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A query letter is a formal letter sent to magazine editors, literary agents and sometimes publishing houses or companies. Writers write query letters.

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Presentation on theme: "A query letter is a formal letter sent to magazine editors, literary agents and sometimes publishing houses or companies. Writers write query letters."— Presentation transcript:


2 A query letter is a formal letter sent to magazine editors, literary agents and sometimes publishing houses or companies. Writers write query letters to propose writing ideas. The literary agent then decides whether to contact the author and request to see the manuscript. A query letter is an author's first step towards getting his/her manuscript published.

3 Bio Hook Synopsis Word count Genre Comp (comparison) titles

4 Just write a few lines about yourself: What do you do? – Ex. High school student Have you ever been published? How long have you been writing? Won any writing awards or contests? Member of a writing organization?

5 Give era and location: During the summer of 1889 in a rural Texas town... Taking place in turn-of-the-century New York City... Set up your main character: A chatty cozy mystery starring 50-something college professor Bell Barrett... Narrated by Cot Daley, an Irish peasant girl kidnapped from Galway and sent to Barbados... Variations on the "when" formula: While defending a drug-addicted prostitute accused of murder.... After years of abuse at the hands of her alcoholic mother and step-father...

6 Give some information about your main characters, their problems and conflicts, and the way in which adversity changes their lives. Read the back flaps of your favorite novels and try to copy how the conflict of the book is described in a single, juicy paragraph.

7 Also include the word count, genre, and comp (comparison) titles of your novel. Then, thank the literary agent for his/her time and consideration!

8 Query Letters of Published Authors Allison Winn Scotch's query letter for her debut novel, DEPARTMENT OF LOST AND FOUND. Allison Winn Scotch's query letter New York Times Best-selling author and AQ success story, Heather Brewer's query letter for her vampire series, THE CHRONICLES OF VLADIMIR TOD.Heather Brewer's query letter Published Author and AQ user, Catherine Delores's query letter Catherine Delores's query letter Examples & Advice "Examples of Successful Queries“ "Examples of Successful Queries“ Successful query examples Query Shark blog

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