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Presentation on theme: "GLADIATOR HOLLYWOOD VS. HISTORY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Slaves were traded in the same locations as animals and other goods
HISTORY Slaves were considered property just like everyone else One of the major reasons why Europeans looked to African markets for slavery

3 Maggots were applied to wounds to help in the healing process
HISTORY Maggots eat dead flesh Some areas still practice the use of maggots as a natural healing method

4 Marcus Aurelius did not name his son, Commodus, as his successor
HOLLYWOOD Not only was Commodus named the successor, he was made a co-Emperor in 177 Three years before Marcus Aurelius’ death

5 Marcus Aurelius was killed by Commodus
HOLLYWOOD Marcus Aurelius died of some type of disease Likely a plague He did die soon after a battle in Germania though

6 Animals were incorporated into the Gladiatorial Fights
HISTORY Types of matches included Animal vs. Animal Animal vs. Human Animal Eating Human

7 Commodus the Emperor THE GLADIATOR According to the movie...
Commodus trained to be a fighter He wanted to kill Maximus in the Colosseum like a Gladiator Maximus kills Commodus in the Colosseum In reality… Commodus fought as a Gladiator, privately and publically His victories were likely against restrained animals and unarmed humans He demanded to be paid lots of money for his fights He died from strangulation in his bathroom by his wrestling partner (assassination)

8 Decimus Aelius Maximus Meridius
Not real…in any way Commodus had a senator named Maximus executed. Slight resemblance to man named Pompeianus but he wasn’t a gladiator or supreme General


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