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Sixth form Judged ‘Outstanding’ – Ofsted, November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth form Judged ‘Outstanding’ – Ofsted, November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth form Judged ‘Outstanding’ – Ofsted, November 2011

2  Large Sixth Form  Excellent outcomes  Outstanding Teaching and Learning  Wide range of opportunities  Confident, independent learners

3 Comments from Ofsted Report 2011 ‘Students make outstanding progress’ ‘Teaching by subject specialists is challenging, stimulating and lively’ ‘Leadership and Management of the sixth form – Outstanding’ ‘Outcomes for students in the sixth form – Outstanding’ ‘The quality of provision in the sixth form – Outstanding’ ‘Students receive the same outstanding pastoral care and support as in the main school’ ‘The sixth form welcomes students from other schools and they settle in quickly’ 3

4 Student comments…… ‘The support I have received from my teachers has been very rewarding with regards to my intellectual progress.’ ‘I really like the diversity of both the students and the subjects available.’ ‘There are clear formalities regarding how to achieve academically at Fortismere with a good degree of liberalism with respect to how you work which is beneficial to life beyond sixth form.’ ‘Teachers are passionate about their subjects.’ ‘It has really helped me develop my independence and time management skills, I was able to achieve four As at AS and the university offer I wanted.’ 4

5 Slide 5 …learning on the hill

6 2015 A level exam results Fortismere students produced an excellent set of A level results in 2015 A* - B 70% at Fortismere (52% nationally) A* - A 43% at Fortismere (26% nationally) 17% of all grades in 2015 were A* grade (8% Nationally) We also gained excellent results in many subjects at A level English: A*-B grades at Fortismere 71% (48% nationally) Maths : A*-B Grades at Fortismere70% (63% nationally) History: A*-B Grades at Fortismere91% (56% nationally) Sociology: A*-B Grades at Fortismere86% (48% nationally) Chemistry: A*-B Grades at Fortismere79% (59% nationally) Spanish: A*-B Grades at Fortismere88% (66% nationally)

7 Courses

8 Wide range of Level 3 courses 26 Academic A Levels 2 BTEC Extended Diploma courses 1 Cambridge Pre-U course OCR Extended Project

9 Slide 9 …learning on the hill

10 Slide 10 …learning on the hill

11 Level 3 Courses A Level Courses Art & Design Art History Biology Classics Chemistry Computing Drama Economics English Literature English Lit and Lang Film Studies French Geography Further Maths (Incl. Maths) Government and Politics History Maths Music Music Technology Philosophy Photography Physics Product Design Psychology Sociology Spanish BTEC Extended Diploma Art & Design Creative Digital Media Production Cambridge Pre-U Mandarin (2 Yr) See course information on the sixth form area of our website. OCR Extended Project Available from Spring in Year 12

12 Slide 12 …learning on the hill

13 The OCR Extended Project Extended Project Students will decide if they would like to take this course in the Spring Term of Year 12 Individual research based course. Examined internally Accredited by universities

14 Learning and teaching Academic excellence Highly effective specialist teaching Range of teaching styles: from one to one support to faculty lectures Specialist teaching areas Workshops, conferences and field trips

15 Supervised study facilities The library – sixth form resource area 1 st Floor Specific private study area Timetabled supervised study in non-contact time ICT provision Departmental study workshops Slide 15 …learning on the hill

16 Monitoring, assessment and intervention

17 Rigorous systems to optimise student performance: Six data collection points in Year 12 Interim Reports – two in Year 12 Full progress report each Year Consultation meetings: Year 12- February, Year 13 – November Attendance Panels Partnership with home

18 Guidance and support

19 Key members of staff – Director of Sixth Form, Learning Manager, Tutor, Academic Coach

20 Guidance and support Academic mentoring Opportunities for school leadership Excellent progression guidance Partnership with home On site careers advisory service Slide 20 …learning on the hill

21 Opportunities for school leadership Vertical Tutoring at Fortismere (Years 7-11) 6 Colleges, 66 tutor groups Group mentoring and support for our younger students Student Leadership Team Head/Deputy Boy and Girl 12 College Leaders Slide 21 …learning on the hill

22 Sixth form learning environment Lessons taught in separate buildings from mainstream Refectory Common room Private study areas

23 UCAS and the next steps Around 200 applications per academic year Progression to University Courses 90% of our students commenced undergraduate study at a variety of Universities on a variety of courses in September/October 2015 17 of our students commenced courses at either Oxbridge or Medical/Vet/Dentistry School. These are the most competitive courses to gain admission on in the country and we are extremely proud of their success.

24 UCAS and the next steps Higher Education Evening (Year 12- Summer Term) UCAS training day (Year 12- Summer Term) Subject Specialist Tutors – carefully selected for individual guidance Support for applications to Oxbridge, Medical School, Dentistry, Vet Science, Art Foundation Mock Interviews – Links with ‘Chrysalis Project’, offer in-house interview training for other Sixth Forms Slide 24 …learning on the hill

25 Progression: beyond studying Work experience support Preparation for work placements Links with industry Supporting internships Global Young Leaders Medlink/Vetlink Slide 25 …learning on the hill

26 Progression to HE 2015 26

27 Enrichment activities Super-curricular sessions - timetabled A range of clubs and societies Student leadership

28 What now? Talk to subject teachers Look at sixth form area of our website Check grades for entry criteria Analyse current performance honestly Attendance – at least 95% attendance rate at the end of Year 11 Discuss choices with parents/carers Application deadline 18 January Application forms are online from 30th November

29 What next? When? November 30 th 2015Online application form available on website December 2015Tours of the sixth form centre – by appointment January 2016Deadline for Applications (18 January) February – April 2016Guidance meetings take place April 2016Conditional Offers made to students May 2016Students accept offers by the end of this month July 2016Transition events on 7 and 8 July August 2016GCSE results & Enrolment for Year 12

30 What next? Tours of the sixth form centre 9 and 10 December 2015 Please contact the sixth form directly if you would like to be booked on to one of our tours: Slide 30 …learning on the hill

31 Further information Ms Patel: Senior staff available this evening Slide 31 …learning on the hill

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