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Cellular Reproduction Mitosis and Meiosis. Cellular Reproduction All organisms grow –From 1  billions of cells –They divide from one to two cells Parent.

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Reproduction Mitosis and Meiosis. Cellular Reproduction All organisms grow –From 1  billions of cells –They divide from one to two cells Parent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Reproduction Mitosis and Meiosis

2 Cellular Reproduction All organisms grow –From 1  billions of cells –They divide from one to two cells Parent cell  daughter cells Cells Alive

3 Why reproduce?

4 Asexual reproduction New cell identical to parent –Only ONE parent –Bacteria and Amoeba

5 Mitosis = asexual reproduction –Asexual reproduction – budding, binary fission –Regeneration - starfish –Parthenogenesis – honey bees (new generation without fertilization

6 Chromosomes Made of DNA –Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid Contain genes –Basic unit of heredity You have 46 chromosomes in all of your cells –2 sets of 23 Diploid number


8 Cell Cycle

9 Cell cycle Process that organizes, divides, and replicates the cell’s chromosomes Life of the cell until it divides I Play Music At The Club

10 Interphase –Cell Grows –Duplicates DNA –Grows some more


12 Mitosis 1. Prophase Chromosomes coil Nuclear membrane disappears Spindle fibers form 2. Metaphase Chromosomes line up in the center of the cell 3. Anaphase Chromosomes pulled apart toward the poles of the cell 4. Telophase Cell membrane pinches to form two cells

13 Cytokinesis –Division of the cytoplasm –2 new cells fully formed Identical to starting mother cell




17 Meiosis Process of cell division that reduces the chromosome number in half –46  23 –How eggs and sperm are produced Sex cells = gametes Split into two parts –Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 –Similar to mitosis



20 End result of Meiosis 4 daughter cells NOT identical to mother cell Genetic diversity

21 Comparison Mitosis & Meiosis Mitosis –Done by somatic cells –1 cell division –2 daughter cells produced –Genetic info stays the same –I Play Music At The Club Meiosis –Done by gamete producing cells –2 cell divisions –4 daughter cells produced –Genetic info changes –I Play Music At The Club, Play Music At The Club

22 The “F” word Gametes reunite in Fertilization –the chromosome number returns to the starting number –But, since any sperm can unite with any egg, who knows what you will get?! Sexual reproduction leads to genetic diversity

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