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EKT 221 : Chapter 4 Computer Design Basics

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1 EKT 221 : Chapter 4 Computer Design Basics

2 Chapter Overview Part 1 – Datapaths Part 2 – A Simple Computer
Introduction Datapath Example Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Shifter Datapath Representation Control Word Part 2 – A Simple Computer Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Single-Cycle Hardwired Control Instruction Decoder Sample Instructions Single Cycle Computer Issues Multiple Cycle Hardwired Control Sequential Control Design Digital 2 will focus on Part 1 Part 2 will be covered in Computer Architecture & Microprocessor. however prior reading is encourage.

3 Part 1 : Datapath Computer Specification
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) The specification of a computer's appearance to a programmer at its lowest level. It describe all the available instruction set in the computer, where it is kept (address) and how to use it (read). Computer Architecture A high-level description of the hardware implementing the computer derived from the ISA

4 Part 1 : Datapath The architecture usually includes additional specifications such as speed, cost, and reliability. Simple computer architecture comprise of: Datapath for performing operations Control unit for controlling datapath operations A datapath is specified by: A set of registers The microoperations performed on the data stored in the registers A control interface

5 Datapaths : Guiding principles for basic datapaths (Typical):
The set of registers Collection of individual registers A set of registers with common access resources called a register file A combination (individual & set of reg.) of the above Microoperation implementation One or more shared resources for implementing microoperations Buses - shared transfer paths Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU) - shared resource for implementing arithmetic and logic microoperations Shifter - shared resource for implementing shift microoperations

6 The combination of: Datapath
A set of registers with a shared ALU, and interconnecting paths.

7 Block Diagram of a Generic Datapath
Four parallel-load registers • Two mux-based register selectors • Register destination decoder • Mux B for external constant input • Buses A and B with external address and data outputs • ALU and Shifter with Mux F for output select (Function Unit) • Mux D for external data input • Logic for generating status bits V, C, N, Z

8 Block Diagram of a Generic Datapath
Example: R1  R2 + R3 A Select Place contents of R2 into Bus A 10 B Select Place contents of R3 into the input of MUX B 11 MB Select Place the 0 input of MUX B into Bus B G Select Provide the arithmetic operation A + B ???? (4bits) MF Select Place the ALU o/p on MUX F o/p MD Select Place the MUX F o/p onto Bus D Destination Select To select R1 as the destination of the data on Bus D 01 Load enable To enable a register R1 = HIGH Note : G Select must refer to Function Table of Arithmetic Circuit (refer next 3 slides)

9 The Arithmetic/ Logic Unit

10 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
ALU Comprise of: An arithmetic circuit (add, subtract) A logic circuit (bitwise operation) A selector to pick between the two circuits 1 2 3

11 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
ALU Comprise of: An arithmetic circuit An n-bit parallel adder A block of input logic with 2 selectors S1 and S0 1 * Mode Select (S2) distinguishes between arithmetic and logic operations which actually construct item 3 G Select (4-bits)

12 ALU Is a combinational circuit that performs a set of basic microoperations on: Arithmetic, and Logic Has a number of selection lines used to determine the operations to be performed e.g. n selection lines can specify up to 2n types of operations.

13 An n-bit ALU n data inputs of A are combined with n data inputs of B, to generate the result of an operation at the G outputs. S2=0  Arithmetic operations (8). Which one – is specified by S1, So and Cin. S2=1  Logic operations (4). Which one – specified by So and Cin.

14 Question What are the 8 arithmetic operations?
What are the 4 logic operations?

15 How to design the ALU? Design the arithmetic section
Design the logic section Combine both sections

16 To be designed… One Stage of ALU S2 = 0 for Arithmetic
S2 = 1 for Logic

17 Arithmetic Circuit Design
Given …

18 Arithmetic Circuit Design
1 Analyse the Circuit: Use Note : X = A G = A + Y + Cin For S1 and S0 = 00, then G = A G = A Eg. We can verify for n = 4 bit: A = 1010 B = 0101

19 Building the B input Logic
Input = S1, S0 and B Output = Y Obtain the K-Map Get the Boolean Expression Y = BS0 + BS1

20 Building the B input Logic
Y = BS0 + BS1 Y Example of a 4-bit Arithmetic Circuit Any other alternative?

21 Use Multiplexer B B 1

22 Building the Logic Circuit
2 The Logic Circuit performs bitwise operation Commonly : AND, OR, XOR and NOT Note : if 4 bit is wanted, then we have to arrange it in array One Stage of Logic Circuit

