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Year 5 Meet the teacher in HAWTHORN CLASS. Aims To introduce ourselves Overview of Maths and English in Year 5 Answer any questions Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 Meet the teacher in HAWTHORN CLASS. Aims To introduce ourselves Overview of Maths and English in Year 5 Answer any questions Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 Meet the teacher in HAWTHORN CLASS

2 Aims To introduce ourselves Overview of Maths and English in Year 5 Answer any questions Communication

3 Overview of the Curriculum Maths Areas Themes Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction Fractions and Decimals MeasurementsGeometryStatistics Multiplication and Division


5 Termly Plan Theme : The Greeks

6 Mental maths Use of number bonds Times tables Use of mathematical vocabulary Real life investigations Use of practical resources Within lessons there is an emphasis on:

7 Practical Resources

8 Learning mathematics can engender anxiety, fear, and a lack of confidence that inhibits engagement with mathematical thinking.

9 All children are encouraged as successful mathematicians! Mathematical resilience a vital ingredient!

10 Overview of the English Curriculum Reading  Word reading  Comprehension Writing  Composition  Transcription (Spelling and handwriting)  Grammar Spoken Language

11 Reading Guided reading Carousel Book change Power of Reading

12 AF Questions AF1 Use a range of strategies, including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning. Decode accurately. Read with understanding. AF2 To understand, describe, select or retrieve information using quotation and reference – what, why, when, where questions looking for facts. (On the line) Seek, find and understand. Literal responses to text. Text reference. AF3 To deduce, infer or interpret information – why, what could, why might questions. (Between the lines) Between the lines Inference and deduction. Interpret. Put yourself in their shoes. Text reference. AF4 To identify and comment on structure and organisation – make explicit links between reading and writing Structure. Commenting on presentational features. Why is the text presented and organised as it is? AF5 To explain and comment on writers’ use of language – imagery, narrative tension, atmosphere etc. Language. Why did the writer use that word / phrase / image / sentence etc. Literary awareness. Impact on reader. AF6 To identify and comment on writers’ purpose and viewpoint, and overall effect on the reader. The Writer. Writer’s purpose. Writer’s attitudes and values. Big messages about life. AF7 To relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts and literary traditions The Text and the World. How the text fits into its social, historical, cultural, literary heritage context.

13 Writing Power of Reading Genres – special writing folder Link to topic and other subject areas

14 SPaG Spelling Punctuation Grammar Handwriting

15 Assessment Ongoing daily assessment against lesson objectives (could be by teacher observation, formal and informal tests/assessments, children’s work in a variety of situations e.g. independent/peer/group/whole class) Portfolio of writing to show progress Continuous assessment against end of year objectives from 2014 Curriculum Termly assessment week for maths, reading, writing and SPaG

16 Homework Weekly maths and literacy menu Creative task each half term Spellings – directly from National Curriculum and linked to weekly dictation Reading and times tables

17 Communication School website: Yearly plans Termly plans Calculation Policy Newsletters Parent /teacher meetings Open days Chats in the playground Parent mail

18 Important dates Wednesday 2 nd December – Parent Teacher Meetings Wednesday 16 th December - KS2 Christmas Concert Thursday 26 th November – Trip to iMax cinema Further dates and information will be sent home via Parentmail

19 Thank you for coming! Any questions? Feedback

20 Clubs Sign up sheets to be found in the playground on the hall windows NOT first come first served Sign up by the end of Friday Clubs start after half term

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