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Egeo 324: East Asia Human Environment CHINA THE SETTING Part 1 Population and Physiography China Geography & Envr.

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Presentation on theme: "Egeo 324: East Asia Human Environment CHINA THE SETTING Part 1 Population and Physiography China Geography & Envr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egeo 324: East Asia Human Environment CHINA THE SETTING Part 1 Population and Physiography
China Geography & Envr

2 First Day Your Name Why are you here? China Geography & Envr

3 Electronic Atlas Great Web Site – can use this for study purposes
China Geography & Envr

4 Circa 1100 AD China Geography & Envr

5 China Geography & Envr

6 Relative Size & Location of China
China Geography & Envr

7 I. China The Geography and Environment
Key Geographic concepts Pattern vs Process Site vs Situation “carrying capacity”, local resource network impacts Push, Pull and Barriers to spread Hearth Areas and Diffusion China Geography & Envr

8 China Geography & Envr

9 Population Concentrations
China Geography & Envr

10 Population Summary Classes
China Geography & Envr

11 Population Concentrations another view
China Geography & Envr

12 China Geography & Envr


14 One Child Starts

15 Urban Explosion In China
China Geography & Envr

16 * Arid – Humid Divide North – South Divide Basins vs. Mountains Rivers
Physiography: The subfield of geography that studies physical patterns and processes of the Earth. It aims to understand the forces that produce and change rocks, oceans, weather, and global flora and fauna patterns China Geography & Envr

17 Remote Image China Geography & Envr

18 Large Scale Remote Image
China Geography & Envr

19 False Color Remote Image of Topography
China Geography & Envr Source:

20 Change in False Colors China Geography & Envr

21 Close-up: Winter Image of Kelan, Shanxi, China
This four-meter resolution satellite image was collected by Space Imaging's IKONOS satellite on Jan. 26, The image shows the highlands of Kelan, located in the northwest corner of Shanxi Province in China. The highlands, shown here with patches of snow, are more than 2,000 meters above sea level. China could use remote sensing technologies to manage and protect its environment from soil erosion, deforestation, water shortages and droughts, many due to increased economic development. Click Picture to see large size image Source: China Geography & Envr

22 Close-up: Winter Image of Kelan, Shanxi, China
China Geography & Envr

23 Physiography ARID Qinling Mts. HUMID China Geography & Envr

24 Large Scale Remote Image
Qinling Mts. China Geography & Envr

25 Mountains Basins Major Rivers & Valleys What are their locations
What general orientations (directions) do they follow Basins Red Basin Arid Inland Basins Major Rivers & Valleys Chang Jiang (Yangtze) Huang He (Yellow) Xi (Pearl) China Geography & Envr

26 Mountains Altay Mts. (Altai) Tien Shan Kunlun (Kunlung) Qinling Mts
Junggar Tien Shan Tarim Kunlun (Kunlung) Qaidam North China Plain Altun Mts. Qinling Mts Himalaya Red China Geography & Envr

27 Basins Tarim Junggar or Dzungarian Qaidam Red North China Plain
Qinling Mts Red China Geography & Envr

28 Tarim Basin: Takalamakin Desert
China Geography & Envr

29 Deserts of China Gobi refers to gravely and Shamo to sandy desert
Map of approximate area of sandy and gobi deserts (shamo) and sandy lands (shadi) in China Taklimakan Shamo; 2. Gurban Tonggut Shamo; 3. Kumtag Shamo; 4. the shamo in the Qaidam Basin; 5. Badain Jaran Shamo; 6. Tengger Shamo; 7. Ulan Buh Shamo; 8. Qubqi Shamo; 9. Mu Us Shadi; 10. Ortindag Shadi; 11. Horqin Shadi; 12. Hulun Buir Shadi; and 13. shamo in Turpan Depression. China Geography & Envr

30 China Geography & Envr

31 Compare Topography & Population
Which Basins and lowlands have population, which don’t? China Geography & Envr

32 Compare Topography & Population
Note the populations along the edge of western basins, but generally not on the Tibetan Plateau China Geography & Envr

33 Settlements in 3rd Century AD
China Geography & Envr

34 Physiographic Regions Any major cities outside the continental margin?
China Geography & Envr

35 Simplified Regions China Geography & Envr

36 Sub-Regions China Geography & Envr

37 China Geography & Envr

38 China Geography & Envr

39 China Geography & Envr

40 Key Concepts Revealed Population Patterns reveal the human process of meeting basic needs, especially food Some sites have greater resources and thus higher carrying capacity Rivers form networks linking resource rich areas and provide most basic resource H2O Good land pulls population, people are pushed out of crowded spaces, natural barriers channel flows North China plain is the cradle of Chinese civilization it diffused from this area Modern economies favor locations on international networks (situation). China Geography & Envr

41 Key Concepts Revealed Local resources, like good farm land are a SITE characteristic, historically attracted population Rivers that offer natural transportation links are a SITUATION characteristic (Yangtze River) Patterns can be read off maps and then Geographers can speculate on Processes causing them Mountains are barriers to spread, valleys, basins, and lowlands encourage movement and migration (as long as not desert) North China was an important hearth area for the diffusion of Chinese civilization China Geography & Envr

42 China Geography & Envr

43 China Geography & Envr

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