beneficiaries Opportunities for partnership (Cont.)

11 Sharing training modules Opportunities for partnership (Cont.) Soil fertility management

12 Sharing Technical staff Opportunities for partnership (Cont.)

13 ICRISAT is a member of the CGIAR Consortium Thank you very much!

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