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YUKON BY Brynne JAN 16 09. Provincial Factoids The population of the Yukon is 31,000. The capital city is Whitehorse. Yukon joined confederation on June.

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Presentation on theme: "YUKON BY Brynne JAN 16 09. Provincial Factoids The population of the Yukon is 31,000. The capital city is Whitehorse. Yukon joined confederation on June."— Presentation transcript:

1 YUKON BY Brynne JAN 16 09

2 Provincial Factoids The population of the Yukon is 31,000. The capital city is Whitehorse. Yukon joined confederation on June 13 1898. In square kms. the area is 483,450.

3 Animals Some of the animals found in the Yukon are the raven, the barren ground caribbou,,the woodland caribou and the lynx.

4 Provincial Bird The provincial bird of the Yukon is the raven.

5 Plants Here are three very rare plants you can find in the Yukon: white bog orchids, ladies tresses and round leaf orchids. The provincial flower is fireweed. The provincial tree of the Yukon is the sub –alpine fir.

6 Jobs The two most common jobs in the Yukon are: farming and forstry.

7 Coat of arms and a faumous place

8 Interesting facts The Yukon has some very interesting things, like gold mining, areas with whales and the first all weather road.

9 Tartan The Yukon got it’s tartan Britan and Scottland. The Yukon’s tartan is pink and green.

10 Gems The Yukon has two different gems the gems are called: gold and lazulite.

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