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Digital Resources and Learning need of Children By Gina Annison.

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2 Digital Resources and Learning need of Children By Gina Annison

3 Pupils have different abilities, interests, experiences and learning preferences. ICT can be used to support differing learning styles and help introduce new ways of working.

4 There are three main learning styles Visual Learners Auditory Learners Kinesthetic Learners VAK

5 Visual Learners Learn through seeing. Need to see teachers body language and facial expressions. Prefer to sit at the front of the class. Think in pictures and learn best from visual displays, illustrated text books and videos. Digital resources very useful for visual learners.

6 Auditory Learners Learn through listening. Learn best through verbal lectures, discussions and talking things through. Listen to tone, pitch and speed of voice to learn. Written information may have little meaning until heard. Benefit from reading text aloud and using a tape recorder.

7 Kinesthetic Learners Learn through, moving doing and touching. Hands on approach Actively explore the physical world around them. Find it hard to sit still for long periods. Can become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.

8 What can we do with ICT to help these learners? Auditory Kinesthetic Movies PowerPoint Movie Maker Online reference material i.e. Encarta, My first Dictionary. Lots of diagrams Talking books Recording sound and speech programmes. Video Links PowerPoint- incorporating sounds Simulation software Animation- 2 animate Interactive Games PowerPoint Beebots Roamer Clicker Visual

9 Why is ICT so valuable to these learners? ICT is able to combine all the skills to support these different learners often in one programme so that all learners can benefit at the same time and a particular group are not left out.

10 It is important to grasp the new programmes that are being developed as we do not live in a pen and paper world and children do not learn by text alone it’s a colourful world out there and to make it simple and black and white is not allowing children to blossom. ICT is an excellent way to make it a rainbow day every day for everyone!

11 References NAHT. 2004,'My learning-my way - A School Leader's guide to using ICT to personalise learning' Microsoft, accesssed Nov. 16 th 2006 Zimmerman J.1997, ‘How to Create a Dynamic Learning Enviroment’ Impact Consulting Group, accessed Nov.16 th 2006

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