23 Building the Selector for choosing Arithmetic or Logic Unit
3 S2 = 0 for Arithmetic S2 = 1 for Logic One Stage of ALU Refer also Fig. 10.2

24 Exercise Draw the complete diagram of the ALU, which consists of:
The Arithmetic Circuit The Logic Circuit The Selector circuit For: A bit-slice (one stage) circuit A 4-bits circuit

25 S2 = 0 for Arithmetic operation S1 = 0 S0 = 1 Cin = 0
Example: R1  R2 + R3 G Select Provide the arithmetic operation A + B ???? (4bits) Therefore; S2 = 0 for Arithmetic operation S1 = 0 S0 = 1 Cin = 0 LSB G Select (4-bits) 0010 0010 Answer : MSB

26 The Shifter The Shifter Shifts the value on Bus B, placing the result on an input of MUX F The Shifter can: Shift Right Shift Left It is obvious that the shifter would be a bidirectional shift register with parallel load

27 4 Bit Basic Shifter S Operation 00
Parallel Load B (B to be passed thru the shifter unchanged) 01 Shift Right 10 Shift Left

28 Barrel Shifter Sometimes the data need to be shifted ore rotated more than one bit position or in a single clock cycle A Barrel Shifter can perform this by using MUX 2n input requires 2n MUX

29 4-Bit Barrel Shifter A rotate is a shift in which the bits shifted out are inserted into the positions vacated The circuit rotates its contents left from 0 to 3 positions depending on Selector S. Note that a left rotation by three (3) position the same as a right rotation by one position in this 4 bit barrel shifter

30 Datapath Representation
Register File Simplified Block Diagram Function Unit

31 Datapath Representation
Notice that the G, H and MF Select are combined as FS Boolean Equations: MF = F3.F2 Gi = Fi Hi = Fi

32 Control Word The datapath has many control inputs
The signals driving these inputs can be defined and organized into a control word To execute a microinstruction, we apply control word values for a clock cycle. For most microoperations, the positive edge of the clock cycle is needed to perform the register load The datapath control word format and the field definitions are shown on the next slide

33 The Control Word Fields
Total : 16-bit (3-bit) (3-bit) (3-bit) (4-bit) (1-bit) Fields : DA – D Address AA – A Address BA – B Address MB –Mux B FS – Function Select MD –Mux D RW – Register Write The connections to datapath are shown in the next slide


35 Control Word Encoding

36 Example 1 Given the 16-bit Control Word as Field : DA AA BA MB FS MD RW Binary : Symbolic : R1 R2 R3 Reg F=A+B+1 Function Write Refer to Control Word Encoding Table Answer : R1  R2 + R3 + 1

37 Example 2 1000101100111001 R4  sl R6 Given the 16-bit Control Word as
Field : DA AA BA MB FS MD RW Binary : Symbolic : R4 R2 R6 Reg F=sl B Function Write Refer to Control Word Encoding Table Answer : R4  sl R6

38 Example 3 Given the 16-bit Control Word as Field : DA AA BA MB FS MD RW Binary : Symbolic : R2 R0 R3 Reg F = A-1 Data_In No_Write Refer to Control Word Encoding Table Answer : Data Out  R3 Address B is selected because MB = 0 (Refer to block Diagram on Slide 7)

39 Example 4 Given the 16-bit Control Word as Field : DA AA BA MB FS MD RW Binary : Symbolic : R4 R0 R3 Reg F = A-1 Data_In Write Refer to Control Word Encoding Table Answer : R4  Data In Address D is selected because MD = 1 (Refer to block Diagram on Slide 7)

40 Example 5 Given the 16-bit Control Word as Field : DA AA BA MB FS MD RW Binary : Symbolic : R5 R0 R3 Reg F = A+B Function Write Refer to Control Word Encoding Table Answer : R5  R0 + R3

41 Example 5 continue…… 1010000110001001 R5  R0 + R3
Given the 16-bit Control Word as Answer : R5  R0 + R3 Assume : Registers are 8-bit and the value given are in hex, Find: The new value of register content if R0 = 5 and R3 = 3 The new value of register content if R0 = 7 and R3 = 1C Answers in 8-bit binary. 1. 2.

42 Other Examples of Control Word

43 Assignment Folder Questions
10 – 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


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